[Exalted] kyle90210 Chemistry jobban

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[Exalted] kyle90210 Chemistry jobban

Post by kyle902 » #23500

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: Kyle90210
Banning admin: Exalted
Ban reason and length: Didn't get the length, banned for using chem nades in a hallway to defend myself against a clown hitting me with a fireaxe. Also banned for shooting someone with mindbreaker after the shuttle had left and we were all stranded on the station
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 6:00 PM PST
Your side of the story: The clown was hitting me with a fireaxe so when I missed with my syringes I used the only weapon I had left. The hallway was clear at the time it was thrown but the warden slipped on the lube I had placed to get the clown and landed in the smoke. I helped him up afterwards and he didn't seem to be that hurt. Then the shuttle got Emagged and most of the station was left behind, I shot a few syringes of mindbreaker from my syringe gun seeing as the round was about to end and most of us were stranded anyways.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I wasn't intentionally being shitty, the hallway was clear until the Warden slid through. I had no other weapons to defend myself against a clown wielding a fireaxe since I missed with my syringes.

The mindbreaker shouldn't have contributed to the ban considering everyone was messing around on the station once the shuttle left us behind.
Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Exalted12

Re: [Exalted] kyle90210 Chemistry jobban

Post by Sven12 » #23505

The Warden adminhelped because he was getting seizures from the mutagen, and you have a history of making terrible choices as chemistry without any thought to bystanders.
Sven Brunner, Beheader of Personnel, CKey: Exalted12
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Re: [Exalted] kyle90210 Chemistry jobban

Post by Hibbles » #23515

I consider this analogous (although obviously much less extreme and deadly) to using bombs or a plasma canister as a self-defense weapon; it's reckless to the point of being unacceptable, no matter what unless like, the world is ending. Even if you have to go bare fists because of it, if you're in a public space, don't use stuff like harmful chem grenades etc.

And regarding the second part, the round isn't over until the shuttle arrives at CentCom, as we tell people a lot. I'm pretty sure this alone wouldn't have resulted in a jobban, but combined with the other stuff... it's a pattern we don't like to see.
Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 10:12 pm
Byond Username: Exalted12

Re: [Exalted] kyle90210 Chemistry jobban

Post by Sven12 » #23565

I still think you need some time off of chemistry, but next time I'm on I'll reduce it to one week instead of two.
Sven Brunner, Beheader of Personnel, CKey: Exalted12

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