[Nervere] Donaldtrumpthecommunist

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[Nervere] Donaldtrumpthecommunist

Post by Zombieme7 » #476446

Byond account and character name:Donaldtrumpthecommunist, Brookyln Stainforth
Banning admin:Nervere
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Servers
Ban reason and length: Ban mirrored from citadel for harassing an admin
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 5:57:36 Central Time
Server you were playing when banned (Sybil or Bagil): Bagil
Your side of the story: I said "harass" a admin on citadel in ooc and got banned
Why you think you should be unbanned: From what I see, it is not against the rules to be rude to another admin from a different server. and I misword "harass" for insult. Please unban me as I think this ban is unfair.
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Joined: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:38 am
Byond Username: Nervere
Github Username: nervere

Re: [Nervere] Donaldtrumpthecommunist

Post by Nervere » #477752

Hi, to start I'm going to give context to this ban.
Full ban reason:
Banned from the server permanently - 3[05:57:36] DonaldTrumpthecommunist/(Brooklynn Stainforth) (Delivery Office (67, 142, 2)) \"I got banned from citadel for leaking admin info to harass an admin\"\nBan mirrored from Citadel. If this is the sort of thing we can expect from you here, you are not welcome.
So, one of my admins sent me this screenshot of what you said in-game and asked me to investigate further, the area of concern here is the third line, as cited in the ban reason:


We really don't care what you do on other servers, it's not something that's very relevant to us. However, leaking information about an admin, then bragging about how you used it to harass them, is some pretty alarming stuff.
In the interest of the security of my own admin team, someone who does something like that - and then brags about it - won't be welcome to play on our servers.
I did talk to the server you were banned from to confirm some details before the ban was applied, here is your ban reason from there:
(MANUAL BAN) Mirrored Discord ban - Harassing administration whilst using leaked information as a weapon to do so is unacceptable behaviour.
Rule 0 precedent 3 wrote:Admins may mirror bans from other servers at their discretion.
I don't cite rule 0 very often, and even less do I mirror bans from other servers. However, when I feel that someone's presence on our server can be a threat to our admins or players, that's where I draw the line, and on those grounds I am denying this appeal.

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