[TheBibleMelts] - Hivefleetchicken - Banned for 6 months.

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[TheBibleMelts] - Hivefleetchicken - Banned for 6 months.

Post by hivefleetchicken » #25038

Byond account and character name: Hivefleetchicken, don't remember the character's name.
Banning admin: TheBibleMelts
Ban reason: http://gyazo.com/f03f746c042134444ffd351a5e4c89de
Length: Permanent
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 11:45, 2/24/2014
Your side of the story: Well, this ban has stayed for almost six months now, and I still regret the choice I made. I have no excuses for what I did, besides that it was the first server I had ever played on and didn't know how to play very well, even for how long I had been playing. I didn't -really- know the sorts of terminology for this game, such as metacommunication, logging, and all sorts. In the reason, it does state that I 'logged' during questioning. I told the admin that I was going to remove myself from the round because of my behavior, and I didn't realize that that is specifically what logging was.
Why you think you should be unbanned: Well, to start off, I have been playing on other very strictly ruled servers for these six months that I have been banned from tg, including some heavy RP ones, with not a single incident of metacommunication occurring since. I have most definitely learned better since, mostly thanks to this ban, and I can promise you that I you will not see any mistakes in my behavior relating to logging, metacommunicating, or anything else that I have previously let you down on and broken the rules on. I have lived with this ban for six months, and I commonly think about how stupid it was. If I am given one last chance, I can promise you that I will not let you down. You have my word.

Thank you.

One other note: I don't know if you are allowed to see my players notes from other servers, but you can ask for a recommendation from Aurora about me, a heavily ruled server I have been playing on recently. They will most likely recognize me, hopefully as a good players. Thanks.
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Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:58 pm
Byond Username: TheBibleMelts

Re: [TheBibleMelts] - Hivefleetchicken - Banned for 6 months

Post by TheBibleMelts » #25153

Lifted. Do no harm.
Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:06 pm

Re: [TheBibleMelts] - Hivefleetchicken - Banned for 6 months

Post by hivefleetchicken » #25172

You won't even recognize me. I'm an entirely different person from then.
Thank you so much for the second/third(?) chance. I really do appreciate it, and I promise I will not let you down.

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