[stickymayhem] omnitricks - bad to fight nuke ops?

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[stickymayhem] omnitricks - bad to fight nuke ops?

Post by omnitricks » #21275

Byond account and character name: omnitricks, William Clewett

Banning admin: stickymayhem

Ban reason and length: Announced someone as a Nuke OP because they weren't on the crew manifest. They were on the crew manifest. Taking history into account here. The notes are piling up..
1440 minutes

Time ban was placed (including time zone): 7 pm GMT 25/7/2014

Your side of the story:
Ops round, found AI upload was stolen from maint and reported to sec and captain who as usual don't give a damn to investigate until the ops stormed the station. Ended up stuck between the two western doors of the bridge and rested so I can save my life by playing dead. As soon as I got the chance I hid in the oxygen locker beside the door when it opened and no one was looking. Saw the two engiborgs and secborgs in the bridge along with a tator (at that time I already knew that the AI was subverted because the borgs freaking door crushed me in the bridge earlier) so checked PDA for the name Max (which did not turn up in the messenger) and when he spoke it was in some weird tatorish name (which did not turn up in the messenger as well)

Fastforward to hiding in the locker somemore, I saw another person in the bridge (Sven) that were not attacked by the borgs and instead was released by them so i suspected that it was an ops at least in disguise on account of what he was wearing which was similar to the ops earlier. Given the suspicious behaviour, his name stuck more than Max and at the time I actually was able to reach the console to call the shuttle, I said Sven was the stealthops and only realized the mistake that the one that was actually confirmed was Max when I scrolled up the logs after getting bwoinked by sticky. Because I didn't want to meta, I didn't even try to announce that Max was stealthops because of my mistake but apparently sticky thinks its a bannable offence because as usual the only admin reasoning. Someone died so you fucked!

Why you think you should be unbanned:
Yet another fucking bullshit ban by hugbox admins that look at "oh someone that isn't antag died" as a basis of bans rather than the rules and the circumstances of what happens. Seriously, what the heck are your so called "investigations" for when all you do is see if someone dies and decides "oh that is a ban right there!" rather than the actual facts?

Also in other nuke ops rounds, wearing red hardsuits = don't cry when you get killed. Sven was wearing a mask to conceal his identity and the swat helmet that ops wear as well therefore the same reasoning applies considering he was similar to the earlier stealth ops I saw both in appearance and treatment by the borgs. And history? Really? Go find a more legitimate and solid reason than that you hugger especially when your "history" is proven to be death = ban. I still have one banreq waiting for someone that banbaited me and instead of him getting banned, I got banned which proves your entire method of dealing with this along with another about someone that random killed me in the shuttle for NO APPARENT REASON whatsoever still untouched by any of you.

Your standards in bans along with the methods you use to justify them are flawed and abhorrent to say the least of all. You have a solid set of rules and yet you rely on your shitty subjective rule and admin herd mentality to justify your moral values instead of how things are laid out to be.
Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:50 pm

Re: [stickymayhem] omnitricks - bad to fight nuke ops?

Post by iteq » #21279

>getting mad over a videogame

OOC: TheBibleMelts: the only time i was repulsed by erp was when i saw lindsay donk and dawgas roleplaying out a piss-childplay fantasy

-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Antonkr: You are a nigger lover.
Click on the administrator's name to reply.

OOC: Paprka: boy does talking shit get me horny
OOC: Sawrge: i am getting admin vote and iteq is getting player vote
(F) DEAD: Leo Bonhart says, "luck the only known tg player to trigger someones ptsd and cause a mental breakdown"
Word count of substantiative content of ban appeal: 87
Word count of shitpost copypasta: 195
OOC: Dannno: i fucking hate you stupid piece of shit iteq you fucking idiot one day im going to fucking ban you and you'll be gone for good faggot fuck you
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Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:45 pm
Byond Username: Brotemis

Re: [stickymayhem] omnitricks - bad to fight nuke ops?

Post by Brotemis » #21280

I'm going to take over this ban and go ahead say denied. See posting rules in FNR. Beyond that, valid ban
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Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:13 pm
Byond Username: Stickymayhem

Re: [stickymayhem] omnitricks - bad to fight nuke ops?

Post by Stickymayhem » #21284

You were fully responsible for the random murder of someone who was not an antag and did nothing antagonistic to warrant it. It really is that simple. A mistake is a mistake, but with your history, you really shouldn't be making any more.

Denied and this can be locked.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman

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