Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

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Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by cedarbridge » #48789

Your byond account:cedarbridge
Your character name: Dreams-of-Trees
Their character name: Kyoko Kirigiri
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): butterysquirrels
Server and time: Sybil 2:30ish am
Logs and/or screenshots:
Michael Cariello fires the energy gun!
Michael Cariello fires the energy gun!
Michael Cariello puts the energy gun into the backpack.
[Common] Drives-Movie-Theater hisses, "Yes-ss-s, is-ss-s true"
You fire the taser gun!
Michael Cariello is hit by an electrode in the chest!
[Common] Big Dee says, "Lizards? come on now."
Kyoko Kirigiri asks, "Sir, have you looked in your office?"
Dreams-of-Trees is trying to put handcuffs on Michael Cariello!
Michael Cariello stammers, "w-wow-w-w-w"
You handcuff Michael Cariello.
Michael Cariello stammers, "look-k at-t t-th-hi"
Dreams-of-Trees asks, "The hell was-ss-s-s-s that about?"
You fire the taser gun!
You fire the taser gun!
Michael Cariello is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Michael Cariello stammers, "h-h-h-hel-lp-p"
Michael Cariello stammers, "p-pleas-se"
Kyoko Kirigiri fires the energy gun point blank at Dreams-of-Trees!
Dreams-of-Trees is hit by an electrode in the chest!
Your armor softens the blow!
Kyoko Kirigiri is trying to put handcuffs on Dreams-of-Trees!
Michael Cariello says, "uncuff"
Dreams-of-Trees stammers, "s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-she s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-s-s-s-s-sh-hot-t at-t us-s-s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-s-s-s-s."
[Common] Dreams-of-Trees stammers, "s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-she s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-s-s-s-s-sh-hot-t at-t us-s-s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-s-s-s-s."
Kyoko Kirigiri tries to remove Michael Cariello's handcuffs.
[Common] Security Cyborg-380 states, "Yes sir"
Dreams-of-Trees stammers, "An-nd-d-d y-you'r-re arres-s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-st-tin-ng m-me for-r it-t-t."
[Common] Dreams-of-Trees stammers, "An-nd-d-d y-you'r-re arres-s-s-s-s-ss-s-s-st-tin-ng m-me for-r it-t-t."
Dreams-of-Trees hisses, "Amazing work detective"
[Common] Dreams-of-Trees hisses, "Amazing work detective"
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
Dreams-of-Trees hisses, "Real piece of work"
[Common] Dreams-of-Trees hisses, "Real piece of work"
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
You're restrained! You can't move!
Your armor softens the blow!
Michael Cariello has punched Dreams-of-Trees!
[Common] Big Dee says, "lock em up tight detective"
Dreams-of-Trees hisses, "Fuck you."
Kyoko Kirigiri says, "I'm...not sure where to take you, since brig is down,"
Kyoko Kirigiri asks, "Let's just get a drink, hm?"
[Common] Xanathar Drak'Tal asks, "are you locking up my brethren for no reas-ss-son?"
Bridge Announcement:
lets go home, we got the rogue lizardbreath who tried to kill the heads.

newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Station Announcements!"
Big Dee says, "lizards, kek"
[Common] Kikki Hiiri says, "Thanks borg. You may commence your normal duties."
Dreams-of-Trees asks, "Take me where for committing no crime?"
ÿShadyCigs Deluxe beeps, "Don't believe the reports - smoke today!"
You attempt to feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
You feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
Hiro Protagonist says, "Ahahahaha"
Dreams-of-Trees hisses, "You have no arres-sst authority."
Kyoko Kirigiri says, "You stunned and cuffed the captain."
Hiro Protagonist says, "Serves you right"
[Common] Big Dee says, "AI door"
You attempt to feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
You feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
Dreams-of-Trees hisses, "And you're got no right to do any of this-ss,."
You attempt to feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
[Common] Henderson Lewis says, "I like how two thirds of the crew survived only because amazing work of medical staff and no one even said thanks."
Hiro Protagonist says, "HOLY SHIT, SERIOUSLY"
You feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
Hiro Protagonist says, "Dumbass"
You attempt to feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
You feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
[Common] Xanathar Drak'Tal asks, "I helped?"
Chief Medical Officer's Desk Announcement:
Bing bango bongo, bish bosh bash.

newscaster beeps, "Breaking news from Station Announcements!"
You are buckled in to the chair by Kyoko Kirigiri.
Kyoko Kirigiri says, "Don't be such a dumbass."
[Common] Michael Cariello says, "ITTY BITTY BABY ITTY BABY BOAT"
Dreams-of-Trees stammers, "I s-s-ss-s-s-s-s-s-s-stun-nn-ned-d an-nd c-cuf-fed a ho p-preten-n-nd-din-ng-g t-t-t-to e t-t-t-the cap-p-pt-tain-n."
Dreams-of-Trees stammers, "w-wh-ho s-s-s-ss-s-s-sh-h-hot at e"
[Common] Michael Cariello says, "HABEEB IT"
Dreams-of-Trees stammers, "F-Fuck-k y-you"
Kyoko Kirigiri says, "He's captain because we lost our last one."
Kyoko Kirigiri says, "It's called chain of command."
PM to-Admins: Detective overstepping authority and now forcefeeding me booze in the bar
You attempt to feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
You feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
Kyoko Kirigiri says, "He was the next highest ranking senior officer."
You attempt to feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
You feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
[Common] Mouse-In-Vents hisses, "can ssomeone let me out of the bridge"
[Common] Dean Van Halen asks, "You get autoscanned?"
The solution begins to bubble.
Dreams-of-Trees stammers, "An-nd-d y-you h-hav-ve n-n-n-no r-rig-g-g-gh-h-h-ht-t t-to be d-d-d-doin-ng-g-g-g an-n-n-ny-y-y of t-this-s-s-ss-s."
You attempt to feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
[Common] Linden Best says, "Heads still here?"
You attempt to unbuckle yourself. (This will take around one minute and you need to stay still.)
You feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
You attempt to feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
[Common] Michael Cariello says, "yeah kinda"
You feed Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster to Dreams-of-Trees.
You attempt to feed Neurotoxin to Dreams-of-Trees.
You feed Neurotoxin to Dreams-of-Trees.
You attempt to feed Neurotoxin to Dreams-of-Trees.
You fail to unbuckle yourself!
[Common] Mouse-In-Vents hisses, "s-ss-secborg can you let me out of the bridge"
You feed Neurotoxin to Dreams-of-Trees.
Hiro Protagonist says, "Goodnight"
Priority Announcement

The Emergency Shuttle has docked with the station. You have 3 minutes to board the Emergency Shuttle.

Current Admins:

You were unbuckled from the chair by Kyoko Kirigiri.
Description of what happened: Captain gets dunked by nuke ops. (Odds are good that he's in cloning for most of these events because he shows up on the shuttle at the end.) Sydieborg crits me and in that time most of the ops are killed. When I'm pulled out of crit by some passing Samaritan, the HoP rushes in and recalls the shuttle before the point of no return. A fair amount of the crew is confused why this would occur in the first place and several including myself are very vocal about this being a stupid choice, especially since most of sec (including the borgs) has no idea where the disk is and the HoP doesn't even have it in his possession. Eventually, the CMO or somebody gets the shuttle called, the HoP chases them with an egun after they manage to screwdriver the console. The HoP relents after about 3-4 recalls and allows the shuttle to arrive. Fast forward to the end of this last shuttle call, the HoP, detective and I are on the bridge and the HoP starts spraying egun tasers on the bridge. I stun him and cuff him to figure out what the hell he's doing. The detective (the subeject of the request here) decides this is a good time to stun-cuff me, set the HoP loose fnr, and then drag me to the bar to forcefeed me gargleblasters and neurotoxin until the shuttle docks at Centcomm.

Why they should be banned: General shitty behavior and way beyond their position as a detective. Even if they assumed I had done something wrong, carting me around and force-feeding booze until the round ended is beyond shitty.
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Re: Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by Timbrewolf » #48866

[Common] Michael Cariello says, "ITTY BITTY BABY ITTY BABY BOAT"
[Common] Michael Cariello says, "HABEEB IT"
I don't know why you're making a ban request for the Detective when most of your complaint centers around the shitty actions of the HoP. It appears that the HoP was telling the crew you were trying to kill all the heads?

You've neglected to mention what your job was this round. That makes a big difference when it comes to why the HoP might have been firing stun bolts around on the bridge.

Regardless, firing weapons at a head of staff and slapping cuffs on them is a capital offense. You could've been permabrigged or spaced at that point just fine. I don't think the detective was wrong to decide instead to take you out for a drink.

Based on this though and other interactions I've had/observed with Micheal I'm going to give him a weekban from all head positions. Recalling the shuttle during a nuclear emergency is antagonistic at best and round-ruining metacooperation at worst.
Shed Wolf Numero Uno
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Re: Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by mikecari » #48867

Well to be fair the entire situation escalated really quickly over nothing. The only reason I recalled the shuttle is because a lot of people wanted me to and the nuke ops were dead for crying out loud. Research was pissed the round was about to end so I gave them some extra time. I didn't do it for selfish reasons.
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Byond Username: Cedarbridge

Re: Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by cedarbridge » #48870

An0n3 wrote:
[Common] Michael Cariello says, "ITTY BITTY BABY ITTY BABY BOAT"
[Common] Michael Cariello says, "HABEEB IT"
I don't know why you're making a ban request for the Detective when most of your complaint centers around the shitty actions of the HoP. It appears that the HoP was telling the crew you were trying to kill all the heads?

You've neglected to mention what your job was this round. That makes a big difference when it comes to why the HoP might have been firing stun bolts around on the bridge.

Regardless, firing weapons at a head of staff and slapping cuffs on them is a capital offense. You could've been permabrigged or spaced at that point just fine. I don't think the detective was wrong to decide instead to take you out for a drink.

Based on this though and other interactions I've had/observed with Micheal I'm going to give him a weekban from all head positions. Recalling the shuttle during a nuclear emergency is antagonistic at best and round-ruining metacooperation at worst.
I was round-start security in full uniform.
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Re: Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by Scones » #48871

Thanks for taking care of the HoP - I was considering making a thread if he had recalled an additional time, but thankfully the borgs depowered the bridge for long enough.

Seriously, once all the operatives are dead, let everyone go home. The round is over, and it's safe to say that the majority of the players online want to start a new one.
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha
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Re: Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by Timbrewolf » #48873

Deciding to give R&D more time to play with their toys while a ton of crew are dead, the disk is missing, and you can never be sure all the Ops are actually gone is a terrible, terrible decision as a Head.

Fighting other heads when they come to try to rectify the situation is only digging the hole even deeper.
Shed Wolf Numero Uno
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Byond Username: Lumipharon

Re: Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by lumipharon » #48910

I was an op that round. I hunted down and killed the captain while the rest of the ops (failed to) hold off the crew.
The shuttle was recalled WHILE I had the disk, AFAIK. Later I got chased down by a sec borg and some guy with a baton, suicided, which teleported the disk away.
They didn't have the disk for fucking ages, and it was only once the final shuttle was beyond recalling, that they KNEW for sure they had the disk. (An atmos tech found it later but wasn't able to tell people because comms was dead)
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Re: Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by mikecari » #48916

An0n3 wrote:Deciding to give R&D more time to play with their toys while a ton of crew are dead, the disk is missing, and you can never be sure all the Ops are actually gone is a terrible, terrible decision as a Head.

Fighting other heads when they come to try to rectify the situation is only digging the hole even deeper.
I feel like you're being a bit too harsh.
It was a mistake and the disk was secure the entire time. We had an autocloner set up and we were ready to clone all the dead.
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Byond Username: Cedarbridge

Re: Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by cedarbridge » #48918

mikecari wrote:
An0n3 wrote:Deciding to give R&D more time to play with their toys while a ton of crew are dead, the disk is missing, and you can never be sure all the Ops are actually gone is a terrible, terrible decision as a Head.

Fighting other heads when they come to try to rectify the situation is only digging the hole even deeper.
I feel like you're being a bit too harsh.
It was a mistake and the disk was secure the entire time. We had an autocloner set up and we were ready to clone all the dead.
is false because...
lumipharon wrote:I was an op that round. I hunted down and killed the captain while the rest of the ops (failed to) hold off the crew.
The shuttle was recalled WHILE I had the disk, AFAIK. Later I got chased down by a sec borg and some guy with a baton, suicided, which teleported the disk away.
They didn't have the disk for fucking ages, and it was only once the final shuttle was beyond recalling, that they KNEW for sure they had the disk. (An atmos tech found it later but wasn't able to tell people because comms was dead)
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Re: Kyoko Kirigiri - Shitsec detective

Post by Scones » #48934

mikecari wrote: I feel like you're being a bit too harsh.
It was a mistake and the disk was secure the entire time. We had an autocloner set up and we were ready to clone all the dead.
What about the operatives? You aren't going to clone them, they're gibbed. The round is over for them - 5 antags who tried to work as a team and messed up somewhere along the way. And once the round is over for all the antags, especially in this game type, the ROUND IS OVER. You had five confirmed dead Syndicates and had captured the borg. The threat had passed, there was a fairly high casualty rate, and it was time to go home.

Stop trying to justify you spamming recalls.

I observed the entire round, by the way.
plplplplp WOOOOooo hahahhaha

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