[Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

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[Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

Post by Starwars10 » #43956

Post Content:
Byond account and character name: Starwars10 (Jaiden Blackburn)
Banning admin: subtlegraces
Ban reason and length: Day ban + Security jobban
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 12:28 EST

Your side of the story: I was recharging my taser when i see an engineer in a hard suit breaking into amory from EVA. I rush to see whats going on and i alert security. He disappears for a while and security gathers, i put the blockade in front of the hole he made and lock it. the window into security storage has been broken and people can get through. I see officers start to move in and i unlock the blockade to cut off the suspected rebels/assailants. The engineer in the hard suit knocks out on guard with his axe who had no EVA. The mime quickly moves in, what seemed like out of no where and drags the body away from the station. I did not see the mime move in with the officers. The engineer is shooting a laser gun at me, and i stun him with my energy gun and render him unconscious with my laser gun. The mime comes back and i promptly stun and attempt to render him unconscious as well, fearing there may be more. How ever while i attempt to fire upon the mime, a borg keeps blocking my shots, protecting the mime. Fearing the borg was compromised i fired on the borg, afraid of it stunning me. how ever the mime was down and i promptly cuffed him noticing that it was calm for the moment. I quickly went inside and asked the mime why he dragged the officer away. He kept saying that he had helped him but he would not say where he was or what happened and instead chose to call me a dumbass and continues to spew curses at me until i put him in the cell. complementing me with all kinds of hate that no innocent man would spew. The hos later brought him out into interrogation after the scene cooled down to talk. little talk was had as the mime continued to curse and rant so much so that the hos even had to tell him to stop talking. I decided to uphold me decision in charging him for the murder of the disappeared turned murder of the officer. While we went off to perma, we found the officer who was wearing the same exact outfit in the armory after somebody dragged him in. The hos later brought the mime a bottle of liquor which he was promptly attacked with. The Hos murdered the mime for attacking him with the bottle (i had no intention of killing him after perma and he told me this when i was going back to perma wing. I stopped to talk to him as he dragged the dead body, telling me what he did and why.) I later spent ~60 minutes speaking to the admin after that and completely lost interest in the current round after he informed me of my pending security ban.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Seeing as how it was a revolution round, the mime was extremely uncooperative and even though he was implanted he defied his implant and murdered an officer. I also spent nearly an hour trying to explain my side of the story to which the admin and I were not seeing eye to eye on. He eventually gave me his side of the story which to my recollection was "I killed someone who was released after being implanted and then put them in perma". I fear this was a major case of miscommunication or misunderstanding. The mime was implanted nearly 10-15 minutes before this situation behind the armory, but the admin cited "Re-education--Getting de-converted from revolutionary.--Immediate release" Which doesn't make much sense in this case since the mime was implanted a while before he allegedly committed the crime and that modifier is for a different crime. At this point i was very confused. I was trying to uphold NT Law as best i could. Security was very swamped that round as the captain was murdering people left and right and the HoS was always chasing someone down a hall. I take security very seriously and i would have obeyed an order to release the mime if i were given one. How ever multiple times i was told by the HoS and the Admin dealing with the situation it was my choice. I even stated if it was an issue i would let him go how ever he was killed by the hos before the situation lingered for too long.I'm incredibly sorry it got to this point and i had not intentions of escalating the situation. I'm sorry if i caused the admin dealing with the situation any personal offense. I believe a discussion is definitely warranted but i hope we agree a permanent security job ban and a full day ban is a little stiff for such a chaotic round, I only killed 1 confirmed traitor and the borg trying to defend the mime. I would have simply let the mime out if the damn hos hadn't killed him! I apologize if the engineering borg was not rogue, he was not who i was after. Could you at the very least, spare me the permanent security job ban?

Thank you for reading.
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Byond Username: SubtleGraces

Re: [Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

Post by Subtle » #43963

The secban is for a week.
The gameban is for two days.

The borg you killed urged you that the Mime was fine; pointing out his implant. As we discussed at extreme length in game the Mime was fighting for NT due to this. It's a safe assumption to make IC, because defying your implant IC elicits OOC consequences. You make a twitch judgement and shot the Mime. Okay, whatever. Borg tells you to stop and explains the situation (posing absolutely no threat to you,) so you flip out and shoot it too? Not whatever. You then permabrig the Mime despite everyone's objections after doing both of these things because he's rightly angry that you nearly killed him? Entirely unacceptable. You leave out the part where the HoS also told you the Mime was implanted and not a revolutionary.

You argued until he was permabrigged, and then argued with me for the remaining fourty-five minutes because a simple "this is a bad thing, this is why" was not eliciting the slightest of responses.
Any other admin is welcome to look into the situation and my handling of it, but I am absolutely, expressly unwilling to budge on this ban as of right now.
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Byond Username: Gamarr

Re: [Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

Post by Gamarr » #43970

Piping in because Mime, and I want this shit seen.
Starwars10 wrote:The mime quickly moves in, what seemed like out of no where and drags the body away from the station.
Just first, how do you know it was me? Mime wears a special backpack, which you removed off me later on during your search. Guy doing the dragging? Think he was wearing a jetpack, or at best, nothing even remotely that could have shown it was a mime in an EVA or RIG suit visually.

I was never any where near the armory until you seen me and tried to kill me, which occured After I saved the officer from being spaced and I had chased off the killer (who can corrobate me running up from the west, tasering him at range, and free-floating to him and the corpse where I batonned him but he got away). The reason why the borg was blocking the shots was because he knew I was there to help. WHICH, by the way, the borg also told you I was implanted earlier in the round at cargo, along with someone else, the hoss I think who showed up after I let both of you guys into cargo to get closer to your crate of implants.

The reason you caught me in the armory was because I'd returned some looted weapons atop of recovering the cyborg you murdered so it could be revived. Did you ever stop to wonder why I was just standing in the armory after that, with the borg, organizing the mess?

There is something wrong if you thought the mime was there to kill you when the entire round up to that had been him feeding info and helping security, while being implanted. You had no huds and couldn't see the implant? WHY ARE YOU A WARDEN GOING AROUND WITHOUT SECHUDS? Which is NOT even an excuse given you were told, repeatedly, prior that I'd been implanted anyway. It making sense why I berated you after a certain point when you had showed every intention of throwing me into perma? I hope you stay away from Sec jobs. As to the hoss, I do apologize, if he ever reads this. You threw me in prison while being entirely loyal, you'd flip your shit too.
Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:22 am

Re: [Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

Post by Starwars10 » #44002

Subtle wrote:The secban is for a week.
The gameban is for two days.

The borg you killed urged you that the Mime was fine; pointing out his implant. As we discussed at extreme length in game the Mime was fighting for NT due to this. It's a safe assumption to make IC, because defying your implant IC elicits OOC consequences. You make a twitch judgement and shot the Mime. Okay, whatever. Borg tells you to stop and explains the situation (posing absolutely no threat to you,) so you flip out and shoot it too? Not whatever. You then permabrig the Mime despite everyone's objections after doing both of these things because he's rightly angry that you nearly killed him? Entirely unacceptable. You leave out the part where the HoS also told you the Mime was implanted and not a revolutionary.

You argued until he was permabrigged, and then argued with me for the remaining fourty-five minutes because a simple "this is a bad thing, this is why" was not eliciting the slightest of responses.
Any other admin is welcome to look into the situation and my handling of it, but I am absolutely, expressly unwilling to budge on this ban as of right now.
I would love to get another admins opinion. I wish you treated me with more respect and i felt you were very condescending the entire time, consistently telling me i did not understand and that i "did not use logic". I tried to remain as respectful as possible but please pardon me if i came off as rude, i am upset you cannot see how stressful a rev round can be.

In the NT Law page it says officers are allowed to use deadly force if they fear their life is in danger. I genuinely believed I was in danger of dying and while EVA and it was a strong possibility after confirmed traitors were outside and attempting to break in. Im even more frustrated that youre extending the day ban to 2 days as i apologized for my actions with the borg and identified i should have clarified with it. It is even more frustrating to know that i am paying for the HoS's crime of completely unwarranted murder, since the mime could have been released following this confrontation. I can not stress the importance of how i asked if you WANTED me to let him know. I ASKED you, you did not tell me to release the mime. I would have complied with any order from the HoS, captain or admin but i was not given one, nor was i told i would be banned for making my choice. If i had know that i would have just let him go.

I know the mime did it because like the poster above me stated, the mime has a special black and white backpack which worn by the person who dragged the officer off. I COULD HAVE SAVED THE OFFICER IF THIS WAS NOT DONE, which is why i charged the mime with the disappearance turned murder.
Again please dont take my disagreement or attempt to clarify as a challenge but as simply an attempt to clarify. i sincerely believe this is just big misunderstanding. I had no intention of killing anyone but the traitor with the fire axe and gun but was confronted by the mime, and an engineer borg. The mime had absolutely no reason to be back there nor is he an officer. Yes he was implanted but that doesnt mean he gets do as he pleases and not expect to be punished for breaking laws. I was only going off IC information.
Also to cite specifically why i shot the borg, i believed at the time, he was Aiding and Abetting. I had no way of telling if the borg was compromised since why would an engineer borg be in the middle of space for no reason, he isnt security, he didnt go in with the officers and he was trying to help someone who just committed murder, instead of saving the dying officer (he may of not saw him be dragged off)

Thanks for reducing the job ban though. I really am sorry about what happened with the borg, but What should i have done?

Edit: Also now that the mime has admitted he did something to the hos and has no problem breaking his loyalty implant (hence why the hos said he was attacked + bruised by the mime) could you please simply drop the security job ban? i wont fight the 2 day ban since the silicone should have been heeded and it was my jumpiness that caused his demise and ive learned to take it slowly with them now and take time to confirm things with them.
Last edited by Starwars10 on Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

Post by Starwars10 » #44005

Gamarr wrote:Piping in because Mime, and I want this shit seen.
Starwars10 wrote:The mime quickly moves in, what seemed like out of no where and drags the body away from the station.
Just first, how do you know it was me? Mime wears a special backpack, which you removed off me later on during your search. Guy doing the dragging? Think he was wearing a jetpack, or at best, nothing even remotely that could have shown it was a mime in an EVA or RIG suit visually.

I was never any where near the armory until you seen me and tried to kill me, which occured After I saved the officer from being spaced and I had chased off the killer (who can corrobate me running up from the west, tasering him at range, and free-floating to him and the corpse where I batonned him but he got away). The reason why the borg was blocking the shots was because he knew I was there to help. WHICH, by the way, the borg also told you I was implanted earlier in the round at cargo, along with someone else, the hoss I think who showed up after I let both of you guys into cargo to get closer to your crate of implants.

The reason you caught me in the armory was because I'd returned some looted weapons atop of recovering the cyborg you murdered so it could be revived. Did you ever stop to wonder why I was just standing in the armory after that, with the borg, organizing the mess?

There is something wrong if you thought the mime was there to kill you when the entire round up to that had been him feeding info and helping security, while being implanted. You had no huds and couldn't see the implant? WHY ARE YOU A WARDEN GOING AROUND WITHOUT SECHUDS? Which is NOT even an excuse given you were told, repeatedly, prior that I'd been implanted anyway. It making sense why I berated you after a certain point when you had showed every intention of throwing me into perma? I hope you stay away from Sec jobs. As to the hoss, I do apologize, if he ever reads this. You threw me in prison while being entirely loyal, you'd flip your shit too.
Are you serious man? what is wrong with you, your lies got me job banned + day banned. Look its frustrating but if you just talked to me instead of spewed curses and rants at me things could have been resolved much easier than this. Calling the officer/warden "A fucking dumbass, bravo moron." doesnt make them want to release you nor does it make them think youre innocent, it just makes people think youre mad.

>After I saved the officer from being spaced and I had chased off the killer
I shot the only criminal besides you out there, to death. There was no one to chase.

>The reason you caught me in the armory was because I'd returned some looted weapons
A blatant lie since i caught you EVA and no lasers were ever returned to the armory, I think admins can confirm but so can i since there were no weapons in the armory after your arrest. I remember this because I was supposed to order more.

> if you thought the mime was there to kill you when the entire round up to that had been him feeding info and helping security
This was only my second encounter with the mime, the first time being outside the cargo bay.

I had them one which is how i identified that you weren't an officer.
Why is there a mime EVA, armed to the teeth with tasers and batons who cant even talk to the warden without foaming at the mouth like a mad man?
Why did you attack the hos (While implanted) with a liquor bottle?

>You threw me in prison while being entirely loyal, you'd flip your shit too.
No i wouldnt flip my shit. i would calmly explain the misunderstanding (like right now). You can ask subtle graces how many times i've resorted to personal insults like yours in our conversations. Unfortunately I had to explain it for an hour and the admin still felt i deserved to be banned even though trying to be as cooperative as possible. If i had been snarling and insulting the admin would have simply perma banned me (kind of like how you were perma brigged) If you had just discussed it with me instead of being an emotional wreck we could have easily resolved it, instead of telling me where the officer was or what happened you chose to call me dumbass. Instead of explaining it here you could have simply said this last night and i would have released you following an investigation. I try not be be shitcurity and actually figure out of the guy i got actually did it but you chose to ignore me in favor of venting your frustration. It is ever harder to investigate when explaining the situation to the admin (which cost me my life IC,tators killed me while i was typing to the admin).

>As to the hoss, I do apologize, if he ever reads this.
IF you didnt do anything wrong there should be nothing to apologize for.
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Byond Username: Xerux

Re: [Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

Post by Xerux » #44035

Engiborg here, I was out in space because I get an alert each and every time someone enters the armory. Someone was breaching it repeatedly and I would then fix it to try to prevent the revolutionaries stealing more gear and possibly dragging anyone in the armory to space. That time, I saw a firefight outside and went to try to help. You started lasering the mime, so I started blocking the shots and shouting for you to stop, that he was implanted. The fact that I wasn't attacking you should have made it clear I wasn't rogue. Also, implanted people have a little Nanotrasen N when seen with a sechud.
Nolan Field - Various, Solar - Cyborg, Watcher - AI, Honksey - Clown, Sy Lent - Mime, Aveil Nahara - Inactive, Ayden Fryer - Data Lost | Byond, Github
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Byond Username: Mrpain666

Re: [Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

Post by mrpain » #44080

I was the HoP during this round.

I died right before this occurred and watched part of this unfold while ghosted.

You were told multiple times that the mime was implanted by your superiors, and then what his intentions were after that. You disregarded them anyways and took him out of the round permanently on a hunch, and no actual evidence.

I'd say the ban is warranted.
/vg/station Head Admin
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Re: [Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

Post by Starwars10 » #44172

Xerux wrote:Engiborg here, I was out in space because I get an alert each and every time someone enters the armory. Someone was breaching it repeatedly and I would then fix it to try to prevent the revolutionaries stealing more gear and possibly dragging anyone in the armory to space. That time, I saw a firefight outside and went to try to help. You started lasering the mime, so I started blocking the shots and shouting for you to stop, that he was implanted. The fact that I wasn't attacking you should have made it clear I wasn't rogue. Also, implanted people have a little Nanotrasen N when seen with a sechud.
Ahh, alright. I did not see you go through the brig and was unsure what your intentions were while you were EVA in the middle of a fire fight and I assumed your cooperation with him was indictiaive of you being compromised. Im sorry for the misunderstanding. Had i not been tangled up OOC I was going to take you and the body to get repaired/cloned. I'm sorry about that.
mrpain wrote:I was the HoP during this round.

I died right before this occurred and watched part of this unfold while ghosted.

You were told multiple times that the mime was implanted by your superiors, and then what his intentions were after that. You disregarded them anyways and took him out of the round permanently on a hunch, and no actual evidence.

I'd say the ban is warranted.
Sometimes a hunch is the difference between life and death in the middle of a laser battle, while EVA. The HoS and admin both told me it was my choice. I would have complied with any order from the HoS, Captain, or admin to release the mime, had i been given one. I genuinely thought it wasnt going to be a bannable offence seeing as how it was a rev round and the mime demonstrated implants mean nothing to him by assaulting the hos while implanted. Also the mime was only in Perma for about 3 or 4 minutes. It was the Hos who "took him out of the round permanently". I wouldn't even have opposed a trial but I'm sorry for the whole confusion.
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Byond Username: Thurgatar

Re: [Subtlegraces]Starwars10: Misunderstandings

Post by TZK13 » #44246

Starwars10 wrote:I shot the only criminal besides you out there, to death. There was no one to chase.
I have no idea how you got this idea but it's dead wrong, I was the one who stunned and dragged the officer into space not the other engineer rev that was with me. I can corroborate that the mime did manage to stun me with a taser after coming in from the west but he actually didn't manage to baton me which is how I managed to get back up and drag the officer further away. Both I and the mime were wearing EVA suits and I was wearing a black jet pack, perhaps that's how you've confused the two of us?
Louis Cannon (as Unknown) says, "you stun"
Louis Cannon (as Unknown) says, "I axe"
[Common] Cyberplanner states, "and has a laser gun"
[Common] Kayonte Lambo says, "JR DOBBS"
[Common] Kayonte Lambo says, "IS A REV HEAD"
[Common] Kayonte Lambo says, "PASS THAT ON NIGGAS"
Reception Desk has been hit by Unknown with the fire axe (Wielded).
Reception Desk has been hit by Unknown with the fire axe (Wielded).
[Common] Mackenzie Stafford says, "He was spraying acid at people earlier"
[Common] Mackenzie Stafford says, "Very uncool"
Kayonte Lambo has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Kayonte Lambo has been stunned with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Kayonte Lambo has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Kayonte Lambo has been stunned with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Kayonte Lambo says, "shiiiiet"
Mateo Wheeler fires the energy gun!
Mateo Wheeler fires the energy gun!
Jaiden Blackburn is hit by an electrode in the right arm!
Mateo Wheeler fires the energy gun!
Kayonte Lambo has been beaten in the left arm with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Kayonte Lambo has been stunned with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Jaiden Blackburn stammers, "Y-YOU ID-DOT-T"
Kayonte Lambo has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Kayonte Lambo has been stunned with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Nobody fires the taser gun!
You put the stunbaton into the satchel.
Unknown is hit by an electrode in the left arm!
Kayonte Lambo says, "shieet nigga"
Kayonte Lambo says, "good move"
Nobody fires the taser gun!
Unknown is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Keta Karpland (as Unknown) stammers, "Fuc-c-cin-n-n' m-mim-m-me."
Nobody looks as if a wall is in front of them.
Nobody puts the taser gun into Parcel Parceaux.
Nobody puts the stunbaton into Parcel Parceaux.
Kayonte Lambo has been beaten in the head with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Kayonte Lambo has been stunned with the stunbaton by Unknown!
Kayonte Lambo seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
Those are the logs I have of the fight with Louis Cannon being the engineer you killed while I was Keta Karpland, the unknown beating the sec officer with a stunbaton.

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