[Antonnkr] Fran4x - Heads Jobban

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[Antonnkr] Fran4x - Heads Jobban

Post by Fran4x » #26891

Byond account and character name: Fran4x, Zayn Hussein
Banning admin: Antonnkr
Ban reason and length: Being a bad captain, permanent
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 2:04pm UTC
Your side of the story: I entered the station as the captain and I recently had introduced to the game. I told him via skype to come to my office and talk to me about being a monkey. I then ended the call. Since I could not talk to him, it was self understood that he should follow me. Which makes understandable that some of you think we have been metagaming. I named him my pet and I got him a stun baton and I believe a pinpointer. I was giving him a walk around a station when we entered the bridge. He then attacked Ian, as he later told me that he was roleplaying being aggressive against other animals(I did tell him to not do it again). The HoP got really pissed and started shooting him. I stunned him immediately. A medic was luckily there, and he healed my monkey. I then left with him and I believe he accidentally left the station. I tried to clone him, as to show him that mechanic, but I did not have enough time. He now enjoys Space Station to its full extent, he just learned how to hack airlocks today.
Why you think you should be unbanned: If you look at my record it is pretty clean. There are two reasons why I did not respond to any calls to me. The first one is that I was that as you may know, the text from different channels does not look in different colors. The problem is, after about a year of playing, my mind has taught itself to ignore normal radio. As you may know, the clown spams it and the librarian reads unholy books. The second reason is that I was trying to let my friend learn the mechanics. I wanted him to explore, as I did when I first played. I do not believe that I should be perma banned, however, I do believe that you should either only jobban the captain for me or temporarily do this. I have never asked for a appeal before and I have learnt my lesson. I will not repeat this behavior ever again. I will try to play as seriously as possible.

If you wish to see the ban request, it is located here:
http://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic. ... n4x#p26822
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Byond Username: Antonkr

Re: [Antonnkr] Fran4x - Heads Jobban

Post by Antonkr » #26938

Fran4x wrote: I told him via skype to come to my office
I appriciate you admitting to this, but just in itself that's still a huge no-no. Metacomm, even for a shortish duration of time can lead to permabans, but I'll trust that this won't be repeated.

Right away I have a few issues, firstly I didn't really see much of work done during your time as captain. Yes, I understand you wanting to have fun with a friend, which is fine to an extent, but in this case it seemed to be your primary concern versus playing captain. Now, playing with a friend perhaps (without metacomms even during round-start) is fine, buut when it seems like you haven't done much of your job as captain just to hang out with a friend, it's a bit pushy. Now if you were playing as assistant, pretty much everything (minus the metacom) would be fine, but when playing captain I'd want to expect a bit more professionalism.

With that said, do you understand why what you did was shitty towards the HoP?

Do you understand my point about metacomms?
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Re: [Antonnkr] Fran4x - Heads Jobban

Post by Fran4x » #27043

Yes, I do understand and I do promise that whenever I play heads, I will concentrate on doing my job above all things. If I ever want to play with a friend I will choose a job that does not affect others in the game and I will do my best to not derail myself from my job.

I also understand that what I did to the HoP was not at all nice and I will be sure to never repeat it, for what he did was completely justified. Next time I see him in the game, I will apologize in OOC.

I will admit I did know that metagaming was disallowed. I did not know that such a small message would cause this, but I certainly do now.

I would like to apologize to everyone I affected on that round and to you, whom I must have taken time away from with such foolish behavior of mine.

Thank you for taking the time to review this application.
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Byond Username: Antonkr

Re: [Antonnkr] Fran4x - Heads Jobban

Post by Antonkr » #27056

Thank you for understanding!

Removing ban.
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Byond Username: QuartzCrystal

Re: [Antonnkr] Fran4x - Heads Jobban

Post by QuartzCrystal » #27058

I was the HoP and made the request, I'm fine with the removal of the ban and happy with the apology.

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