Guide to Nyaa.

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Guide to Nyaa.

Post by Reeeee » #508662

How to pacifistically cause mass murder, make friends and get dat disk. Or, The Way of the Open Palm. Or, the conscious effort to avoid harmies. Or; "Google how to stop assistant shoving me in ss13" and the Magnum Opus to "wad do" when bored in SS13.

Also the; "i have not read /tg/ rules" guide to /tg/.

Responsibility for getting banned because you took anything seriously inside this so called guide is yours alone.

Press tab to enable hotkeys, asdf to move click to interact, shift click to inspect.
That out of the way;

2.Process of understanding The Game.
3.What the fuck is Pacifism.
4.How to Greentext.
5.Guide to Omnidepartment.
7.Flipping the Board, Security.
8.How to surpass Metal Gear.

Foreword. 1.

What the literal fuck is SS13?
Is probably how you have to approach the game that is SS13, nothing is more complex or competitive than metagamed round of spacemans that will suck up 30 minutes of your time, leaving you salty, kinda disgusted, kinda interested and making you ask "what". That’s SS13. It’s a bad and old game running on horrible engine and it’s deeply engaging.
That being said, it takes time to even enjoy simple things inside this game, weeks if not months.

Process of understanding The Game. 2.

Certain metaknowledge is required for you to be GOOD at this game to even attempt to follow this guide, such as it is.
That’s just how it is nerd, git gud.
Mandatory reading I would recommend for you are round types and at minimum three, four hours per department.
Yes, even mining that requires you NOT to be pacifistic. (although possible, it hardly teaches you anything if you are one.)
And some time as all possible antags, even if it is just you dying as Nuclear operative when those fucking retards crossed the medibeams.
TC trade is your friend here, although some antags are not tradeable, most are, within reason, some admins might not just wish to trade you to an another antag type and that’s how it goes sometimes. The simplest, and most complex and mostly what this guide expects you to be is a Traitor with 20TC at roundstart.
This is the gold standard for antag.
To trade, open ahelp and politely ask if you could be any one of the following;
Revenant, Changeling, Shadowling, Sentient Disease or Abductor.
These are the simplest ones to antagonize with and are within a realm of possible trades, Changeling less so, Abductor requires a second player to maximize the experience.
Note, I do not speak for any admin when talking about this nor do I guarantee any reply to your ahelp, these are real people you are talking to and they might have their own reasons or round related reasons not to trade you. It is only experience of what i have seen happen and have had happen to me.
Other more nebulous trades may be possible as long as you keep it within reason, and what that reason is requires you to be somewhat adept at the game to know about.
More unique and humorous one have more success i find.
Not that you are ever assured a trade but it’s worth asking if you have not tried something.
Exceptions this guide makes are the wizard and and nuclear operatives.
It is simply counter productive to play either of these as pacifist and you are gimping your team and therefore being shit unless you know enough to override that consideration. You are still holding your team back though, do not make a mistake about that.
Wizard simply is meant to be a punching bag for the crew, and vice versa and you are either robust enough, or spawn enough antags besides yourself to make the round last. Otherwise you just waste everyone’s time with being Friendly Wizard.
Don’t be That Guy.
That Guy sucks.

What the fuck is Pacifism. 3.

Pacifism is simply put, a quirk at character creation that prevents you from dealing direct damage to anything that is alive, Humans, in this context; other players as well as other non-human races, simple mobs; those with simple ai guiding them such as lavaland mobs, carps and the like.
Note, direct damage. Bombing them is just fine, slapping C4 to things and throwing some grenades is all things that the quirk allows you to do, if somewhat going against the vein of the selection in the first place.
Well, how can you deal with not being able to harm people? Stuns work and so do disablers. Anything not directly damage or not “chambered lethally” is fair game. Experiment, comprehensive list would take two pages. Baseball bats are fun as pacifist though.

How to Greentext. 4.

You are Weak.
Be smart, not robust.
Never target people, target their jobs.
Station itself and those working there are tools, not obstacles.
Bombs are your friends, as is any destructive equipment such as plasma, ye old fireaxe and good old full toolbelt. Last one leaves traces, second is easy to track contraband and first, if acquired sneakily enough, is completely untraceable as it incinerates all traces.
Determine which one is suited for what job and what your target is likely to do.
Or what can you do to make your target predictable.
Chemists never leave their job that is right next to a perfectly secluded maint, virologist get their uranium once at about 10 minutes (or when miners return) and never come out again and rarely talk to people, engineers stay in engineering, or come out to do autism projects or leave to fix something that got broken (by you maybe), etcetera.
Predictable patterns that gameplay enforces on people are your friends. And you, of course, having caused or predicted all that will be ready with your sleepypen or bomb and wired camerabug just in the right place to never been near it and having incinerated the evidence and your target, are innocent to all but the most observant ghost.
This, of course, being the most loud method of pacifistic antagonizing.
You might even be lauded for doing your job well even if you caused all of the job you had to do in the first place. Bomb takes out five people, one happens to be your target and you are in medbay staff? Who could have known that one of the brains is unrecoverable? You did. Nevermind all the free loot and access that passes your purview, it might have even been destroyed in the thing that caused your target equipped person to die. You might even offer your condolences on RD for him losing his teleport armor in that terrible fire. Maybe someone stole it before you could clone him?
Winning by inaction.
Lie, cheat, steal, but never get caught. Do good favors for people and co-operate with the hamfisted security, drop that bag when sec guy suspiciously stops near you, lie down when they call you out on radio. It’s not like you can fight back effectively in the end anyway.
Sometimes, once in a bluemoon, you even get away scot free from your pursuers and would be killers by acting innocent and harmless even if you are carrying half the stations unique equipment.
But old adage, as Robert Downey Jr. put it, stands.
Act stupid, not retarded. Sec will have no issue stunning, cuffing and permaing you if you go “HOW DO I SWITCH HANDS” and get caught with even inkling of contraband. If you just toss your bag and calmly explain that guy hates you and might even be after you with your bag clean and maybe insulos on your person, yeah, that guy is in trouble. Oh, look, that guy is stationary in brig now. Hmm. Bombs. That you planted earlier.
Of course, you might suffer some silly brig time for it but you got 30 minutes to do what you plan to do and you did plan for that, didn’t you?
Failure to plan for failure is failure or something. And sometimes you just get fucking gibbed for no fucking reason, that’s SS13 for you.
Best laid plans mean nothing if Rod just had your name on it that time.
Never repeat your gimmicks if they have been seen through. Maybe a month later you might have a decent opportunity to try it again, do not make your plans counterable by being predictable. Do it twice in a row, and you will get donked and laughed at.
Speaking of, It requires a certain type of playstyle from the onset for this to succeed masterfully and expertly, innocence.
Or at least feigned one. Random name, random character is an excellent starting point for pacifism shenanigans. ICly just explain you could never harm anyone due to your pacifism and act dumbfounded when someone says “sleepypens still work” if they are that read into the game to distinguish what is and what is not possible as pacifistic agent when you get caught.
Prepare to roleplay and waste time on petting Local Catgirl as you wait for the stars to align as you work your magic behind the curtains or the thing that you are waiting for to occur.
That’s not to say you HAVE to wait for things to occur, nobody prevents you from being active in your role of traitorous nobody who dindunuffinever.
Simple slips are well known to annoy some people to high heaven and maybe you can say it was someone else who did it. Clown certainly slips people and that slipnade was not you.
Or maybe you just accidentally tossed that toolbelt and insulos or opened tool storage in mistake while passing by, knowing someone more proficient will tide more stuff and make sec more busy leading to more opportunities to cause havoc.
How many times have you passed a Mime without thinking much about it? How many times has Mime done you a “good turn” and given you something suspicious or outright illegal that makes your life easier?
The optimal Pacifist, mime, never do anything but favors for people in return for added chaos. And then, suddenly, Mime is sitting in the Gamer Hut at the front of the shuttle with command staff and rest of the based retards wearing CE’s magboots and waving at you.
For that to be you, all you have to do is swipe that emag at few things, toss some fat stacks of cash around and suddenly Quartermaster is your best friend, entire Cargo Tech populous is in your pocket and won’t mind you ordering a few things for you on the down low as long as you are polite about it. Few things that trade to other things and then suddenly you are HoPs favored errand boy and Cap trusts you.
Speaking from personal experience, hearing “let’s implant the mime, he’s trustworthy” over command channel in your syndicate headset is one of the most amusing things you can hear in this game. Right after “i’m giving mime AA, don’t shoot it” i suppose.
Antagonizing hardly ever lets you walk away with things freely, buying, cajoling and currying favors makes people think you need them, instead of the other way around, to achieve your goals, when in fact, all you did was spend extra resources given to you at round start for no apparent loss. 20TC is a lot of resources if you spend it wisely instead of buying Sleeping Carp and maybe getting one or two people until they dogpile and cremate you. I’d be surprised if this method makes you spend more than 5 of those 20, and the rest is easily spent on surprising things that you are confronted with in the chaos you and others have created.
Best thing is, proper pacifist antagonist is indistinguishable from an actually helpful person to vast majority, if not all crew and ghosts.

Guide to Omnidepartment. 5.

Or; “How do i get x”.
To begin with, you require one of three things; Sci, Engineering or Tech storage access.
Two are job related, last one is just law 2 to an AI or asking the right person to open a door.
This allows you to craft or construct most, if not all equipment in the game. Sci is preferred, “i am upgrading your shit” is the best excuse for AA anyone has on the station next to “I’m cleaning your shit”.
To specify, you need the following, an autolathe, circuit printer and a departmental lathe.
Research Console deserves a notion if your gimmick requires some non-standard item on the research que. Don’t overspend points, Sci gets angery over wasted research and miners, the most well armed people on station HATE not getting their tools as fast as possible and have a direct line to people screaming in sci channel.
Autolathe prints mundane items that can be hot currency in the right (grey) hands, making you THE black market dealer if cargo is being dick about it, circuit printer prints boards for machines and computers that you may require and/or let you subvert AI with and finally, departmental lathe lets you print that departments specific items and upgrades for machines you have built besides the lathes.
Notably, your own borg army that never stop and is emagged if you feel like it.
Naturally the Sec lathe is most coveted, but for the purpose of pacifism, science, mining, medical and engineering departmental lathes are the most useful in no specific order. That does not mean it is without value, blackmarket Gun Shop with silo access is considerable chaos that you instigated and are protected from, especially now that money firing pins are in.
(I have yet to test these, but I imagine it helps your plan of selling guns. Remember, plan should be to proliferate, not to be rich, you could just trade TC for money at that point.)
Service lathe is far too easily accessible to be a consideration for theft unless you absolutely want or need it for a gimmick. In that case, ask HoP, i don’t think anyone has ever asked him for it and as such is considered useless. More or less the same applies to the rest but the Sec lathe, if you can catch the head of the department or are sufficiently apt at tiding one. Asking usually is easier and faster for these than trying to be sneaky and steal one. Stealing leaves a trace, asking for it might even be forgotten or considered being tattle tale by head in question.
With these three items (and some materials, easily acquired by asking and or PDAing AI to let you link your lathes with a multitool at vault) you are now able to construct whatever you so desire, wherever you so desire to do so. Most if not all stations have vast maintenance hiding places for you to do your thing without being disturbed and simply saying “hi” when someone does stumble onto your Deus Ex Machina Room is enough to make them leave or at least not bother you over it too much unless you already did something illegal and overt with it. Helping that someone get something semi illegal usually greases palms enough to be forgotten,
Or a tator shoots you in the head after emagging your door open. Either or.

Flipping the Board, Security. 6.

And what to do as pacifist as security?
You are unable to be heavy handed. The very concept of shitsec does not apply to you.
Well, unless you really try to be.
If you are new at security, this might be an ideal place for you to start your career.
Yes, you are not as effective as fellow officers when it comes to certain game modes and “bashing head to convert” is right out, but you are unable to harm your detainees, random greys or anyone else for that matter.
This helps you how? You, for the vast majority of the actions you can undertake on accident cannot be harmful and are as such, are immune to being ahelped and making your life easier is all about what it should be for new players, never mind the fact that Admins might even sigh a bit of relief if they knew you were one.
Still, bucklecuffing and other such oversights in authority are still YOUR problems and you are just going to have to learn, or read, what those oversights are that actually get you in trouble.
Still, every little bit helps when you are wranging tards that is the crew.
And make no mistake, they are tards.
People you run into as Security, and especially around brig are in order; retards, antags; greytide; wannabe sec officers who refuse to roll security roles and random Chaplain who thinks it’s Cult.
Isn’t it nice to know you can’t overstep your limits and get bwoinked in middle of steamy Rev round when you can’t accidentally harmbaton those people dead when they all rush in at once?
Or just set up in the main hallway with traffic cones and safety vest with a glowstick and play traffic cop, hoping to see that little “wanted” icon and ineffectively fail to catch him after some running because you wanted a chill round.
(or get wasted near instantly for not having lethals nor baton handy when that stando user rushes you out in the open, welcome to SS13.)
That being said, the same principles apply as before, make friends.
If you got three greytide on your side that were hanging around sec because you slipped them a flash and some cablecuffs to “keep order” on the down low see you getting mauled, that’s then 1v4 suddenly and you WILL get cloned. They absolutely have nothing better to do but to fuck over antags. You might lose your baton to some “friendly” assistance who “misplaced” it, but at least you live and you now got three people who refuse to roll sec to know you are not shitsec.
Do not betray these friendships you make as the officer of the “”law””, such as it is, you will be ignored long after current round for being known as shit player, and that’s not something you easily get out of.
As much as metagaming is frowned upon, metafriends do exist and this is where you can easily make the more robust part of the station to be slightly tilted to be on your side.
Do not mistake these friends to be innocent tho, as soon as that rev round rolls on over, they will kill you for wearing the badge and that’s not metagaming, that’s just you being dumb.

How to surpass Metal Gear. 7.

Should be your ideal end game this “”””guide”””” is aiming you towards.
Not that it will happen even if you are perfect and immediately learn all of this, people are faulty.
What the end game is to be unnoticeable, cause enough chaos to be noted and then to be revealed as Greentexted tator when the credits roll.
And no, it won’t happen often, if even once a month, even if that.
I, the writer have only achieved this status only twenty or so times, mostly on lower population (40-50 maximum) but i have found it to be the most rewarding approach to take when it comes to SS13, especially on such validhuntery and murderboney station as TG Bagil.
Sometimes you just accidentally greentext and that can happen, that’s not something to count as a win in my book.
It is difficult, difficult enough to make you want to rip your hair out at times and seemingly an impossible goal.
That is why it is is so rewarding.
That you escape that station still seemingly innocent and fresh as pine (usually blood just is everywhere at the end so, more of an metaphor) with full knowledge you caused and orchestrated all of it to fall straight into your lap is the definitive win that has no equal.

Credits. 8.

Basils Banbots
Sybils Banbots
Event Hall(s) for being a Meme
Fucking O button for getting me banned once or twice
Admins Who Pretend to be Online
Admins Who Are Online
Woke Shit Admins
Based Admins
We Need More Roleplay Clique
New Guys
Old Farts
Medium Tiders
Based Retard the Clown
Fucking Respii
Bald Guy Who I Always Run Into When I Traitor
Uh doot i guess
Best Captain <3
Subscribe to IM SZX on Youtube for Free Tips
Yeeting Faggots in Front of Sec
Yeeting Faggots in dchat
Yeeting Faggots in General
People who say “hi” when I die.
All my fake metafriends since I have no real ones
People I forgot
Catgirl Metagang
Admins I never met
Lizards except Krokodil
Based Moffs who are All Cool
Fucking Bugged End Round Report Screen
TG“we are weird about how rules are enforced on our stolen valor milsim with aliens”CM
Strange as Fuck PRs
Woke as Fuck PRs
Lack of Sleep

And lastly;
Bought and paid for by the C*oders Association for Removing Shit.
You guys are cool I guess after all for making this game exist.

Now piss off it ended.
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by bobbahbrown » #508663

can i have a summary version?

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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by wesoda25 » #508664

I don’t understand miss snow do you mind elaborating?
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by Reeeee » #508665

bobbahbrown wrote:can i have a summary version?
wesoda25 wrote:I don’t understand miss snow do you mind elaborating?
Be pacifist to antag better.

also admincomplaint on both of you.
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by wesoda25 » #508667

I dont follow we are not admins?
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by Reeeee » #508668

wesoda25 wrote:I dont follow we are not admins?
Read the credits, those humorous.

I wanted to write this thing so i did. Then i pasted it here since it's relevantly relevant.
Reading optional but it is a forum. I'm channeling my Robustin_Wall.txt
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by oranges » #508682

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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by PKPenguin321 » #508705

the virgin pacifist antag
the chad ban evading self-antagger
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by TrumpetPlaya » #508730

too long

didnt read
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by Reeeee » #508798

oranges wrote:autism

And you enable me.
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by Qbmax32 » #508817

TrumpetPlaya wrote:too long

didnt read
my admin feedback thread

wesoda25 wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:02 am Qbmax32 is quite literally one of the dumbest individuals I have ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with. He has zero redeemable traits, and honestly I have to suppress my gag reflex every time he shows up in a conversation.
Malkraz wrote:YES
angelstarri wrote:qbmax is a retard
imsxz wrote:mythic please stop you’ve hit rock bottom and you KEEP DIGGING
deedubya wrote:I'll defend to the death your right to scream "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" on a constant basis, but I'll also equally defend the right of people to call you a fuckin' pillock for doing it.
datorangebottle wrote:what, not having to act like customer service in a volunteer customer service position?

Here's a rebuttal: you're literally in a customer service slash celebrity position. Volunteer or not.
Malkraz wrote:can you stop posting this shit
Nalzul wrote:Fuck Blob (can you imagine how hot it would be to be gangbanged by a bunch of blobbernauts, the blob, and spores)
Wyzack wrote:qbmax your pathetic display of abhorrent burgercraft has brought shame onto the omnivores
Plapatin wrote:i AM the senate
BONERMASTER wrote:I am a big thinker, and it would only be logical if my character had a big head as well. And glasses. Because only people that think, wear glasses.
feem wrote:i tried to send canisters of urine to the station but ended up turning all oxygen into urine and breaking lavaland and also breathing
Anonmare wrote:Each post in this thread can't settle on what it wants to be, but yet, each one is more cursed than the last.
Beesting12 wrote:please write an apology to this forums, this community, the host, and the internet as a whole for the data storage space you wasted with this complaint.
Vile Beggar wrote:i don't like this thread
imsxz wrote:nervore
FantasticFwoosh wrote:I will whisper sweet nothings that will confuse and perhaps scare you a little, but enhance the experience no-less.
afelinidisfinetoo wrote:By the way, the person who posted that catgirl porn on the github page was me. If anyone wants my private stash just PM me
Nervere wrote:Anything for a femoid.....
Qbopper wrote:I'm a dumb poopy butthead
CitrusGender wrote:god i love it when people feed me my own fried legs
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by bandit » #508831

was expecting a guide to nyaa, did not find any nyaa content, very disappointed
"I don't see any difference between ERP and rape." -- erro

admin feedback pls
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by Dr_bee » #508853

Ive actually been rocking pacifist recently, and enjoy it. You can leverage the trait to seem more harmless than you are, and you are forced to actually think about how to do your objectives as an antag.

No one suspects the pacifist doctor empty cloned a head of staff during a rev round and spaced the body.
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by oranges » #508952

Reeeee wrote:
oranges wrote:autism

And you enable me.
we can be friends
confused rock
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by confused rock » #509056

pacifist meme: kidnapping someone, setting their air tank to 0 kpa, and turning on their internals so they suffocate
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by Reeeee » #509244

confused rock wrote:pacifist meme: kidnapping someone, setting their air tank to 0 kpa, and turning on their internals so they suffocate
no, that's just murder.
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by deedubya » #509258

I came here looking for catgirls. I'm disappointed.
Galatians 4:16 "Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?"
hey imma teegee admeme compliment me on my appearance here

flattering compliments people have given me:
oranges wrote:honestly holy shit deedubs you're a dent head
wesoda25 wrote:deedub is one of the people that makes me wish i could block users on forums
IkeTG wrote:every post from deedubya is worrying behavior
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you're a poo head!!!!!
TheMythicGhost wrote:You're a moron, but that's really nothing new since you're Deedubya, and really at this point I'm just playing an instrument by speaking since your head is so goddamn empty these words are resonating as they pass through.
Lazengann wrote:What's interesting about deedubya is the guy has no reading skills or comprehension and his ADHD is so severe he can't read through a single thread but he shows up to argue anyway
annoyinggreencatgirl wrote:you really are almost superhumanly retarded dude, holy smokes.
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by wesoda25 » #509288

deedubya wrote:I came here looking for catgirls. I'm disappointed.
Try ss13 related art/ hand drawn art, few threads down. Lots of retards there
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Re: Guide to Nyaa.

Post by Reeeee » #509397

deedubya wrote:I came here looking for catgirls. I'm disappointed.
You didn't read the guide then. Catgirls are present.
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