[Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

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[Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by jortsandshirts » #638303

BYOND account: Jortymorty
Character name: Gene Parmesan
Ban type: Server
Ban length: 183 DAYS
Ban reason:
Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (Jortymorty) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: So after PURPOSEFULY PLACING SEVERAL SM SHARDS INTO CARGO'S LOBBY, then getting yelled at for doing stupid shit, throws active flashbangs into wormholes during a wormhole event. I was going easy with the 1 month cargo/head ban, this shitter behavior is showing he doesn't deserve it. This ban (BanID #60166) was applied by Admiral_awesome130 on 2022-04-20 18:45:30 during round ID 181902. The ban is for 183 days and expires on 2022-10-20 18:45:30 (server time)
Time ban was placed: 2022-04-20
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 181902
Your side of the story:

First and foremost those "SM shards in the lobby" wasn't just throwing them out there like they were nothing. They were secured and being used as bling, posh, whatever you want to call it. Each one was secured safely behind reinforced plasma glass, one where the stolen ORM was, two flanking the entrance. Never has ordering an SM shard got me shit, nor ordering multiple for either a project or for bragging rights. Brick Mortar, another person who plays with shards heavily is constantly building things like tram SM setups, or bridge singularities and a lot of the time it ends in a shuttle call. I used them as decoration, did my due diligence to safety them some asshole set one off by using the kiss emote. Cargonia is a thing, showing off wealth and power and status is a thing. Plating floors with diamond, making gold toilets, ordering bikes, SM shards, whatever. That's one of the reasons to play cargo. I did what I could to secure the shards from being bullshitted, slap the guy who decided it would be funny to piss around on that.

The second part is yeah, I had a box of flashbangs and I was busy trying to decontaminate a moth corpse in Medbay using the showers so it could live. I hucked a few live flashbangs into the portals and that did... what? Did it take somebody out of the round? Did it crash the server? The average grey tider will grab a box when storming the armory and chain stun the entire security department, or some other kind of banal, basic, barely considered harmful thing. Did somebody get stunned for a few seconds? Lose their hearing for thirty seconds? That's just asinine to even escalate a fucking "QM/Heads" 1 month ban to 183 days of server ban for tossing some flashbangs into portals when the station round is coming to an end and people are waiting on the shuttles arrival.

183 days for flashbangs out of a box because you think I'm a shitter because I made SM displays that were secure enough not to be fucked with and someone decided to be a dork with the kiss emote. No way. Those SM shards existed safely and were no danger to anyone at all. I even waited to move them into their homes when people weren't around so nobody could fuck with them. I used reinforced plasma glass to protect them and made sure not to block any ingress/egress pathways with them. The flashbangs caused what problems? Yeah I tossed some through the wormholes because I was bored trying to get the moth in medbay that I had been escalating with fixed. How long was I in medbay trying to get that done while calling for assistance and trying to figure out how to make the bug not radioactive anymore using the showers?

In regards to the SM shards.
[2022-04-20 17:53:41.321] SAY: 17:53:41.321] SAY: Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesan) "Flair." (Cargo Office (172,130,3))
[2022-04-20 18:04:40.128] SAY: 18:04:40.128] SAY: Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesan) "We be balling." (Cargo Lobby (172,126,3))
[2022-04-20 18:04:44.180] SAY: 18:04:44.180] SAY: Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesan) "With the GREEN" (Cargo Lobby (172,126,3))

Everything was fine, heads, the dumb warden etc all stopped by to see it and it was legit. Joe Hardie set them off because why?

[2022-04-20 18:10:43.430] SAY: 18:10:43.430] SAY: Swaggery/(Joe Hardie) "and i also kissed the actual SM" (Cargo Lobby (173,127,3))

I tried to get assistance,
[2022-04-20 18:11:53.799] SAY: 18:11:53.799] SAY: Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesan) "BORG THERE'S A FIRE" (Cargo Lobby (172,127,3))

It was too late.

In regards to throwing the minor-inconvenience-grenades into wormholes I don't know what you want from me? A hundred or more possible destinations in a mostly empty space station one of the benign things could have landed in. I was polite and respectful to you in ahelps but this being the straw that broke the camels back so to speak is for a lack of a better word, stupid. Flashbangs are more or less harmless, when the tide or anyone else like a clown gets their hands on them they're again, a minor annoyance. With respect you're very much off the mark in what your idea of a lenient ban is with that 1 month of QM and escalating it to half a year for the entire server because I boredly threw some flashbangs into a couple wormholes while trying to fix a moth in medbay is insane. Two notes, if that.

This is a note at best. That overkill fucking QM 1 month ban at worst, 183 days fullstop? That's awful.
Last edited by jortsandshirts on Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by Tearling » #638311

Here are the logs for the round in question:
https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/syb ... /game.html
Here is the logs folder for that round:
https://tgstation13.org/parsed-logs/syb ... nd-181902/
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Byond Username: Admiral_awesome130

Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by Admiral_awesome130 » #638319

So writing up a full, proper response to your post. I agree that I was a bit harsh on the sentencing. Going to remove the server ban and reduce the cargo/head of staff ban to 2 weeks.

So I wish to put this out there, before the main reasonings post, is that setting supermatter crystal displays up in public areas is very much like a scientist making a max cap and leaving it in public tool storage. Yes, you may not have been the one to open the transfer valve, but there is still blame to be put on the scientist for making and placing the bomb out in the open.
To put up the supermatter displays without, say, its own cooling loop/anti-delamination system in place and expecting no blame when the thing explodes is foolish. Anything from an accidental missed shot with a laser/disabler going through the protective glass to purposeful sabotaging the crystal will cause it to go FUBAR.
Irresponsibility to safely contain something as dangerous as a supermatter crystal in a public area as a non antagonist is the reason for the ban.
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Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by jortsandshirts » #638322

And I'll see you halfway and agree that I should have added some cooling to it but I expected that had SHTF that the unreinforced floors would melt out keeping them cold. Which is dumb on my part to expect but I also get hesitant when dicking around publicly with a rapid-piping device because while the projects in construction stages it becomes THE target for shitheads. I'll maintain though that it was secure enough because unlike a max cap it can't be directly fucked with, know what I mean? I don't agree with your assessment that I was fully irresponsible at all though.

There's a world of difference between someone picking up a maxcap and pressing buttons or a stray disabler/laser shot hitting something in the QM lobby. The reinforced plasma glass should have been enough and I think go far as securing goes. It's not as if I just tossed one into a random hallway and called it good. They were secured in boxes and it required someone using (exploiting?) the kiss emote to sabotage them. They were fine and dandy until someone chose to do that and while I understand I take responsibility in this it's not as if I just dumped SM shards in the lobby willy nilly and it took someone actively sabotaging it for it to become a problem.

I built the r plasma glass boxes ahead of time, moved the shards only when the chaos around the area was low so nobody could dick with them, then I did my best to secure them using material I knew they couldn't break and people couldn't easily smash through. One was in the ORM spot, the other two flanked the entrance. I just think when you say it like "Irresponsibility to safely contain something as dangerous as a supermatter crystal in a public area as a non antagonist is the reason for the ban." it comes off as portraying this as me just leaving SM shards loose in the hallways. Which is not the case at all.

I did what I thought was my due diligence to secure them in what I believed to be the most robust material and it was still within my department. It took someone actively sabotaging it for it to become an issue and when it became an issue its effect was relatively minimal all things considered. I've seen more rounds with whacky singularity setups constructed in the main hallways that ended up forcing a shuttle call than I can count.

I'm really not trying to be argumentative here it's just difficult to agree with the assessment that I didn't do anything to try and avert this. Let alone anything banworthy.
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Byond Username: Admiral_awesome130

Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by Admiral_awesome130 » #638353

So I have just lost my initial draft of this post when I was just about done with it so Imma paraphrase the key points
Initially joined the round because there was 3 separate "new player" in server with no admins online alerts in the discord.
Joined maby 30 seconds before the delam happened, looked into whodunit as it was a "green" shift, and at that point there were no antagonists on the antag list.
Found the atmos tech and after seeing he was a new player based on total play time, gave him a warning and a permanent note on his notes page.

Your first ban, the reduced 2 week one, is because you had three SM shards in "oh shit" range if one went and delam'd, and none of them had any sort of proper cooling loop to prevent them from going critical. If it was a single SM shard, I'd just give you a note about proper atmos management and chalk it up to bad luck. It's all about not one being blown up by another player's actions, it's about not having any actual safety netting on any of the shards when they were positioned fairly close to each other.
Like I said earlier, irresponsibility to safely contain something as dangerous as (several) supermatter crystal(s) in a public area as a non antagonist is the reason for the ban.

As for the appealed 6 month ban, it was a combination of just dealing with you setting up multiple display SM shards and giving you the slap on the wrist, and you actively chucking primed flashbangs through wormholes, effectively being, well, a shitter. Doing shit things. So I gave what any perceived shitter causing major grief on the server would get. Looking back it was very harsh but I had just gave a sentencing for the first infraction and it felt as if I didn't get a proper message of "think about not doing stupid things" to you.
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Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by jortsandshirts » #638370

Okay but harmless stupidity is the charm and polish that makes SS13, SS13.

Those SM shards weren't in some public area as if they were smack above the bridge. They were in the lobby of QM which while public is hardly the traffic zone that any primary hallway or medbay is. Again, yes that's on me for not having an adequate cooling solution but I took every step to try and mitigate any risks or tampering by using the best means I knew possible. Someone, who claimed to have already used the kiss emote on the supermatter engine decided to use it on one of the shards. That's not my fault nor was it something I was inviting. This is why I'm branching away from your line of thinking in treating this at all like a maxcap left in the showroom. Or an SM shard left out in the open above the bridge or something. That's not what this was and had it not been for the actions of someone who admittedly knew what was going to happen things would have been absolutely fine, the atmos tech that got a lesson prior in the round about how to kiss-start the supermatter engine.

So leaving the SM shards off the table since we'll not agree on that issue.. if you're so deadset on punishing people for harmless stupidity like throwing flashbangs through a wormhole then why are you not on Manuel where that playstyle makes sense? Harmless stupidity is the cornerstone of SS13 and labelling it as shitter behavior in such a cut and dry matter isn't at all in the flow of things. Know what we had last round? Someone setup a gauntlet of hacked vending machines to pelt people with smokes and snacks as they tried to get into medbay. Why? Cause it's SS13. You've got to survive the horrors and mysteries of space while simultaneously surviving the hell that is your coworkers. Is throwing multiple flashbangs at the chef cooking eggs funny? Not overly. Is the idea of the chef getting beaned by a flashbang that popped into existence through the wonders of wormhole travel funny? Yes it is.

Why, there goes a clown riding a cow that has a syringe gun full of absinthe and is being chased by the crew past an engineers latest possible death contraption using conveyer belts, disposal pipes and whatever else they could come up with. Security is trying to solve the mystery of who stole the captains bedsheet while a honkbot tows around an SM shard. In five minutes the AI will announce there is xenomorphs in the chapel and when the crew gets there they'll find that it's just two idiots worshipping xenos in xeno costumes. The crew will kill them anyways and then claim victory over a xeno infestation. The clown has now been beaten to death and is in the process of being revived under strict orders from the HoS that he is banned from having legs. An assistant runs in screaming "LIEUTENANT DAN, LIEUTENANT DAN I'LL SAVE YOU", flashbangs the entire medbay and runs away with the clowns legless corpse.

The shuttle is then called because Brick Mortars latest singularity experiment has gone awry when a morph ate the shield generator.

This is like, every round during highpop hours my dude. It's this or some wacky variation of this. I was respectful and polite in my ahelps and I think I've been respectful and polite here as well. I'm grateful you decided that tossing flashbangs isn't as bad as you thought it was but my dude this should have been a note at best. You've sucked all the context out and ignored anything I did to mitigate dumbfuckery, only to have some dude undo all that with what iamgoofball says is a bug. Then you stomped on me about something highly, highly, highly, benign. While I'm grateful you took the QM ban down to two weeks I'm not kosher with that having to be a ban at all. I'm not cool with the drop-chop six month server ban for something so harmless. I mean harmless harmless not even harmless by Sybil standards.

Again my dude, respect being given and trying to be polite. Sybil is fun and frenzied weird and dorktacularly stupid. I thought we had manuel for the iron-fisted no nonsense adminship?

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Byond Username: Tearling

Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by Tearling » #638481

Just for reference Jorts, if you don't agree with the outcome of the appeal you can request a headmin review if you believe you did nothing wrong.
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Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by jortsandshirts » #638524

Thanks Tearling.

No, I do not agree with this and I'm not saying that to step on your toes Admiral. The grenades shouldn't even be a thing, the first part about the SMs should be a note about being more careful. Am I known to cause problems with SM shards often? I don't believe so no. Did I do my best given the circumstances? I believe I did with the knowledge I had. A person using a bug to bypass safety measures is not my fault. I ordered those SM shards for a purpose, which was fine until that happened.

For the reasons I stated prior I think this should be a note with a moderate tone at best. I apologize you don't see it that way Admiral but this wasn't an attempt to tow the line or be a shitter. Sure, flashbangs through a wormhole isn't normal behavior but it's far from shitter. I'm tired and I'm sorry I'm not more eloquent here but you've put a label on me that does not fit and will be used against me in the future to weight future punishments for transgressions. Ergo an error here has a ripple effect there. Again, I'm tired.
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Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by Timberpoes » #638576

Highlighted this for headmin discussion.
/tg/station Codebase Maintainer
/tg/station Game Master/Discord Jannie: Feed me back in my thread.
/tg/station Admin Trainer: Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?
Feb 2022-Sep 2022 Host Vote Headmin
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Byond Username: Jortymorty

Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by jortsandshirts » #638779

Good evening. I believe my interaction today with this admin is important given the context of what's occured already. The snap-shot off the cuff bans from them and the excessive length.

The round ID is 182130. 13:12:04 Server time.

Round duration: 1 hours, 35 minutes, and 5 seconds

I joined and took control of my mob at 13:51 or , gaining antagonist status as a traitor. 39 minutes after roundstart.
There was a good amount of radio chatter and for the most part things seemed lively. I went to the chapel and opened my PDA. Gloves of the North star, a prime murderbone weapon was on a fantastic discount but I ignored it as I'm not typically one who would be considered a murderboner. This is important.

I'm Gene Parmesan, Jortymorty is my CKEY, my AI name changes, my borg name is YOSH.E. I doubt anybody can remember those names alongside the thought of a murderboner. Ever. Hell, I rarely if ever do anything that would possibly cause a shuttle call. I try to leave that sort of play alone. Sewing chaos, being a dentheaded NT employee, dying horribly is more my speed. Can any of you recall me plasma-flooding as an AI? You get the idea. I'm generally here for the IC dumbfuckery and interpersonal conflicts that can arise since being chased and chasing is a hoot.

So, this is what I purchased and at what time.
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Not your typical loadout for someone out on a murderbone stroll but I digress.

I waltzed over to Medbay to see what I could see. There was a virus going around, I took the vaccine and things were quite busy. So in front of five people I threw my first throwing star.

02:05:08 ATTACK Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesean) has threw and hit Erenklc896968/(Slippo Supreme) with the throwing star (NEWHP: 50.8)

It's 52 minutes since the start of the shift.
The stars kill Slippo Supreme, Muterover, Haliee Mason, Isabella Dunn, Lola Jesse, and most importantly Stephanie Holmes. All grouped up in Medbay. I also killed Pete, I do feel bad about that one.
I leave them, in medbay. I do not hide nor destroy their bodies. I yoink their PDAs and I vamoose so they can get tended to by anybody who cares to. I take out my purified soul shard and I yoink the clowns soul and let him know that if we find runed metal I'll turn him into a Juggernaut if we can.
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After that the chat of a blind man on the radio made it seem like a great idea to put a few electrified grilles in the hallway. This resulted in two deaths to my knowledge from people I pushed into them. One being Johan Bergelen the blind man.
02:17:36 SAY Asha_108/(Johan Bergelen) "DID I GET BLIND BRAIN TRAUAM??"

Now Johan, Johans death shouldn't even count as anything but justice since he chose to weld nearly every single door he could being an absolute tosser and inviting any sort of lynching. 37 airlocks and such welded total.
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So back to Stephanie Holmes.
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Well, ain't that a coincidence.

So, let's talk about what came after this. Now I'd hardly call the medbay incident a murderbone as it was a group of people who had every opportunity to fight back and in some cases did. It was a small group, no corpses gibbed, no bodies hidden. As far as I know some of ya'll got back on your feet. Sulta was fixing you up, I did not interfere. I let medbay do medbay things and you died again while I was off lynching Johan for the welding of the airlocks. I did not in anyway prevent you from being brought back from the dead.
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Did you see me again? Was I camping the bodies or did I take the clowns soul and skeddadle leaving those alive, alive. Yes, I did. Was I encouraging a shuttle call and decrying anybody who recalled? Yes, I was. 02:26:04 SAY Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesean) "So like 90% of the crew is dead, stop recalling"

I died and gave the killer a "nice" for their work. Here's the shit part.
02:26:48 SAY Asha_108/(Johan Bergelen) (DEAD) "just because someone is "traitor" they can't just waltz around fucking murdering everyone"
02:28:27 ADMIN DSAY: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes) "Ok so I can't do anything because I was a player during the round and got killed by the chaplain. Fuck this life." (149, 101, 2) Custodial Closet
02:28:31 SAY Asha_108/(Johan Bergelen) (DEAD) "gene"
02:28:33 ADMIN Admiral_awesome130 deadminned themselves.
02:28:40 SAY Asha_108/(Johan Bergelen) (DEAD) "Gene you're a fucking asshole"
02:28:42 SAY Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesean) (DEAD) "Do anything about what Admiral?" (139, 105, 2) Starboard Primary Hallway

You may remember Johan as the blind guy who decided to weld 37 fucking airlocks as a non-antagonist and you may also know Admiral from this very appeal.
So this is what Admirals on about.
02:29:10 ADMIN DSAY: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes) "You... mass murdering without taking any objectives, on lowpop?"

It was Kilo, the server population was 21, there was a healthy amount of people dicking around and other than the two grill shocking deaths the rest were from one incident in Medbay which again, I then left to resolve itself. One of those grill shocking deaths was lynching Johan for again, welding 37 airlocks.

02:29:14 SAY Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesean) (DEAD) "Hold on, I'm wondering why Admiral is calling me out here, an admin that I've actively had to escalate a fucking horrible ban with" (139, 105, 2) Starboard Primary Hallway
02:29:14 SAY Asha_108/(Johan Bergelen) (DEAD) "you shock grilled a blind person"
02:29:17 ADMIN DSAY: Admiral_awesome130/(Stephanie Holmes) "A rule break of rule fucking 1"

A rule break of rule fucking 1? Slow your roll. I was a traitor and I caused a bit of a kerfuffle in Medbay. Again, other than the clown everybody was left whole. The staff that were in the medbay after were not harmed. The clown was able to continue the round as a ghost with the hopes that we'd make him a Juggernaut. Random hallway murders? Not overly, One guy sure I'll give you that but Johan welded everything as tight as a ducks butt and deserved to be dunked on.

So, then I got this Johan guy, an ACTUAL SHITTER. Crawling up my poopchute because he was righteously lynched.
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So I got this little yappy shit on my ass, who was doing actual shitter behavior and didn't like that he got grilled for it. Salt is expected, this got excessive. I figure between Admiral and Johan this deadchat is going to suck ass. I give an apology to the fella playing Pete because that one I didn't know how to handle so I killed Pete, that I regret.
02:31:12 SAY Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesean) (DEAD) "This is hilarious, dying is part of the game. Sorry Pete you worried me."

Again, I call a duck a duck. Johans been crawling as far as he can up my shitter and despite me saying enough, and telling him to touch the grass and relax it continues. He mentions Admiral again and well, duck.
02:32:01 SAY Jortymorty/(Gene Parmesean) (DEAD) "Yeah Admiral is gunning for me so fucking hard, he gave me a half a year server ban for throwing flashbangs through a wormhole, now that his bans on appeal low and behold he's GRRRR IMMA GET HIM"

And here we leave normality and go completely offroad.
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And then we get overboard. Johan loses his mind and begins to spam while using sexual nonsense as insults. Blind eye turned by Admiral because... why?
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Hey Admiral, your friend was being kind of a shithead with the sexual crap and the spam, not to mention the 37 welded airlocks as a non-antagonist he rightfully got lynched for.

Admiral. There was a medbay slaughter that was left to its own devices. Bodies were not hidden nor removed. I'm sorry you died but that's part of the game and had you stuck around in your body you may have got healed. There was nobody attacking medbay or preventing that afterwards. I went to the holodeck to fight bees after the medbay incident. The logs have me requesting the AI to disable the safeties. Then, the blind welder made his appearance and so a fitting end of shocked grills made sense. Your little attack dog Johan was 250% far more of a shitter than you labeled me as again, they welded 37 airlocks because.. why not? Then they shitted up deadchat, spammed and did all manner of Rule 1 breaking shit but that was ok with you because... it was against someone you have some sort of problem with. Hell, you even believed me to be another person you personally banned and have had problems with. I joined near the ass-end of the round, I killed a handful of people in Medbay and I was actively promoting the shuttle being called while the CE kept recalling... again, something you handwaved because they're not on your personal shitlist.

Stop. I've already decided I'm going to stop playing during the early morning hours of my day because of your toxic behavior. Your initial ban regarding the SM shards should have been a note at best. There was no ill-intent there and all the evidence to support that I did my due diligence to the best of my ability to secure and safety Cargonias bling. A bug was abused to sabotage it. You painted this event as if I had just uncrated them and let them loose in the halls. This is false.
Then, flashbangs through a wormhole is absolutely beyond harmless. I'm still amazed you even looked at that as even being remotely bwoinkable. This is not Manuel.

This is Sybil. However if you're trying to force some no-nonsense iron-fisted administrative shit here then I ask why you see fit to ignore things like 37 welded airlocks and other actual shitter behavior when it's done by someone who is actively attacking me in deadchat? They get a pass because they don't like me and ergo that's of benefit to you? Think about that for a minute.

I joined near the end of an average length round on a considerably populated Kilo station. My actions are hardly the same as someone stalking wordlessly through the hallway slaughtering anybody they come across. I relented and let Medbay do their thing after stealing the clowns soul. I'm not known to murderbone, I doubt many people can even recall me killing them at all. Let alone waltzing around the station slaughtering my way through the crew. Does anybody have any recollection of me plasma flooding distro? Sabotaging the SM? Making bombs or any other shit that would normally result in mucho crew death and a shuttle call? No, it's not something I do for the most part. This shift I relented my attack, went to do other things and set out to lynch the dickhead welding all the airlocks by making him navigate the hallways blind with shocked grills. Alice Heart the CE kept the shuttle recalled, not me. Your attack puppy fucked up all the airlocks, not me.

Again, I'm making the decision NOT to play anymore during the hours I've found you to be active. Except for one or two admins I'm usually a pleasant person. Hell, yesterday I ahelped and an admin told me I wasn't going to like the answer as to why something happened regarding my brain and being borged. I said, why would I be upset? That's legit. Admiral, that's who I am. Am I perfect? Hilariously not. Am I whatever the fuck you think you have me pinned down as? Lord no. I'm honest when bwoinked and I don't repeat behavior if I've been tickled with the teaching taser. I try to do things in a way that doesn't permanently remove people from the round as much as I can help it. If there's an IC conflict and it escalates I'm hauling the person I slapped to medbay, if they slap me and I don't get the same, being left in the hallway like yesterdays burrito filling, I don't bitch, mostly. Dying is part of the game.

I don't care what you think of me at this point given your biased horseshit IE: Misrepresenting SM shard Cargonia decorating as just loosing SM shards into the hallways, half a year for flashbangs through a wormhole, ignoring other players actively breaking rules right in front of you so you can dchat shame me, thinking I'm someone else you banned in the past because you've got an axe to grind with them , trying to use my past bans against me as some kind of whack insult in deadchat. That's fine and I can play at other times to avoid your toxic behavior. What I do care about is you pulling this shit on someone else.

The headmin ruling:
"We welcome admins to note lowpop murderbone at their discretion.

Repeated notes may result in bans."

Notice how despite a thousand rounds or so I have zero notes about this?
Calling what I did a lowpop murderbone is a stretch. Letting a shitter like Johan off the chain to attack while ignoring the rules that apply to him so he can aggravate me is absolutely telling of your intentions. I'm asking that the headmins expunge or adjust notes you've applied as well as remove the QM/Heads ban which is asinine to begin with.
"As the quartermaster, ordered several supermatter shards, to set up as display signs in the cargo lobby. As a non antagonist. New player then messes around with blowing kisses and accidentally destablizes one of the shards, causing an explosion at cargo lobby. While Jortymorty isn't the DIRECT cause of the explosion/destablization, he honestly shouldn't have ORDERED 3 SUPERMATTER CRYSTALS TO SET UP AS DISPLAYS."
This isn't Manuel. Do you know how many SM shards get ordered on Sybil? Brick can probably tell you. Do you know how many end in disasters far worse than what happened with mine? Many. Cargonia is a thing on Sybil. Bragging rights, gross displays of wealth and stupidity are the foundation upon which fun Cargo is built. Stop your nonsense. Are you going to crackdown on every warehouse full of russian surplus items being sold? There was a minor explosion all things considered and as far as I know I'm the only one who perished. Maybe the SM kisser. Your note portrays this as me just putting SM shards out willy nilly and does not go into the steps I took to try and prevent disaster. I couldn't even imagine Sybil where this type of thing was forbidden. Last night atmos had a full fledged xeno pen built in it. What happened? Disaster. That's Sybil and I don't think one person other than myself complained. I was a bit assbent about getting thwonked about this while Brick can tear reality in half and it's just "That's Sybil baby!"
So after PURPOSELY PLACING SEVERAL SM SHARDS INTO CARGO'S LOBBY, then getting yelled at for doing stupid shit, throws active flashbangs into wormholes during a wormhole event. I was going easy with the 1 month cargo/head ban, this shitter behavior is showing he doesn't deserve it.
You were going easy with a shit ban? Absolutely no you were not. You went excessive and then doubled down on the excessive. You took a seriously overboard ban and escalated it to HALF A YEAR for throwing FLASHBANGS into a WORMHOLE. There was zero harm caused by what I did with the damned flashbangs. That was your justification for taking it to a half a year? Awful. This note should be expunged entirely as the ban was immediately lifted by yourself when I challenged it because you know it's not defensible at all.

I treated you with decency and respect in our initial dealings with the SM and flashbangs despite your asinine judgement. I accepted it without much in the way of argument and expressed gratitude to you for being "lenient" with your initial ban, even though I personally believed it was bullshit. That's who I am Admiral. You are in the wrong. I do not say that to be insulting, to be smug, to punish, to seek revenge or any other motive beyond telling you to get off my back and take a big moment to step back and reflect on whoever the fuck you think you are. You completely ignored someone blatantly violating multiple rules right in front of you while you argued like a child with your "spicy ban reasons",you let them act like a complete fuckstick while they were COMPLETELY in the wrong with behavior YOU would deem shitter simply because they were on your "side", you ignored a third party pointing out you were being a damned turkey, you ignored other players asking you why the fuck the CE was getting a pass for being the one extending the round and you took the death of your botanist so damned personal you turned a medbay dust-up into whatever it was in your mind that made it a lowpop murderbone. You even literally outed yourself in the logs at the frustration you had that YOU couldn't do anything about it. Now where does that leave me? In the crosshairs of whatever you've got going on, bad enough that I've now got to sit out the hours you're most likely to be on.

I apologize for the profanity to those reading this. It's not meant to be insulting. It's just my way.
I also apologize if this should be an admin complaint itself but I think given the circumstances this is relevant.
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Re: [Admiral_Awesome130] Jortymorty - Barely banworthy overboard ban.

Post by Mothblocks » #639147

We are upholding this appeal and will be removing the note.

There are two components of this note. One is the supermatters in cargo, the other is throwing flashbangs in the wormholes.

Off the bat, the note written does not tell an appropriate story about what happened. If a future admin were to see "So after PURPOSEFULLY PLACING SEVERAL SM SHARDS INTO CARGO'S LOBBY", the conclusion they are likely to come to is they were haphazardly placed to cause grief and rads. It does not describe the fact that Jortymorty put up reinforced plasma glass everywhere to protect it, which does not seem to be in any contention.

Reinforced plasma glass around a supermatter sounds like a good faith effort to protect it to me, especially since it wasn't even a laser that tripped it off. I don't see any reason to hold Jortymorty accountable to this. They were playing with fire, but if you're making a concerted effort to protect against the damages, I don't want people to fear a [6 month] ban hammer. Some things will be out of your control, but this seems like a cool enough sandbox project to where I would've let it slide if I were the admin handling it. Sometimes a round goes bad. This doesn't seem self-antaggy to me, and not all conflict needs to come from antagonists.

That part of the note should be completely removed.

Given that, we move onto the flashbang part of the note. This is dickish, and in the spirit of griefy actions that don't benefit anyone, but it's so small fry that it's a fairly weak note in and of itself. This bit can be a bit contentious, it's okay to note small slightly-griefy things after all, but surrounding events with this admin will put this decision in better context.

To put a sensitive matter short, we had discovered that Admiral_awesome130 had, partially unbeknownst to Jortymorty, involved himself with a matter that had directly involved him as a player, leading to the admin placing a secret note on Jortymorty, which would've been impossible for them to appeal. Because of this, we do not feel comfortable leaving the residue on the player. This investigation lead to the admin being removed for misconduct.

In the future to Jortymorty and any readers, please use admin complaints for this in the future instead of replying to your own ban appeal with it, it hurts the paper trail and made investigating this more annoying. The rule against admin complaints involving un-upheld appeals only goes so far as "don't complain that an admin banned you", it does not involve separate instances of misconduct involving you.
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

Mothblocks everywhere, >>> Say nice things about me <<<

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