[Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking me

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[Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking me

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35403

Post Content: below here

Byond account and character name: Bibliodewangus, I use random name
Banning admin: Elyina
Ban reason and length: Reason: "Hi tonto, bye tonto"??
Length: forever
Time ban was placed (including time zone):2014-10-10 10:09:16

Your side of the story: Well I logged on today and I was banned for being Tonto. I am Tonto but that alone isn't against your rules. The only time I've broken a rule was when I cut wires in maint, which I legitimately did not understand the consequences of since I never experimented with the power system until then. I'm not on your server owner SoS's never to be unbanned list, heard it straight from the mouths of another admin. I don't really have a story here, I made some mistakes when I played this game two years ago and chose to argue about them and post a bunch of jokes in the forums instead of just taking the permaban. I guarantee the response to this unban (if it's not instantly deleted) is "well Tonto you have to understand what you did is unforgivable and therefore you can never be unbanned." which is funny because I remember there was this guy beardbeard who was banned about 20 times for going on murder sprees and they always gave him a second chance. I got two chances when I first started playing and then because I posted joke appeals it can never be forgiven. I don't really have an argument for this or want to argue it. My position is that I came to this game hearing stories about crazy ways of killing people and all these stories of station going to hell and came for that initially, but I also do enjoy the RP and that is all I've been doing. I haven't played SS13 in atleast 6 months and I came back to check it out and was unbanned from /tg/ (they ban my ckey and everything so someone had lifted it), and so I assumed I could play again and did without saying I was Tonto because if anyone knew what is happening here (permanent ban because Elyina doesn't like me) would be the end result.

The only incident worthy of a serious ban at all (and which Elyina will for sure use as justification when she is forced to respond to this appeal) was me cutting wires in maint. Let's put the cards on the table with that one, I fucked up, fully admit it, was sorry, and took the ban without argument and even apologized. Would anyone else here be permabanned for cutting wires? No. and It was a single incident from me that was done out of ignorance and not malicious intent and I fully owned up to it. Would you permaban me for this?

My other day ban before that for punching out an abusive sec officer who had been ruining multiple people's rounds with constant unfounded searche, arrests, letting them sit in jail while the chaplain says he's going on dates with them etc, that ban I did argue about because I truly feel that after an hour and a half of this constant harassment by the sec officer (including having people hack into our cargo office despite the fact that everytime they asked to come in we let them without a word, not only witnessing and allowing the mime to randomly choke me but running after I start calling for sec, allowing a man who had previously attacked me with a welder cablecuff me and run away with me, finally kidnapping me against a head's orders and not taking me to brig but instead deep inside a random maint tunnel where who knows what she was going to do since a doctor had to rescue me, and that's not even the whole story but I've posted a lot about it already) a physical retaliation was justified. Not killing, but knocking out a sec officer who was acting very much like a cult in a cult round even going as far as to ignore me leading them to a confirmed Head Cultist [which no cult would do, it'd make no sense IC not to mention that you would get banned OOC for it]. So despite all this evidence I was not a cult, they continued to chose to harass cargo and cargo alone using beatings kidnappings and breakins along with other violent tactics to terrorize our department, using only the justification of "well we believed they were cult". Even though I agreed to let the HoS implant me to which he responded to by running away and ignoring me over the radio. Even though I led them to a cultist and all his items. Despite all that there was apparently very solid evidence I was an antag that justified busting through windows and doors in Cargo to wordlessly arrest me then just let me go to do it all over again 5 minutes later. So all of that was ok, but if I punch back it's instantly bannable offense. Ok, fair enough, whatever, this ban can be wholly debated over and over. In summation though, it is not something ANYONE would get perma' d for here. So that incident definitely does not justify this ban.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Well first off since I've come back I've had a lot of fun with a lot of players here and have been involved in some great rounds where the majority of my activity would be for example healing people in medbay and making sure things are up and running. I didn't use a certain character name so people might not be able to recall me right away but I am sure at least 5 people will be able to vouch that they had a lot of fun with Bibliodewangus. Secondly, I don't understand why Elyina HAS to permaban me just for being me. The ban reason does not hold up unless you view it from the perspective that Elyina is holding an, over a year old, grudge over something that happened on a videogame and the associated forums which she happens to be an administrator of.

I believe Elyina has known who I am based on my computer ID ever since I came back, and has just been waiting for a reason to drop the perma and after not finding one in over a week she decides to just perma me anyways. Like a week ago I was told to go to the #banbus channel to talk to admins about a ban I got for punching a security officer who had been harassing me and others all round without explaining why and finally had handcuffed me against a head's orders and then ran into deep maintenance trying to escape the HoP. Whether or not I was at fault in that incident is up for debate, but I would posit that these kind of things are IC issues that happen every day here and 99% of players here (including Elyina) have been a part of in one way or another. Anyways, so I was told to go to #banbus to discuss the ban. I logged into the channel, literally just said "hi i'm here to discuss my ban as a cargo tech from a while ago" and Elyina instantly permabans me from the channel. I asked her in the main /tg/ channel why she permabanned me and she copy pasted a message saying "You are now ignoring Bibliodewangus" and that was it. I asked Scaredofshadows and he said he couldn't figure out why I was banned from that channel. Does that kind of behavior embody someone you would trust in a seat of power? (even though it is just an unpaid videogame administrator, the principle stands and the principle is that was unprofessional) Why would she react so hostilely to someone simply asking to talk about a ban that had already expired? Well she must have known I was Tonto, and this is supported by the way I was permabanned here ie. 1. no one ever spoke to me about it, 2. there is no reason given except "you are you".

So I ask all of you guys, do you think I deserve to be permanently banned? Is the bibliodewangus you've come to know over the past weeks a bad person? Disruptive, and ruining everyone else's fun? If you do, ok fair enough I'll go. I have been having a good time with a lot of people on this server simply through working together to achieve goals for the good of the station. However if due to me posting a bunch of joke threads in the past, you think I can never be forgiven for my videogame crimes, and that I must never be given a chance to play the videogame ever again, then fair enough too.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Stickymayhem » #35406

Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Saegrimr » #35407

Bibliodewangus wrote:Well I logged on today and I was banned for being Tonto. I am Tonto but that alone isn't against your rules.

We have an FNR trophy rack, right?
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Hibbles » #35408

Stay banned lol.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Subtle » #35410

Bibliodewangus wrote:So I ask all of you guys, do you think I deserve to be permanently banned? Is the bibliodewangus you've come to know over the past weeks a bad person? Disruptive, and ruining everyone else's fun?
You cut the entire station off from the powernet, pried up and vandalized everything in sight as a Station Engineer, then lied to my face about being new.

Player of the year. :^)
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by elyina » #35417

Thank you for informing us of this oversight in our rules, this problem has been addressed by rule 11: http://tgstation13.org/wiki/Rules#Primary_Policies
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35419

I wasn't lying I said that I was new to the power systems which I was.

Saegrimr I got no response for you, never even knew you and I know for a fact I'm not on SoS's never unban list because an admin read it over OOC the other night and it was beardbeard and some rapist guy. But ok man whatever helps you sleep at night.

Stickymayhem it's funny you say tl;dr because obviously you don't have a good argument for the discussion at hand and wish I would just shut up and go away. I see you post all over this forum, multiple paragraph responses into 20 page long arguments about some minute mechanic of this game. But of course that isn't tl;dr, it's super serious ss13 business discussion! Right? Right! Because your unpaid, voluntary videogame admin position is a sacred post, and surely the world would not function without you. That stuff is really important, it's not just a videogame... right?

Subtle I was testing stuff I've never done as an engineer before because I've never messed with the power systems on this game. The prying thing, I discovered that if you ran while holding your mouse in front of you clicking with a crowbar you could uproot every tile you ran over and did that in 2 places until I stopped messing with it. That was what led me to go test the wires too, under the assumption that they were in maint and would only cut power to the lights in maint and therefore not harm anyone. (which is also the logic that I used when prying the floor tiles, while it is "vandalism" if you wanna be in character about it, it doesn't harm anyone) If anyone else on this server did that and then posted screenshots of it in a thread everyone would be like "LOL he took the tiles off you're wacky my friend!" but because it is me it's a grave offense that cannot be forgiven. I didn't lie to you about being new I said I'm new to this IE new to the power systems of the station. But ok man, way to look at this objectively and with an open mind and not just going into it with your response already made and desperately trying to rearrange the facts in a way that supports your unfounded position.

Hibbles suck my ass bitch boy, does it feel good to be mean online? I'm sure it does because you know if you did it in person you'd get your ass whooped.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35433

Here's something interesting. I went into the main /tg/ channel (since Elyina permabanned me from banbus for trying to appeal a ban) and asked why I was permabanned.
HornyGranny says "well we just guessed that you were Tonto but now that you've confirmed it we have every right to ban you"
I point out that I am not on SoS's never to be unbanned rule and nowhere does it say Tonto cannot be unbanned.
HornyGranny says that I'm wrong due to rule 11 of the primary policy "If you have ever been, are now, or ever will be Tonto, you are not permitted to play on this server and are denied the due process afforded to the community at large."

so let's look at this rule

Primary Policy wiki before october 10th afternoon: http://tgstation13.org/wiki//index.php? ... ldid=11186
  • No rule 11
  • No mention of tonto never being allowed to play
Primary Policy Wiki after October 10th afternoon when I came into IRC asking what grounds I was banned on: http://tgstation13.org/wiki//index.php? ... ldid=11187
  • Rule 11

Is that fair? what would any of you guys do if hornygranny didn't like you so he decided to permaban you and then make up a rule afterwards to justify what he did? surely no one would complain about that. Surely.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Pandarsenic » #35436

Rule 11, active now:
"If you have ever been, are now, or ever will be Tonto, you are not permitted to play on this server and are denied the due process afforded to the community at large."

Not only have you been Tonto in the past, you are continuing to be Tonto and probably will continue to be in the future, resulting in numerous Rule 11 violations.
(2:53:35 AM) scaredofshadows: how about head of robutts
I once wrote a guide to fixing telecomms woohoo
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Timbrewolf » #35438

Spaceman it's pretty shit to randomly delete posts out of an appeal thread with the reason

"You're not coming back. Ever."

It's not your decision to make, and despite the circumstances we're supposed to take every appeal seriously. You're actively impeding that process by administrating like that.

I mean just looking at this thread there are other posts like Paprika's that merit removing and issuing forum warnings for more than someone posting in his own appeal thread.

Your own post in this thread is a shitpost. Police yourself.

This thread is a perfect example of how a lot of admins are just plain biased against certain players. You can dress it up like HAHA HE'S JUST SO SHIT but if you actually consider the circumstances, what he actually did as a player that drew your attention, and how you've responded to it and conducted yourselves in this thread?

Tonto is a goofball who posts a lot of weird shit on the forums and walls of text bullshit. Love it or hate it, his conduct IC is no worse than many of our other line-toe'ing greytide assholes. Yet he has such a higher profile amongst admins and his history of being banned over and over, you guys act like whoever gets to add their name to his banlist gets some sort of prize.

Probably the worst part about this is when he lied to SG about being new. Lying in PM's and ban evading is crap and permaworthy.

And he could've done a much better job of just playing the damn game like a normal person. Creating a ten page argumentative essay on the nature of his activities in the round was basically the dinner bell for this whole thing.

This time maybe it is justified, but damn I just wish you guys didn't act like such a bunch of chortling shitbirds when it comes to this stuff.

If that's the decision you want to make just leave it at SG's post, HBL signing off on the ban, and lock the goddamn thing already. Inventing new rules and inviting someone to try to defend themselves in IRC for hours while everyone points and laughs? What are you going to do for a sequel? Pull the legs off a fly?
Last edited by Timbrewolf on Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35445

I just saw a post deleted after an0n3's and then the record of it being deleted was deleted. Why do we have to delete all this stuff? If I'm in the wrong then clearly it won't hurt to let people who support me voice their opinion. I mean, they're wrong, right? If I'm such a bad guy then letting people voice support me shouldn't hurt because people won't realize that I'm not the asshole here. Right???
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35449

Pandarsenic wrote:Rule 11, active now:
"If you have ever been, are now, or ever will be Tonto, you are not permitted to play on this server and are denied the due process afforded to the community at large."

Not only have you been Tonto in the past, you are continuing to be Tonto and probably will continue to be in the future, resulting in numerous Rule 11 violations.
Why was rule 11 instated after I was banned? Like hours after? Like not until I asked why I was banned for being tonto in IRC? refer to my previous post showing how hornygranny kept changing his argument until finally he was proven so wrong he resorted to editing the wiki and then using that as his whole foundation. If you don't think that's childish then that might say something about you.

I would like to see what you would do put in my situation. Surely you wouldn't complain if you got on an admin's badside and he banned you for being yourself, and then when challenged on it proceeded to make a new rule to try and justify what he did. If there was Rule #12: Pandarsenic was never allowed to come back, you would just accept that right? because rules are rules?

Let's make a new rule saying pandarsenic can never come back and see how he reacts. Surely he won't complain.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Timbrewolf » #35451

You do know better than to do the stuff you keep doing.
If you did just want to play the game and not have any issue with anyone, you could stop pretending and just play the game right. You know how to blend in and what is expected of a normal player. You know how to talk like a normal person and not give yourself away.

Why do you not ever do any of that? I mean, I argued a lot to get you a second chance and I would say that was ruined for you, but you get chances or opportunities to play and you're perfectly capable of ruining them for yourself.

What IS the actual deal here?
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35457

I challenge all of the admins to check the logs of what bibliodewangus has been doing in every round he played on /tg/. Just post ALL of the logs of what I've done. Let everyone see those logs then decide if I've been griefing or not.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35463

An0n3 wrote:You do know better than to do the stuff you keep doing.
If you did just want to play the game and not have any issue with anyone, you could stop pretending and just play the game right. You know how to blend in and what is expected of a normal player. You know how to talk like a normal person and not give yourself away.

Why do you not ever do any of that? I mean, I argued a lot to get you a second chance and I would say that was ruined for you, but you get chances or opportunities to play and you're perfectly capable of ruining them for yourself.

What IS the actual deal here?
Please show me how I ruined my latest "chance". If I was banned for good reason hornygranny would not have had to edit the wiki long after the fact to support what he did, and then use that as literally his only argument besides "fuck you i dont like you" for the ban. If he was in the right why would he feel the need to do that? Good people who are doing the right thing don't pull shit like that, despotic tyrants with no qualms about abusing the people who look up to them to. Except the difference between a tyrant and hornygranny is that one is the leader of a nation and the other is a guy who uses his admin position on a videogame server to take out the rage generated by his many failures in life.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Saegrimr » #35464

It was pretty humorous at the start but its just getting a bit sad now.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35465

Saegrimr you are the pot calling the kettle black, except the kettle is white.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35466

I challenge all of the admins to check the logs of what bibliodewangus has been doing in every round he played on /tg/. Just post ALL of the logs of what I've done. Let everyone see those logs then decide if I've been griefing or not.


Why is that being ignored? If I griefed so much please post all of my logs from the bibliodewangus key. It will be all grief because I'm a griefer. Post every round I've played in and what I did. Why is that not even an option?
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Saegrimr » #35469

Because nobody actually gives a fuck to bother trying to defend you. Except maybe An0n3.
Even without fucking up the multiple times you have in a short period of time and throwing the largest novelistic shitfit about them, the only reason we'd even need in the first place is evading your previous bans.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Timbrewolf » #35475

I wouldn't so much defend Tonto as criticize the way he's been handled in the past and the way this has been handled now.

Bottomline if he hadn't sabotaged a huge part of the station and then made an appeal that was obviously just a long tirade of bullshit (that took 35 minutes and two glasses of wine to read holy shit why) nobody ever would've known or bothered him. He dug this hole himself but people are way too eager to grab a shovel or help nudge him in.

It's one thing when someone is just posting swears and FUK U ADMINBOOS U HAVE TINY DIK. Okay all pretenses of seriousness are gone, break the out the champagne and party hats. But going from 0 to HAHA FUCK YOU #SHREKT when there's still some measure of civility on the table is just raw and the exact opposite of everything I was trying to accomplish when I was pushing for all those FNR reforms and the Head of Bans position. You're not living up to the legacy.
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Bibliodewangus » #35476

The thing that is funny about this ban is that none of the people giving me shit and telling me to go away realize the precedent this sets (or just exposed really). The way hornygranny has settled this has shown that the official /tg/ ban policy when an admin decides they don't like somebody and want them out is
1. begin giving outrageous bans for minor infractions
2. continually deny everything the banned person says in their defense, stretch insignificant events into major ones and downplay others depending on what suits their purpose,
3. if the banned person continues to defend themselves and ask for a response begin blanking everything they've said so that anyone who might agree won't see it
4. if all else fail and the defendant is still standing their ground, make up a rule and use that as your justification for everything you've done from the beginning
5. when caught making up rules to suit them, simply refer to the rule that states essentially "admins can do whatever they want"

ok, so fair enough, you can do whatever you want. But this is funny to me. I like playing ss13 because it's funny and have inadvertently stumbled onto a goldmine of laughter in /tg/station where people have gone to such great lengths to silence me over saying a borg (who was beating me in the face with a tray unprovoked) stuck a cigarette in my ass. so best case scenario I keep poking holes in your flimsy logic, you keep scurrying around making up new rules and deleting posts and fabricating stories and generally putting in tons of effort to making me look bad. (its no effort for me, all I have to do is state the truth over and over). Worst case scenario? everyone who plays here and holds this server in a dear spot in their heart, taking it very seriously, well they will eventually realize how full of shit you are and try to get you ousted from your videogame admin position. At this point your life will collapse around you like a nuclear reactor as you lose all vestiges of power you once had. Perhaps you will become a meter maid afterwards, to fill the void in your life left by losing power in a videogame.

Another funny side to this is eventually, because all of you guys talk insane amounts of shit to eachother (which coincidentally is what I've been permad for by all accounts, but is simultaneously something that many players here pride themselves on and say it openly) all day every day since most of you are on here... you guessed it.. all day every day.. eventually some beef will pop up between an admin and some random player. The player, if he has any spine, will try to argue his point and will be met with a ban for some bs reason or whatever. You know the drill. The point is eventually one of these people who never even interacted with me who spent hours telling me what a shitty guy I am and how I should never be unbanned, will be in the same position I am.

They'll be pitted against an admin, which in turn becomes the whole team since the angry admin will pitch a fit by messing with other parts of the game until they have their way and other admins will want to end that. Then the entire admin team will turn the whole server against them, since the players fall in line with these respectable men and women who so generously donated their time to you to play a videogame. This person will be screaming at what is basically a brick wall "I DIDN'T DO WHAT YOU SAID I DID!!! THIS ISN'T FAIR!!! NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE YOU CAN'T TAKE AWAY MY SS13 WHAT WILL I DO WITH MY LIFE WITHOUT IT?!?!" but they will be met with only "fuck you, you're shitty, shit, I dont need to explain why, you're shit!" and that'll be that. Poor guys gonna be like aw shucks Tonto was right but it's too late now. Remember, I never said that errorage was a crazy fuck who would screw over anybody when his interests required it. Nope, never said that. and it certainly didn't come true. Hornygranny definitely won't have more mental breakdowns on the forums over modding a videogame, neither will Elyina.

The fact of the matter is straight from the mouth of SoS himself I have heard "I would like to take action here on unbanning you, but if I do that my adminteam will get pissed and cause a ruckus until I give into their demands, and I can't afford to lose an admin" You know why he can't afford to lose an admin? Well think about it, who has not only the time, but the dedication, to put in work on this admin shit, when by all accounts from the admins themselves it is absolute hell trying to admin this videogame community? You guessed right, someone with way too much time on their hands and no responsibilities. People like this are hard to find, someone who not only can dedicate a ton of time to a space simulator but also willingly accepts a role that by all accounts is terrible to have? They are crazy shut-ins who are attracted to the minute power afforded by becoming an admin. And like I said most people aren't like that, so for the same reason SoS gave into errorage's demands (where else will he find a competent coder who is crazy enough to focus all his efforts into ss13) he will give into hornygranny's and all the rest until they finally snap and cross the line too far. But there isn't even really a line, because if errorage offered to come back, SoS would take getting more code done for free over the community's happiness any day of the week. If Errorage was to come back, he'd be in "power" no matter how many of you complained about it.

So like I said, while this is just an extended version of the SS13 game for me which I am treating as a game, I know the rest of you on here take this game seriously. Dead seriously. I've seen most of you posting here for years upon years, religiously, sharing your entire life with the people you play this game with. This game is an integral part of many of your lives at this point, which is fine, do you and whatever floats your boat. But don't even try to give me shit about putting a little effort in when everything that I have done is dwarfed supremely by your output on these forums and games in a month. You're gonna give me shit for posting a 4-5 paragraph post, but in the same vein all of you spend hours on this forum each day arguing over the minutia of shoe colors and so on in the videogame. You will get into legitimate fights that create legitimate bad blood, over the color of shoes in a game. And one day one of you is gonna get on an admin like Elyina's bad side in one of these shoe arguents, and you'll slowly be cast out of the community. But instead of laughing at the reaction further and poking the retarded beehive again to watch them scramble and go apeshit over having to tell the truth, it will actually hurt your feelings, your ego. You'll have no where else to go like this. And you'll put in more effort than you've ever put into anything in your life trying to fight what happened to you and expose what a bureaucratic clusterfuck of lies this game server's administration really is. But nobody's gonna listen. You'll say "damn, tonto was right". So mark my words, there will be plenty more upcoming drama in this community. What happened here will happen to other people who deserve it less than me. Friendships will be broken, people will engage in slapfights on a videogame forum like it was a warzone, years of work will be tossed in the trash. And it will be hilarious because you all knew it was coming but were afraid to speak up lest you lose your IV of sweet, sweet SS13 heroin.. and then lost it anyways.

Who wants to take bets on if/when this whole thread is deleted? PM me for the over/under :lol:
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Re: [Elyina] Bibliodewangus - Elyina permaban for not liking

Post by Hornygranny » #35477

I bet you $1000 it will be locked right now

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