Make naming Policy more strict/clear

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Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by DaydreamIQ » #653430

Naming policy is a complete joke at the moment, as things stand its entirely based upon the admin's opinion on whether or not said name is acceptable which leads to some names that seem passable being banned while outright meme names being allowed because they don't cross the line enough.

Who could forget 'Pizza Parker', 'John Luck Picknerd' 'Wayne Kingoff' and 'John C Denton'. These very acceptable and not at all references to movies/videogames/rule 8 violations that all exist on MRP of all places where you'd think it'd be at the very least taken into consideration more. While infamously we have "Dreary Doom" getting noted for their name whilst "Dorothy Doom" was completely fine.

So my own pitch is this; Change naming policy to include any 'Parody' names. If its close enough to a popular movie/game/tv character / celebrity that you can immediately tell what its referencing, admins are expected to demand a new name. This is for the sake of consistency so people can't get away with barely crossing the line by changing a few characters. And also make it so that being a clown doesn't give you freedom to name yourself after blatant rule 8 violations.

That's my idea at the very least, if someone has a better more concise way of putting it i'd be glad to hear it.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by HeyHey » #653432

Make it less strict it's the future why do I need a boring western Surname name instead of a different format? Ex. caught a note for Tony Da Beepity
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Shellton(Mario) » #653453


Although I would agree with this tbh, when I first started playing as Mario I was Mario Toadstool. Admin told me change and I asked if I could kept doing the whole outfit thing. This is pretty dumb to me but whatever this was well over a year ago. Adding some grounds for an admin to ask you to change it is overall a good thing. Even through I would need to change my whole character to make it work.

Also like bruh, Pizza Parker on MRP. Get your shit together
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by EmpressMaia » #653493

I'd like this change
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by oranges » #653502

The naming policy was doomed the moment admin statics didnt' get policed
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Imitates-The-Lizards » #653728

I want my name back. "Imitates-The-Lizards". It obviously fits in the RP setting, and I genuinely used it to fulfill RP purposes (I would sometimes mimic lizards by talking "like thisss" as a non-lizard) and I used it for ages, but one day a tourist admin came on to Sybil and decided they didn't like it, so I had to change it.

It's one thing if it's "Muh Dick" or "Shit McFuckass", where it's obvious it doesn't fit into roleplay at all, but this current policy where admins can just say "Yeah well fuck you, I don't like your name, so change it" is ridiculous.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #653732

Human names should be required to be plausibly legal under NZ's Deaths and Marriages Registration Act of 1995
Screenshot 2022-10-09 at 01-09-25 Naming law - Wikipedia.png
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by TheFinalPotato » #653743

'Wayne Kingoff' is not a rule 8 violation. We have fucking sexy alien posters sex jokes are not rule 8 violations. Jesus.
You also mention MRP, is this a manuel only thing or is that just related but not the point.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by TheSmallBlue » #653744

The idea of admins going around telling people "Hey, *I* don't like your name, change it" is fucked up.

I'd get it if they demand a name change after someone ahelps "Hey actually interacting with someone named Lickma Ass makes me sick", but them just logging on one day, seeing a random guy that has had an iconic name for MILLENIA like Will Nutter or Imitates-The-Lizards, a name to which people have gotten used to and that no one has an issue with, then DEMANDING they change it is just absurd.
It feels like they're using the sole outlet they have to abuse their power to hell and back, because no one can really complain about it.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Shadowflame909 » #653746

I think we should gut naming policy. We have other rules like rule 8 to deal with creepy or offensive names!
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by san7890 » #653850

Wall of Text alarm!!! He’s fucking wall of texting us!!!

Let’s think critically about this. Every thing I write here is my own personal thoughts on the matter and aside from like one passing thought in headminbus, I haven’t consulted with anybody on this. All me speaking here to represent myself. There’s a interesting research process I’ve read about and shall personally employ in this post, Robert Jensen’s “Apocalyptic Thinking”. Where, instead of an intellectual shying away from the tough parts of a hard question, they think about the whole situation holistically to identify a solution. There’s more to it than that, but let’s not think too hard about some guy’s book in 2013.

First, the past. Where do I come from in regards to this situation? If you pull my Scrubby (, you will find that I have played 1015 rounds as the name “Kira Yoshikage”, from about 2019-2020. I ahelped names such as “Murdoch Murdoch” (since I doubted the administration team was aware of the bigoted background that name references (they weren’t)).

This was all dandy until one day, by some misfortune, I was told to change it over. I was malding over that. It wasn’t so much that I behaved like a reference character who always went on about a quiet house in Morioh, I had already found my footing on how I want to behave in-game. However, I was not at all having fun with the concept of changing my name! I feared whatever street cred I had with the fellow Bagillites (namely as a killer engineer) would evaporate. You can say “you never should have taken that name in the first place, stupid” but it was the SSETHTIDE! Everyone was taking the most goobery names on US Events Hall, and I carried it with me to Bagil.

I begrudgingly assumed the name “Kira Yossarian”, and later added the names “Keagan Yossarian” and “Katie Yossarian” to that family. I wanted to keep that trend, that semblance of self throughout such that hopefully people could retain WHO I AM and WHO I WAS. I literally did not engage with the wider community outside of OOC chat until November 2021, so my in-game statics were the only persistent that I felt people could tie themselves to. It seems to have worked out alright in the end, but it’s left me with a crippling uncertainty.

I don’t relish gallavanting around killing off names such as “Ronald McDonald” (this name adapted from a real ticket where the character had named themselves after a popular restaurant chain), but I did it because I figured that if I were to be the one to strike as early as possible- I would help save people from that anguish a thousand rounds later when they finally settled into their skin. I killed the name early so they didn’t have to grow into it sentimentally and then get their proverbial brains splattered out by an admin a year later. Whenever an admin comes around in #adminbus saying “Is the name X okay?”, I instinctively close Discord for a few minutes because I grew to the point where I could not deal with the concept of admins poking and praddling a player’s name choice because of my own personal recollection of being at the wrong end of that boomstick.

Now it’s time for the controversial part (or at least unheard of part) of the past. In my training and what has been drilled into me since has been that “naming policy is subjective”. I didn’t think much of it at the time since it seemed fair, but I’ve really become sick of it lately. Everyone loves to bring up some moth named a silly name and rehashing the same argument nearly every two weeks in admin channels and I am sick of that. I really am. I can’t stand the discourse any more, because nothing about the end result ever changes: “Naming Policy is Subjective”. We hire admins based on how well they perform in a community, we don’t hire them based on their level of critique or taste. Some people are simply more selective than others, and that is the subjective truth. I can’t give you more than anecdote because people very rarely appeal naming policy judgements (mostly because they probably knew their name wasnt good to begin with), so you’ll have to trust me on this.

There’s also an egging aspect that I’ve found myself subject to at one point, where admins loudly bemoan a name in a back channel and someone picks up that inkling to “take out the trash” a round later down the road. That may not be intentional, but I certainly did it! There’s also the “retrospective” problem, where an admin with a twinkle in their eye and some pep in their step walks in on admins (that they might just look up to) saying “we FINALLY got that person with the crap name out after HOW long???”, and then presume that they need to be more heavyhanded in such matters. I haven’t had this personally happen to me in regards to naming policy, but I’ve felt it more for like Rule One Precedent Four stuff.

There’s also the… internal clique aspect of it. We can spend hours arguing about how we currently do it, but some admins have names that could definitely be exiled based on the current interpretation of naming policy. Let’s keep our scope to retired admins for now.

Consider someone like Ausops, an institutional Game Master. It would not be respectful to downplay their effect on modern /tg/. Let’s pull their Scrubby ( “Allad Minsa Recucks” = “All Admins Are Cucks”, “Phoneti Callyso Undname” = “Phonetically Sound Name”, “Fatwao Nanimec Atgirls” = “Fat’wa on Anime Catgirls”… the list goes on. This was a few years ago before I ever played the game, but do you think that maybe Ausops got the pass on some of these names because of their standing in the community (namely, as a Head Admin/Game Master)? Even if they did it before they were adminned, it still shows that every admin collectively eschewed whatever naming policy was going around back then, and everyone Rule 0’d it. It’s important to note that admins choose admins (always!), and if an admin thinks a player is cool enough to the point where they can let something slip as far as the name they employ, what’s to stop them from passing the name around?

The above is a HUGE logical conclusion that might not be factual, but think about it! Doesn’t what I just outlined make complete sense from an outsider’s perspective? Because that is how an outsider who pays attention might see it- some weird variant of nepotism. I know people don’t like thinking about it this way, but remember, we’re dealing with the tough parts of this situation (Apocalyptic Thinking).

Although not as serious as some of things Jensen would probably like his process to be applied to, one of the things Apocalyptic Thinking let’s you pick up on is the “pattern”. What “pattern” is allowing this problem to propogate? Based on what I’ve discussed, there’s a power imbalance, that really does get applied unevenly. The power balance could be present in any facet of server administration, sure, but remember that naming policy is subjective. That means anyone can pull it at a whim to kill a name that might not be 100% original. Maybe you can have Rule 0 continue to propogate in the form that “Eh, they’ve had it long enough, no action”, but it takes one admin to be in a specific place at a specific time to completely devastate a player’s attachment to the game. Subjectivity was a complete mistake, and I guarantee you it will continue to be a mistake.

Alright, third and final step of Apocalyptic Thinking: plan of action. First solution: eliminate subjectivity by creating objectivity. Eh, I don’t like that. It’s a sandbox roleplaying game, so why shouldn’t players sandbox and roleplay a name? I personally apply the current position of naming policy to be “Is it toxic to the current roleplay atmosphere of the server?”, because there’s no sense upsetting a player if it doesn’t. In fact, the whole point of Rule Zero is to purposefully ignore the rules when an action was indeed rulebreaking… but it wasn’t toxic to the server (or may have been funny or clever enough to be the exact opposite). I know it might be hard to determine “toxic to everyone” without a spinal backbone of the rules to help you out at every step, but that’s what I’ve been doing lately.

Right now, there’s a lot of climate conditions as far as admins positions, player’s positions, etc. I’d like to do something more with this in the coming future, but who really knows what that’ll hold? I’ve found myself thinking more about Roleplay Rule Ten lately: “Play as a coherent and believable character.” It allows you to be a bit silly at times, but you should act like you wanna have a job. I think the name can paradoxically matter the most and matter the least when it comes to this.

In this sandbox game: You could have someone with the absolute worst, most-referential name you have ever heard come across as perhaps the best character you’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. You could also have someone with the most original, most choice name who has a personality as bland as the color cream. The name is an important accessory, but I strongly believe you can be both coherent and believable with slightly incoherent and unbelievable names.

I apologize to supporters and detractors alike for the monolith resting above me, there is simply no soundbite flippant post I could ever make to do this “apocalyptic” issue justice. I’m also not writing a lot to try and “kill” this thread, I welcome anyone who wishes to add their thoughts or dispute me. I just can not give a partial portion of this issue and walk away thinking “I did the right thing”.

TL;DR: If you needed this, all you need to know is that it’s a 2D Spaceman Game, man. Why police so hard, and so unjustly?
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #653875

san7890 wrote: Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:53 am [Apocalypse Now]
I remember a dude on Manuel who went around naming himself Daigo Dojima after the Yakuza games.

Super chill dude. Actually had a good character and one of the better ways of playing the game that I've seen. Didn't go out of his way to just dunk on antags, but didn't constantly self-antag either. He was usually just pretty neutral and out-for-himself.

His character was definitely inspired to some degree by Daigo, but the only time I ever actively saw him talk about it was a time when my own character whose entire gimmick is being a gigantic historical-videogame-loving nerd asked about it. I think he answered it well, by memory he said that the games took inspiration from his ancestors, and that he wasn't named after the Video Game character, but that he was named after a great great great great great grandparent, who the game character was named after.

So honestly, I'm inclined to agree. I think names like Richard Gluteus (Dick Butt), Amon Gus, Semen Champion, or to quote the Sseth video 'Muh Dick', should probably all be hit (Ock Ick (Dead Memes)/Ock Ick (Flavour of the Month)/Rule 8/NRP) but all of those can be hit for other reasons that are already inherent rulebreaks.

Names like Daigo Dojima and Kira Yoshikage should be allowed as long as they aren't literal 1:1's (talking about the Tojo Clan vs the Omi Alliance, or wanting to live a quiet life in Morioh/a suspicious love of hands), as well as other more creative names like Dreary Doom, or Ripyu Anewon.

If it's going to be about subjectivity, it should just fall under Rule 0, where the most important part is about the health of the server and the enjoyment of all.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Drag » #653878

Why don't we just pull a bee station and have a general expectation for each race? Otherwise having a naming policy at all is pointless.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Nabski » #653879

Drag wrote: Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:20 am Why don't we just pull a bee station and have a general expectation for each race? Otherwise having a naming policy at all is pointless.
These used to be on the wiki under each races page. I can't find them now. I know Subject217 kept removing the "food puns are encouraged" from Felinid because they are a sour puss.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Misdoubtful » #653881

Drag wrote: Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:20 am Why don't we just pull a bee station and have a general expectation for each race? Otherwise having a naming policy at all is pointless.
I linked this bit from Bee elsewhere, something similar to this is honestly the way to go IF someone wants to be giving some sort of actual direction and guidance to names.

The majority of other servers just have better policy to fit their environment.

We are one of the odd ones out with the LEAST developed blurb on naming.

Another example would be CM:

And also much more relevant, TGMC: ... Precedents.

Yog's is a bit intense but it works:

Its not like we are growing into the environment we want to be to wait on doing something like this or anything...
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Cobby » #653883

If one race can have it a player should be able to play as any other race and use that naming scheme "my adopted parents are X race so thats why my name is that".

If a name is dumb it shouldnt matter what species you are (assuming the point of naming schemes is for muh immersion and not to be pedantic).
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by oranges » #653891

Cobby wrote: Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:50 pm If one race can have it a player should be able to play as any other race and use that naming scheme "my adopted parents are X race so thats why my name is that".

If a name is dumb it shouldnt matter what species you are (assuming the point of naming schemes is for muh immersion and not to be pedantic).
Yep, otherwise it just causes another whole swathe of pointless admin bullshittery arguments like we are currently experiencing.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Archie700 » #653907

I don't even think that acting like the fictional person you're referencing is much of a rule break as long as it does not get creepy or self-antaggy.
Obviously this would mean real names of famous or, more accurately, controversial people (Donald Trump being a very good example) would have to be banned.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by BrianBackslide » #653923

We already have rules for obvious bad faith names (1, 8, 11), a naming policy closes the door on names derived from character backstory. Call them "naming guidelines" and call it a day. If you name yourself something that's obviously inflammatory, then don't whine when you get beaten to death.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Drag » #653932

My take is we either have NO naming policy, and just sweep up names that directly violate our rules, or we have a STRICT naming policy. This in between bullshit isn't working, I as an admin don't really feel like I CAN tell people to change their names, least I risk starting another pnut and getting flamed over something I thought was stupid and low quality
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Misdoubtful » #653936

I have not been and will continue not to be interested in enforcing anything regarding names unless its clearly documented and easily understood by everyone what is and isn't acceptable.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by saprasam » #653950

i dont get why naming policy exists, i've always felt like it'd just be a better idea to tell people off with names if they're just plain retarded (GONSALEZ THE MASTER 2007) or breaks the rules
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by DaydreamIQ » #653953

I've noticed that most of the names I mentioned have started to go away since I put this up so that's a good sign at the very least, but there really needs to be a solid foundation for this instead of a flimsy "Leave it to admin interpretation" or outright remove naming policy entirely. Leaving things as they are until people complain again probably won't result in much good
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by oranges » #653961

Drag wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:49 pm My take is we either have NO naming policy, and just sweep up names that directly violate our rules, or we have a STRICT naming policy. This in between bullshit isn't working, I as an admin don't really feel like I CAN tell people to change their names, least I risk starting another pnut and getting flamed over something I thought was stupid and low quality
Uhh harden up, getting flamed and having peanut threads come with the territory of admin, you are literally supposed to colour in the grey areas and that's eventually gonna cause some flack. If you can't take that, don't sign up to the position where you are going to be asked to make judgement calls.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #653966

oranges wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:43 am gonna cause some flack

Its originated as military slang, and a shortened version of Fliegerabwehrkanone which was the German word translates to aviator-defense gun, or hand-held anti-aircraft rifle. Allied forces piolets would quite literally "catch some flak" as they flew over German ground troops.

Flack means to publicize or promote, or as a noun, someone who publicizes or promotes.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Drag » #653967

oranges wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:43 am
Drag wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:49 pm My take is we either have NO naming policy, and just sweep up names that directly violate our rules, or we have a STRICT naming policy. This in between bullshit isn't working, I as an admin don't really feel like I CAN tell people to change their names, least I risk starting another pnut and getting flamed over something I thought was stupid and low quality
Uhh harden up, getting flamed and having peanut threads come with the territory of admin, you are literally supposed to colour in the grey areas and that's eventually gonna cause some flack. If you can't take that, don't sign up to the position where you are going to be asked to make judgement calls.
Allow me to parrot something misdoubtful said. Ahem.

I have no interest in enforcing anything regarding names unless its clearly documented and easily understood by everyone in regards to what is and isn't acceptable. I should not find taking flack for something that is not clearly documented and well established acceptable under any circumstances, my job is not to receive or accept hate as a part of my daily life because the grey area is so smudged that virtually any form of opinion could be objectively correct. I have received and will continue to receive hate for my own choices, nothing anywhere says that it's okay to hateful or rude and that respect works both ways.

TLDR: Just because I should expect hate dosent mean that makes the hate okay. Also fuck naming policy
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #653975

Drag wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:21 am
oranges wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:43 am
Drag wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:49 pm My take is we either have NO naming policy, and just sweep up names that directly violate our rules, or we have a STRICT naming policy. This in between bullshit isn't working, I as an admin don't really feel like I CAN tell people to change their names, least I risk starting another pnut and getting flamed over something I thought was stupid and low quality
Uhh harden up, getting flamed and having peanut threads come with the territory of admin, you are literally supposed to colour in the grey areas and that's eventually gonna cause some flack. If you can't take that, don't sign up to the position where you are going to be asked to make judgement calls.
Allow me to parrot something misdoubtful said. Ahem.

I have no interest in enforcing anything regarding names unless its clearly documented and easily understood by everyone in regards to what is and isn't acceptable. I should not find taking flack for something that is not clearly documented and well established acceptable under any circumstances, my job is not to receive or accept hate as a part of my daily life because the grey area is so smudged that virtually any form of opinion could be objectively correct. I have received and will continue to receive hate for my own choices, nothing anywhere says that it's okay to hateful or rude and that respect works both ways.

TLDR: Just because I should expect hate dosent mean that makes the hate okay. Also fuck naming policy
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by oranges » #653990

Drag wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:21 am
oranges wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:43 am
Drag wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:49 pm My take is we either have NO naming policy, and just sweep up names that directly violate our rules, or we have a STRICT naming policy. This in between bullshit isn't working, I as an admin don't really feel like I CAN tell people to change their names, least I risk starting another pnut and getting flamed over something I thought was stupid and low quality
Uhh harden up, getting flamed and having peanut threads come with the territory of admin, you are literally supposed to colour in the grey areas and that's eventually gonna cause some flack. If you can't take that, don't sign up to the position where you are going to be asked to make judgement calls.
Allow me to parrot something misdoubtful said. Ahem.

I have no interest in enforcing anything regarding names unless its clearly documented and easily understood by everyone in regards to what is and isn't acceptable. I should not find taking flack for something that is not clearly documented and well established acceptable under any circumstances, my job is not to receive or accept hate as a part of my daily life because the grey area is so smudged that virtually any form of opinion could be objectively correct. I have received and will continue to receive hate for my own choices, nothing anywhere says that it's okay to hateful or rude and that respect works both ways.

TLDR: Just because I should expect hate dosent mean that makes the hate okay. Also fuck naming policy
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Shellton(Mario) » #653998

This is my draft for a new naming policy. Am going to leave out things we already have like non humans can have a different naming scheme.
If theres a ? at the end of the line it means am not sure on if this is a good idea or not

-You can not have a first or last name be a noun, verb or adjective. (I.E Pizza Parker)
-You can't name/reference from outside sources. (I.E Mario Facciolo)?
-Follow a naming scheme that is used somewhere in the current world

Feel free to add onto this if you want with your own ideas
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Rageguy505 » #654002

Shellton(Mario) wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm This is my draft for a new naming policy. Am going to leave out things we already have like non humans can have a different naming scheme.
If theres a ? at the end of the line it means am not sure on if this is a good idea or not

-You can not have a first or last name be a noun, verb or adjective. (I.E Pizza Parker)
-You can't name/reference from outside sources. (I.E Mario Facciolo)?
-Follow a naming scheme that is used somewhere in the current world

Feel free to add onto this if you want with your own ideas
Mario is a real name, that's like saying you can't name yourself Walter or Gordon
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Shadowflame909 » #654005

like others have said. I think we should gut naming policy and just rely on the other rules to enforce egregious examples.

The only hard ruling if that, if your name violates one of the other rules or is likely to create major discomfort, you open yourself up to admin punishment, icly or through the admin help system.

I would like to see people who name themselves adolf hitler and barack obama admin griefed more by chrono legionnaires
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #654006

Shellton(Mario) wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm This is my draft for a new naming policy. Am going to leave out things we already have like non humans can have a different naming scheme.
If theres a ? at the end of the line it means am not sure on if this is a good idea or not

-You can not have a first or last name be a noun, verb or adjective. (I.E Pizza Parker)
-You can't name/reference from outside sources. (I.E Mario Facciolo)?
-Follow a naming scheme that is used somewhere in the current world

Feel free to add onto this if you want with your own ideas
Dude like 95% of last names are nouns or adjectives.

Smith, Mercer, Connor, and Taylor, are all nouns
García, Brown, Johnson, White, Davis, Anderson, Williams, and Rodríguez, are all adjectives
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by CMDR_Gungnir » #654009

Shadowflame909 wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:42 am I would like to see people who name themselves adolf hitler and barack obama admin griefed more by chrono legionnaires
This would just encourage more people to do it to make The Funny Thing happen and is probably why it's not done more often.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Shellton(Mario) » #654011

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:06 am
Shellton(Mario) wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm Scroll Up Bozo
Dude like 95% of last names are nouns or adjectives.

Smith, Mercer, Connor, and Taylor, are all nouns
García, Brown, Johnson, White, Davis, Anderson, Williams, and Rodríguez, are all adjectives
I mean in the context of a name they arent?
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Shellton(Mario) » #654012

Rageguy505 wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:31 am
Shellton(Mario) wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm Scorll up Bozo
Mario is a real name, that's like saying you can't name yourself Walter or Gordon
Yes, but given the context behind me dressing up every shifts its obvious that am referencing something
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #654013

Drag wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:21 am
oranges wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:43 am
Drag wrote: Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:49 pm My take is we either have NO naming policy, and just sweep up names that directly violate our rules, or we have a STRICT naming policy. This in between bullshit isn't working, I as an admin don't really feel like I CAN tell people to change their names, least I risk starting another pnut and getting flamed over something I thought was stupid and low quality
Uhh harden up, getting flamed and having peanut threads come with the territory of admin, you are literally supposed to colour in the grey areas and that's eventually gonna cause some flack. If you can't take that, don't sign up to the position where you are going to be asked to make judgement calls.
Allow me to parrot something misdoubtful said. Ahem.

I have no interest in enforcing anything regarding names unless its clearly documented and easily understood by everyone in regards to what is and isn't acceptable. I should not find taking flack for something that is not clearly documented and well established acceptable under any circumstances, my job is not to receive or accept hate as a part of my daily life because the grey area is so smudged that virtually any form of opinion could be objectively correct. I have received and will continue to receive hate for my own choices, nothing anywhere says that it's okay to hateful or rude and that respect works both ways.

TLDR: Just because I should expect hate dosent mean that makes the hate okay. Also fuck naming policy
It' is indeed not a requirement to be forced to just suck up recieving flak and rudeness as an admin, which is a primary reason why you'll note my name is not purple any more.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Farquaar » #654015

Shellton(Mario) wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm -You can't name/reference from outside sources.
What is an outside source? What counts as a name *from* that?
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #654025

Shellton(Mario) wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:31 am
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:06 am
Shellton(Mario) wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm Scroll Up Bozo
Dude like 95% of last names are nouns or adjectives.

Smith, Mercer, Connor, and Taylor, are all nouns
García, Brown, Johnson, White, Davis, Anderson, Williams, and Rodríguez, are all adjectives
I mean in the context of a name they arent?
Under that logic, wouldn't those other names you mentioned not be nouns and verbs in the context of a name?
- Sincerely itseasytosee
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Shellton(Mario) » #654028

Itseasytosee2me wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:39 pm
Shellton(Mario) wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:31 am
Itseasytosee2me wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:06 am
Shellton(Mario) wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm Scroll Up Bozo
Dude like 95% of last names are nouns or adjectives.

Smith, Mercer, Connor, and Taylor, are all nouns
García, Brown, Johnson, White, Davis, Anderson, Williams, and Rodríguez, are all adjectives
I mean in the context of a name they arent?
Under that logic, wouldn't those other names you mentioned not be nouns and verbs in the context of a name?
I mean Pizza hasn't been adopted as a name and frankly makes you sound like a goober for having such a name. All the names you stated have roots somewhere in human history to the point where most people don't see them as a noun or adjective because they are just normal names to have. Although I do see where you are coming from and maybe we should just limit it to modern day adjective and nouns.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Shellton(Mario) » #654029

Farquaar wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 12:13 pm
Shellton(Mario) wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm -You can't name/reference from outside sources.
What is an outside source? What counts as a name *from* that?
For a name like Pizza Parker its clear its referencing the pizza time meme from spider man. But a name like Walter White would be fine by itself since its a pretty normal name. Maybe we could just scrap it but I just put it up there so we can talk about it since its a point that was brought up in the thread.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Pandarsenic » #654047

I am the radical name extremist and I say as long as the names are coherent and have a name-like structure and don't break other server rules, leave them alone. Appearance Ban people who try to ruin it for other people but let people have whatever references, mononyms, and other shenanigans they like as long as it's not outright disruptive.

Give MRP the additional qualifier that it must be something that would be feasibly placed on your official ID by corporate in the year 2222 or whatever
(2:53:35 AM) scaredofshadows: how about head of robutts
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Cobby » #654529

the problem is you and john admin have different ideas on whats stupid or what would count as something on par with saying "sus" or whatever.

at the very least it would be sane to give players a guideline that protects THEM from what you might fear other admins would NOT be ok with.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Redrover1760 » #655265

I don't see any reason why there should be a strict naming policy. There should be a very relaxed naming policy to keep the obvious griefers from griefing by mailing a piece of shit with their character's name.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Archie700 » #656128


Yes, I know he deserved it for plasmaflooding as an overreaction, but it's still over a name that breaks none of the rules besides "admins didn't like it for no stated reason".

There must be something done about this or we're just going to have the same arguments and confusion over the sad state that is naming policy.

This is RP, after all, you should be realistically be able to roleplay Kira Yoshikage and talk about how you want to have a normal life and admire hands, or be Son Goku and act like a dimwit who wants to fight without treading on rules. Real people, inflammatory garbage, sexual shit, and complete garbage (talking about names like Urjwjfffffskwk Isnemjsssebsiek) should be rejected as a matter of course, but other names should at least be discussed with other admins.
Harusha wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:07 pm Archie, are you a Christian?
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by datorangebottle » #656135

Archie700 wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 3:41 am This is RP, after all, you should be realistically be able to roleplay Kira Yoshikage and talk about how you want to have a normal life and admire hands, or be Son Goku and act like a dimwit who wants to fight without treading on rules.
I feel like taking the names of other characters is too far. This isn't fortnite. There should be like a bare minimum of "please come up with something that isn't directly ripped off of another fictional character or existing in/famous person."
Timberpoes wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:33 pm ImageAnother satisfied Timberpoes voter.Image
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:16 pm I highly doubt any other admin on the team would have given you this chance, except maybe Kieth because his brain worms are almost as bad as mine.
Vekter wrote: Tue May 16, 2023 4:45 pm At what point does someone's refusal or failure to improve become malice in and of itself? If you give someone a year to stop shitting on the carpet and they keep doing it but get slightly closer to the bathroom every time and sometimes they get to the toilet before it happens, at what point does it become acceptable to just ask them to go shit in someone else's house?
Timberpoes wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:00 pm I'm sorry, can we get a real player to resolve this appeal? I don't like this trial player. They can't even set their own name.
Chadley wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 4:00 am WENDEZ, cute, cute. I imagine the sleeper activation code when I hear it. That's pretty cool. qB). But I don't like that it doesn't line up to be anything obsurd like WEWLAD. 6/10

SUGMA, nevermind it makes sense now. fuckyou/10
kieth4 wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:34 pm If it goes to appeals I will stand as the shield and protect this man's right to shit himself. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
sinfulbliss wrote: I almost prefer Rave's AI-generated "We cannot accept this appeal at this time. If you would like assistance appealing in the future, please dial 1-800-1984-1488."
Pandarsenic wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm I think we can all agree that someone throwing a reverse revolver at Zyb as a secret test of character, and Zyb immediately fucking himself with it, is the best thing we all could have received for Christmas this year
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Nabski » #656151

oranges wrote: Wed Oct 05, 2022 8:44 pm The naming policy was doomed the moment admin statics didnt' get policed
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Misdoubtful » #656154

Cobby wrote: Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:39 pm the problem is you and john admin have different ideas on whats stupid or what would count as something on par with saying "sus" or whatever.

at the very least it would be sane to give players a guideline that protects THEM from what you might fear other admins would NOT be ok with.
This is it right here.

This is the problem.

I've seen the problem.

Its a reoccurring problem.

It is actually something we can solve.

We have ways that we can solve it.
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by DaydreamIQ » #656181

I've started to see this annoying trend lately too on MRP where certain players are getting bwoinked for trash tier names, but then the names they choose instead are just as bad but the admins go "Oh yeah that's fine because its less stupid." Like if someone is really trying that hard to give themselves a crappy name, revoke their damn customization rights until they get a clue
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Archie700 » #656183

datorangebottle wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 5:55 am
Archie700 wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 3:41 am This is RP, after all, you should be realistically be able to roleplay Kira Yoshikage and talk about how you want to have a normal life and admire hands, or be Son Goku and act like a dimwit who wants to fight without treading on rules.
I feel like taking the names of other characters is too far. This isn't fortnite. There should be like a bare minimum of "please come up with something that isn't directly ripped off of another fictional character or existing in/famous person."
As long as they have something, though fictional character names have already been present on ss13, even on admins
Harusha wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:07 pm Archie, are you a Christian?
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Re: Make naming Policy more strict/clear

Post by Mice World » #656273

Excessively OOC names fall under rule 3. Make a minimum effort to have your name fit in a setting involving a wacky space station in the future.
Isn't this all we need?
Names are so irrelevant even on mrp. Why does it matter if someone has the name "Wayne Kingoff" or "Pizza Parker". They're stupid names but they don't stop you from enjoying the game or role-playing so who cares?
It keeps getting worse!?

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