Episodic station - Silverstation (its actually a ship)

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Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:43 am
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Episodic station - Silverstation (its actually a ship)

Post by Smoopadoop » #303978

When I was a little shit, every day when I came home from school I would sit in front of the TV and watch whatever the fuck was on, until the kid shows stopped and adult shit came on.
One show I remember was Silversun, an Australian sci-fi teen drama. I remember liking it, so I decided to rewatch it all.
The premise of the show is that the ship Star Runner leaves on its 90 year journey to "The New World". On board are an elite young crew, and 550 settlers frozen in suspended animation.
As I come near to finishing my 40-episode binge of startrek 4 kidz, I've come up with an idea for a station.

(Or NT-Silver, Star runner, or NT-Runner)

Silverstation is a station hosted on a separate server from sybil and bagil. It takes place on a ship, and follows a specific set of rounds in order, called 'episodes'.
This server, named Silver, is HIGH RP. You heard me right.
The ship has a small crew of 10-15 members. They are tasked with keeping the ship up and running as normal, and keeping safe 550 cryonically suspended settlers ("Cryons"), and seeing them to a new planet to settle.
Each episode introduces a new threat, problem, dilemma, or otherwise abnormal event which would disrupt the journey. Each episode is played in order, and if the crew fails their mission completely, they must start back from the very first episode.

Silverstation is intended to play completely differently to normal ss13. This is enforced by each episode being unlike anything seen in a normal round, and by the server being High RP. This also enforces the crew to stay tighter-knit, creating a unique experience. Each episode of Silverstation is to be UNDOCUMENTED. This is to prevent bum-rushing each episode like away missions, and to keep things fresh. People WILL be able to spoil themselves, if somebody decides to spill info, but people are encouraged not to ruin the experience for themselves and others. High-level assholery will net assholes silver-only bans.

The jobs on Silverstation will be mostly completely different to normal ss13.

Medical - Actually its the same. IF we can get a better medical system on tg then it'll be better but so far this is what we have
Science - Science is tasked with hydroponics, and episode-specific science and experiments. They will have several unique machines with unique purposes, each to fullfill s p e c i a l shit.
Engineering - In charge of repairs, atmos, and the Cryons. They will feed weird nutrient goop into the Cryon pods, regulate their temperature, and do episode-specific shit.
Pilot - Pilots will navigate the ship. Their job involves basic maths for normal pilotry, and EXTREME SKILL at video games (which control the ship) for episode-specific shit.
Commander - This station's equivalent of a captain. Does pilot stuff, and coordinates the crew.

As all crew members are "good guys", security is not required. Instead, any conflict is dealt with by any willing and able crew members.

The design of the ship will be loosely based off of the Star Runner from Silversun, featuring rooms such as:

The helm - All the pilotry happens here.
Science - Hydro and science happens here.
Medbay - wow guess
The Hold - The hold contains a massive machine which holds the cryo-pods of the 550 cryons, a computer for managing cryogenics, and another massive machine holding settlement equipment.
The D-room - Nobody knows what the D stands for. The D-room holds a food generator, which makes weird food-like substance from produce produced in science. The food generator has earned the nickname "The chuck-truck".
The Gym - oats and squats. Features basketball, weights, and other RP-only fitness shit. Also features a holo-beach, with built-in surfing and fishing functions.
Room 104 - Big spoilers. Only the captain knows, and they will only reveal the contents under extreme circumstances.

As RP comes with its own little story arcs, the round does not automatically end when the conflict is resolved.
Instead, players can "ready down" when the confict is over. If the whole crew readies down, the episode ends. Two crew members can force another to ready down if this is being abused. Due to a small crew and a smaller station, abusing this function will be difficult.
In addition, if the episode seems to be unwinnable, the crew can also vote to give up. Once the whole crew gives up, the round ends in a failure. This is to quicken up failed rounds instead of waiting for everyone to die.

Now I just need coders and mappers to make this with me.

Instead of gamemodes, specific episodes. Each is played in order. If you fuck up, go back to the start. If you win, go on to the next one. Each episode is specific enough to be completely unlike any normal gamemode, so no meta shit.
Episodes are undocumented to prevent bum rushing like away missions. Also its high rp.
David Bellic the Scientist (usually)
Guy Fieri the Cook (not anymore)
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The Clowns Pocket
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Re: Episodic station - Silverstation (its actually a ship)

Post by The Clowns Pocket » #305029

Will you add a laughtrack every time something unfunny happens?

Just play on baystation if you want this shit
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Re: Episodic station - Silverstation (its actually a ship)

Post by iamgoofball » #305031


>let's not add redshirts

You fuckin what m8
Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:43 am
Byond Username: Smoopadoop

Re: Episodic station - Silverstation (its actually a ship)

Post by Smoopadoop » #305683

The Clowns Pocket wrote:Will you add a laughtrack every time something unfunny happens?

Just play on baystation if you want this shit
I kinda wanted the "serious actual spaceship" feel while dodging all the shitty parts that come with the more """""serious""""" servers, but maybe I failed in that
then again I don't actually know what goes on on bay, I've only ever played here. I've just heard the stories about the worse servers.
iamgoofball wrote:>trek-lite

>let's not add redshirts

You fuckin what m8
having an entire job dedicated to something that has a rather high chance of not happening at all in a round is kinda shitty I guess
Any conflict would be a more "all hands on deck" situation in which everyone who gives a shit about the mission has to help, rather than "wow an alien lets send our private army". If the idea supported a bigger crew, maybe some crew members could be on full-time alien squashing duty but it doesn't really fit with what I'm going for.
David Bellic the Scientist (usually)
Guy Fieri the Cook (not anymore)
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