[Sylphet] Ploobs - Permanent ban for accidental plasmafire

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[Sylphet] Ploobs - Permanent ban for accidental plasmafire

Post by Ploobs » #636572

BYOND account: Ploobs

Character name: Randy Lahey

Ban type: Server

Ban length: Permanent

Ban reason: "Low hour account caused a plasmafire destroying around half of the station as a nonantag within 15 minutes of roundstart, then disconnecting. Not around for bwoinking, please explain on the forums"

Time ban was placed: 2022-04-07 10:33:57

Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel

Round ID in which ban was placed: 181212

Your side of the story: Another atmos tech and I were setting up the turbine to make tritium by connecting custom pipes from O2 and plasma into the turbine room. I forgot to start the new pipes with pumps and because of this the new pipes were pressurized once we finished building them. Both pipes were connected to a gas mixer that then led into the turbine, but at some point I accidentally placed an omni pipe that automatically connected the differently colored plasma pipe to the turbine pipe which bypassed the gas mixer. In order to remove that piece of pipe I placed holofans around the pipe and removed it, which also caused plasma to fill that tile. My plan was to stick a scrubber in there and suck up the plasma, but before I could do that the other less experienced atmos tech (he was asking me a bunch of basic questions in a previous round) removed another piece of pipe which violently filled the room with plasma. We scrubbed a lot of it out, but before we were finished the other atmos tech then selected something on his rapid pipe dispenser which shot out sparks and ignited the remaining plasma in the air. What I believe happened is the increase in temperature from the smaller fire ignited the high pressure plasma contained inside the holofans, which caused a large explosion - killing us both. Initially as a ghost I thought the fire would eventually die out or be contained since it didn't look like there was enough plasma for it to spread too far, but apparently I was wrong. The explosion may have destroyed other high pressure pipes that contained plasma and O2, which might have accelerated the fire. Since I was dead and there was nothing I could do, I left.

Why you think you should be unbanned: This was an accident and the actual ignition of the plasmafire was done by someone else (also likely by accident). I don't think I'm a problem player and I often help others/answer questions around the engineering/atmos departments. I certainly didn't intend to end the round early for other players and was also a bit surprised to see the ban was permanent, even for a plasmafire. This is my first ban after a lot of playing on other servers, so I don't have a history of causing problems.

References of good conduct: After playing on Manuel I played a couple rounds on Sybil as an atmos tech. Because all these round were lowpop I helped the engineers save the SM in one round and setup the engine with (I believe) the bartender in another.

Anything else we should know: It should be noted that while I have low hours on main TG servers, I've already played a lot on Fulpstation, so it's not like this is a new account (if that matters for the appeal). I don't remember the name of the other atmos tech and if the source of the explosion wasn't the plasma contained by holofans then I'm not sure what it was. Apologies if this post is too long.
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Re: [Sylphet] Ploobs - Permanent ban for accidental plasmafire

Post by Sylphet » #636576

Alright, lifted. It looked malicious from what evidence there was, but your story makes sense and I'm glad to see that the evidence was misleading. Sorry about the inconvenience !
Tell me how much you think that I should be thrown out of the nearest airlock !
https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 37&t=27175
Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:06 am
Byond Username: Ploobs

Re: [Sylphet] Ploobs - Permanent ban for accidental plasmafire

Post by Ploobs » #636579

Thank you!

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