Cyborg Modules and Upgrades Ideas

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Cyborg Modules and Upgrades Ideas

Post by mizolo » #409739

So I tried out a bunch of modules today, just in-game while fuckin' around waiting for shit to hit the fan, and I noticed something:

There's really only a couple/handful of module upgrades for borgs, and they're REALLY SPECIFIC, as in, the only ones that aren't are basically self-repair, ion-thrusters, and an RPED
Other than that, there's the 'combat upgrades'. Which is just VTEC module that fuckin' makes you so fast you go to the other side of the station in .2 seconds and can't go through little doors/doorways, and a rapid disabler cooling module which doesn't work because there's no sec-borgs anymore.

Then there's medical upgrades which give the medical module A WHOLE BUNCH of cool shit, like upgraded hypo, A MOTHER-FUCKING WORKING DE-FIB, AND A FUCKING CREW PIN-POINTER.

Yet ... all the other modules are ... KIIIIINDA shit on in terms of upgrades.

So here's the module list currently:

Engie is basically the repairer and shit of the station, and Medi-borg saves people's ASS from death.

... what about all the other ones?
Miner's actually pretty decent, I'm not gonna lie. Especially if you upgrade it.
Peace-keeper is basically the super-nerfed sec-borg with a wierd shield thingy that works on any projectile that crosses it's little projected barrier by halving all it's damage.
Janitor borg just fuckin' replaces lights and cleans messes, which don't get me wrong is pretty good, but doesn't really have a good purpose other than that.
Service borg is probably the biggest fucking joke on earth because ... ok, come on dude do I even HAVE to explain this shit? No-one hardly ever RP's in this and just does their job, not EVER coming to the bar/kitchen unless do a 1-2 second drive-by to grab food.

So, now that you see that engie, medical, and POSSIBLY peace or janitor are selected, but still kinda suffer, let's get to the ideas.

Modules and module changes: Now before we begin, these might/will-have-to look different. The reason being will be specified.

Add a defender module. This works a lot like the peace-keeper borg, except it's a mix/hybrid of the peace-keeper borg's projectile shield with a buff, and the medi-borg. It would have a basic epinephrine hypo, and for defense it would have 2 simple things. It would have the shield thingy for projectiles, but it would also nerf/reduce melee. It would also have a basic security weapon, like a flash, stun-baton, or something like that.
It would also have a non-energy security barrier maker. Like a RCD that makes and de-cons security barriers for a BUNCH of energy, like the engineering borg.
Now this borg would also be un-flashable, but NOT un-stunnable by ion means. NOW BEFORE YOU SAY 'LOL, OMG, WAAAAAY TOO OP FOR MALF AI, FUCK NO' consider this and just chill alright?
IT WON'T BE ABLE TO HAVE ANY EXTRA MODULES IF HACKED OR EMAGGED ... PERIOD. Making this a very, VERY dedicated support borg/module.

Add a science module. This would just be a borg with the ability to pick shit up, a flash, a bluespace RPED, and a basic set of tools. When E-magged it would have the ability to throw grenades that explode on impact, but requires a re-fill by going and getting a re-fill module from robotics, which would also require the exo-suit fabs getting emagged, and can only carry 3-4.

Service has a special kinda role to play. They can get a hypo-spray that nullifies alcohol, much like anti-tox except it also removes alcohol. It can also select an 'enhance' chemical that works a BIT like adrenalines or stimulants, making people SUPER fast.

Janitor. I wasn't exactly SURE on HOW to modify this module. I think there should be a certain way it can deflect attacks with it's mop, like a sleeping carp scroll for janitor or the taekwondo thing you can buy as traitor.

Upgrades: These would be cool additions.

Tesla power relay. This would ... well ... relay power to the borg (should it be turned on) from a nearby APC, much like a tesla relay for circuits or a mech. Would be under utility upgrades.

Defender's Field. This is an upgrade for the projector on either the peace-keeper, or the defender module borg. This would have one, if not ALL of these properties:
Would make any projectile touching the ENTIRE field be nullified, not just the ones that touch the edge of the field
Would nullify damage even more by a set %
Would make ALL damage, including melee (melee addition for peace-borg), be nullified to the %
Would have a small heal chance every tick while in the field (like an AOE med-beam gun)
Would be able to adjust the field coverage/area proportional to power consumption (bigger the area/squares the more power you use)
Would have the ability to toggle making any PROJECTILE originating IN the field be completely fine (only projectiles that are coming from outside the field will be affected/nullified)
This would obviously be under combat upgrade modules.

Defensive mop. Jani-borg's best friend, would be able to deflect all projectiles with the mop at a VERY large power cost (i'm talkin' like 900-1500 power PER SHOT).
Would obviously be under combat.

Engineering manipulator. Would give an engineering borg the power to pick up circuits and place them into things, much like the medi-borg's organ-bag thing (which allows them to pick up organs/implants and be able to use them like normal in surgery). Would be under Utility Upgrades.

Take ALL of the medi-borg's hypo upgrades and combine them into one upgrade module please.

Please re-introduce illegal combat upgrade modules into the RnD system, that'd be GREAT.

Please consider my ideas, I COMPLETELY understand if you don't want to do all of them, but the ones I PERSONALLY want most are:
Defensive field upgrade
Illegal combat upgrades
defender module
Medi-borg hypo super-combination
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Re: Cyborg Modules and Upgrades Ideas

Post by somerandomguy » #409795

  • Illegal modules still exist.
  • A borg mode having a hand built by default in is probably a bad idea, but a very expensive hand upgrade for standard that can't be used with defender and has a blacklist (to keep the borg from using it for something that's balanced around only humans being able to do) could be interesting.
  • If defender has a stunbaton standard can use this with its cuffs and be discount secborg.
  • Actually speaking of standard it seems like you forgot about that entirely.
  • Defender's baton is literally the engiborg hacked module, if you give it that then it doesn't need to be hacked (but you might have a hard time finding someone to give you the upgrade... unless another borg has the hand module).
  • Defender having a flash is pointless, all borgs have flashes by default.
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Re: Cyborg Modules and Upgrades Ideas

Post by Shezza » #409800

You forgot clownborgs
Thanks for all the dopamine.

You (cough), you haven't won here. You and your mutie-bastard friends are gonna join me in a big ol' mushroom cloud sendoff. I just triggered the self-destruct. (Heh, heh; cough, cough,...) The work will go on. You didn't do nothing here, 'cept seal your own death warrants. Duty, (cough) honor... courage... Semper Fiiiii........
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:41 am
Byond Username: Mizolo

Re: Cyborg Modules and Upgrades Ideas

Post by mizolo » #409999

Shezza wrote:You forgot clownborgs
Clown borgs can no longer be chosen as a module, like security borg.
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Byond Username: Astatineguy12

Re: Cyborg Modules and Upgrades Ideas

Post by somerandomguy » #410043

mizolo wrote:
Shezza wrote:You forgot clownborgs
Clown borgs can no longer be chosen as a module, like security borg.
they were unpickable from the start
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Luke Cox
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Re: Cyborg Modules and Upgrades Ideas

Post by Luke Cox » #410124

I was the one who came up with the idea for Peacekeepers. The idea behind them was to give the AI and borgs some teeth when it came to enforcing law 1, even if those teeth were a bit dulled. The defender idea is intriguing, even if they were a bit dulled. Your defender idea is interesting, but I think it would be a bit OP. Borgs are limited by design. They should only really be able to do one type of thing (standard module is watered down by design)
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