Ban Appeal [CoffeeDragon16]

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Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2021 8:23 pm
Byond Username: Mediphious

Ban Appeal [CoffeeDragon16]

Post by Mediphious » #587241

BYOND account: Mediphious
Character name: Orien Gwn
Ban type: Server / Command ban
Ban length: 7 days
Ban reason: As a non-antagonist, gave several crew AA for little reason. Upon being asked about it, lied claiming that they meant to give the mime maints access. TThis was not true.
This ban is temporary, it will be removed in 1 week. The round ID is 154175.
Time ban was placed: Roughly 3:18PM EST /8:18 UTC
Server you were playing on when banned: Basil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 154175
Your side of the story: Mime came to HoP desk while I was figuring out buttons after being away for two weeks. Winked and so I told them I had them, was intending to give them Maintenence access and to do that I would give them cargo tech job and then re-add mime. only I miss clicked and hit captain instead. Looking at the role list we had, and I being the only head, I instead of undoing it and going through the proper way, just left it as is. The clown then came to ask for maintencne but instead I gave them AA as well to "keep the Mime in check" seeing as how mime and clown are generally considered opposing forces. With that done I was told to "not give AA out fnr" by CoffeeDragon16, in which I informed them as the why. In which case they claimed I was lying because apparently "Ca" for Cargo tech and "Ca" for captain aren't right next to each other and I'm deliberately griefing. Despite the fact that while he was claiming I was lying. I was helping an assistant get botony role and a paramedic deal with setting a scientist who stole all their kit to arrest.

Despite explaining, i was told that I was lying and that their word was law. And when I tried to go into further detail instead of waiting for me to finish typing the banned me immediately, leaving me out in the hall with all my Command gear. And no heads of staff around meaning the already lowpop round was going to soon be swarmed with people rushing the office to give themselves AA anyway.

I didn't even give myself AA, you would think for someone "giving it out for no reason" That would be the very first thing I gave to myself. But apparently they "Looked into it" and decided That they were right and that they couldn't possibly see that a simple mistake was made.

Prior to this I had an absolutely spotless record, and the few times I do run HoP I've always treated it like it's supposed to. Not handing out AA, not giving myself AA, putting Ian in fancy outfits. Not saying "You get AA if you bring me X" And then one simple mistake that I didn't rectify because I was trying to do multiple jobs at once after a long break? I set forward a counterforce to keep it in check as I can't very well have a mime run back if I go "Oh sorry I gave you AA can you bring that back so I can change it?" Honestly who would actually listen to that. So now the round's got to heads. Wizard, thieves, and someone's probably broken down the windows or hacked the door if they didn't just take the ID off me. And now everyone has AA. The exact thing the admin was apparently trying to prevent. So if I've been banned what about everyone else? This isn't the RP server and it was lowpop anyway A small mistake at the start of the round isn't that big a deal especially considering it's the first time it's EVER happened with me.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It was a mistake. I tried to explain it but the admin wouldn't listen. Ban first ask questions later apparently.
References of good conduct: Honestly I've never been banned before, I generally bounce between the non-rp servers when I'm around but I just got back from a 2 week break, I usually run around as genetics, HR, miner, or viro. I never antag. I don't go out of my way to attack people. Even the times I've gone sec I've never tried to kill. Only stun. Hell I remember before Christmas someone actually made fun of me for trying to use a disabler on a hulk breaking walls. Point is. I don't try to murder randomly and I try to play my job proper.
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Re: Ban Appeal [CoffeeDragon16]

Post by CoffeeDragon16 » #587251

Relevant logs Here.
only I miss clicked and hit captain instead.
The two aren't near eachother at all. You cannot misclick like that.
Looking at the role list we had, and I being the only head, I instead of undoing it and going through the proper way, just left it as is.
I asked the mime about this, and they told me (and I saw) that you had set it to appear as mime access, but it still retained captain's access.
it was AA, just looked like mime
The clown then came to ask for maintencne but instead I gave them AA as well to "keep the Mime in check" seeing as how mime and clown are generally considered opposing forces.
This is still abusing your job and griefing.
This isn't the RP server and it was lowpop anyway
LRP =! NRP. Roleplay is also not the issue here.
I tried to explain it but the admin wouldn't listen.
I listened, and I heard lying. I wasn't going to server ban until you lied.

As to your good conduct, this doesn't do anything to remedy these earlier issues. You were job banned for spreading AA for little reason, which is griefing. You were server banned for lying.
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Byond Username: Mediphious

Re: Ban Appeal [CoffeeDragon16]

Post by Mediphious » #587253

Yes I hit Captain and changed to Mime because I was in a rush. I said this before, And I said "Ca" As in I was looking for the first to letters and clicking that as opposed to the whole word. Seriously, Do you honestly think I would try to start shit after a break after zero history? Mistakes happen, and I also pointed out that I was trying to figure out where everything was again because if you look at role history. You should also see I have less than 2 hours in that role, and most of the time in said role I barely got to do anything because it was the Christmas event and chaos was everywhere due to people getting presents that gave them excuses to do whatever.

But sure, say i'm lying because you say so. When that's far from the truth at all. I made one mistake and was trying to do damage control while doing my job properly post that situation. Because I couldn't take the extra minute to look over how to unpromote someone from a position , so I just switched them back to Mime manually. Then I chose the clown to keep them in check because opposing forces. Mistakes happen. I didn't deny that I did this. But what I'm saying is that it was a mistake due to inexperience and time taken away from a break. Experience to learn that I'm now being denied because you've server banned me because you're ASSUMING I'm lying.
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Re: Ban Appeal [CoffeeDragon16]

Post by CoffeeDragon16 » #587258

and was trying to do damage control while doing my job properly
Making things more, yet equally, fucked is not damage control.

I've seen nothing that makes me think you were telling the truth in regards to the mime. Were it even true that you were unaware of how to set it back, you should not be giving people AA if you are incapable of undoing it.

However, from what I've seen I don't think you were only just griefing with it. I'll lower the job ban time to 3 days, because I don't think you had bad intentions with it. Just please, in the future, don't give people AA for little reason, and be up-front about your actions.
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Byond Username: Mediphious

Re: Ban Appeal [CoffeeDragon16]

Post by Mediphious » #587261

It genuinely was a mistake, but I do appreciate you reducing it. There was no intent to be malicious.

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