[Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

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[Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653569

BYOND account: S5nt

Character name: Aaron Slovachok

Ban type: Server

Ban length: Perma

Ban reason: Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (S5nt) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: As an antagonist on lowpop manuel, ordered the Al to plasmaflood the station. This breaks Murderbone rules, and lowpop murderbone rules. Blatantly lied in ahelps about "not plasmaflooding" when they hacked the AI and got them to plasmaflood. Combatitive in tickets, refused to accept fault. This ban (BanID # 62701) was applied by Cheshify on 2022-10-06 16:11:19 during round ID 191854. This is a permanent ban.

Time ban was placed: 2022-10-06 16:11:19

Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel

Round ID in which ban was placed: 191854

Your side of the story: I was scientist turned midround IAA agent traitor on very lowpop Manuel. Cut some time and most of the crew is hunting me down since it is lowpop and not much left to do seeing as round timer was almost at 3 hours at that point I believe. I ask the AI who I had subverted and added myself as only human to call shuttle, which they do. Shuttle is then recalled. I ask who recalled, and the AI tells me the clown, mime, and captain, who are all in bridge. I then ask AI if they know how to plasmaflood, intending to plasmaflood the bridge so they would stop recalling. I am unsure if they are able to remotely recall shuttle or do it a different way, as I currently have relatively low hours, but this was my idea on how I would get the shuttle in. Now that I am looking at my screenshots, I see the AI asked how big of a plasmaflood, and to which I didn't see nor respond at the time due to a miner traitor had entered chapel where I was hiding and was talking to me (who later tried to kill me). Perhaps it would have been best if I was more attentive to the radio during this time however I was at imminent risk from the miner and didn't see it. I thought that it would probably be enough instruction for the AI to only plasmaflood the bridge, since we were literally talking about how they were all in the bridge recalling shuttle at the time, and I didn't need a full station plasma flood nor did I want one nor did I ask for one, but the AI seemed to plasmaflood a lot anyway. From what I saw near the end of the round, the entire station wasn't even plasmaflooded by the AI, just like half of the main kilostation loop and some departments, I was able to navigate the station around the plasma fine nearer to the end of the round while trying to find a shuttle.

The admin says I was combative in tickets, I am not sure what this meant as I think the most combative thing I said was "No?" which I guess can seem a little passive aggressive to some but is just questioning to me. Maybe they thought I was combative as I was trying to protest them saying that I plasmaflooded the entire station, but I hardly think that saying you are innocent and saying how you didn't touch atmos or engineering for a long time is combative, how can that be combative? I was just telling the admin my side of the story which is what you are supposed to do in a ticket I thought but maybe it is the admins decision on what I did and they know better of what I did than me, I do not know what logs there are, but I would think my input would be at least semi valued. And about the "blatant lying", I genuinely believed and still do believe I didn't do anything wrong especially warranting a perma ban from all servers.

For calling me murderboning, I went out of my way not to people, such as earlier when I almost had my weapon stolen off me and I stunned them to get it back but instead of hurting them or trying to kill them I just ran off. I only shot my laser gun when I was under imminent threat, never purchased explosives. The only explosive I did detonate was the structural weak point one, which was of course for my task.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I really don't know what I did wrong, and if a minor slip up in communication with AI warrants a perma server ban. It also relies on what the word "plasmaflood" means on its own, for instance if AI tells sec that it bolted some cultists in a room, and sec says "plasmaflood it" (just an example), would the AI interpret that as plasmaflood the entire station? It is the same context as what I said, we were specifically talking about the bridge, and I said plasmaflood it. If I am in the wrong and there is that possibility seeing as I am not the most versed player in the rules as I kind of new, which is not an excuse for my actions but just a fact, then if I am in the wrong I would like to learn my mistake and how to correctly avoid situations such as this in the future.

References of good conduct: I only really have played on TG for any significant amount of time, I don't really know anybody on the server as players just as characters that I see a lot or stuff like that.

Anything else we should know: I have not been banned on any other servers, and my hour count on TG I believe is between 70 and 80 last time I checked. I also don't understand why the admin went straight to perma ban me and didn't even try to talk it out with me or hear my side, and when I tried to tell my side they called it being combative. I even tried to reach out to them on discord both during the admin ticket offering to send them my screenshots of what I said (I asked through the ahelp thing if I could contact them on discord to send them my photos) and after I got banned to try to work it out but they said they didn't want to do admin stuff on their discord, which I guess is fine but if you are going to be an admin and have discord admin role and do admin things on server and then expect never to get asked things about what you did on discord? It seems a bit strange to me. Also here are the links to two screenshots I was able to get which I wanted to send the admin but I got banned before I could do so. https://i.gyazo.com/c6ead2ae8044e080e18 ... 61903c.png | https://i.gyazo.com/ced62037ef2d4c341aa ... e44204.png

Also I apologize for the text wall but I felt It was needed to fully describe my side of events.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Timberpoes » #653571

s5nt wrote: Thu Oct 06, 2022 4:57 pm ...

I even tried to reach out to them on discord both during the admin ticket offering to send them my screenshots of what I said (I asked through the ahelp thing if I could contact them on discord to send them my photos) and after I got banned to try to work it out but they said they didn't want to do admin stuff on their discord, which I guess is fine but if you are going to be an admin and have discord admin role and do admin things on server and then expect never to get asked things about what you did on discord? It seems a bit strange to me.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653573

Sorry for what timber said, didn't see that rule.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Cheshify » #653575

Alright let's run through this ban piece by piece. You've broken a number of rules here, both global and MRP related.
First and foremost, lowpop murderbone on MRP. You had an AI onehumaned to you at that time, and wanting to prevent a recall so the round could end you ordered:
[2022-10-06 15:52:31.983] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "In bridge?" (Monastery (58,183,2))
// Note the pause of 17 or so seconds
[2022-10-06 15:52:48.854] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "Do you know how to plasmaflood" (Chapel (53,185,2))
[2022-10-06 15:52:52.132] SAY: ZKXS/(Oracle) "Yes." (AI Chamber (112,184,2))
[2022-10-06 15:52:55.664] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "dew it" (Chapel (54,183,2))
//new conversation now, contacting captain
[2022-10-06 15:52:57.261] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "captain" (Chapel (54,183,2))
[2022-10-06 15:53:00.150] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "I know you hear me" (Chapel (54,183,2))
[2022-10-06 15:53:04.468] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "stop fucking recalling" (Chapel (54,183,2))
I can forgive the AI for misinterpreting the order of "In Bridge - Do you know how to plasmaflood - dew it" considering it reads as two entirely different discussions.
Ordering a Plasmaflood, regardless of how localized it is, will cause massive amounts of damage and there are many other avenues to prevent a recall (destroying the consoles? ordering the AI to disable the APCs?)

Additionally, plasmafloods are restricted on Manuel due to the fact that they kill people indiscriminately, you can't necessarily only kill targets/do objectives with an out-of-control fire. It's antithetical to MRP and usually requires admin approval and/or incredibly good IC reasoning well ahead of time.

I would like to discuss the ticket we had, I opened it asking about you starting a plasmaflood, why did you tell me that you didn't do it?
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653578

As I said I am not the most knowledgeable about systems ( not an excuse but just a statement ) such as turning off the APC which would disable consoles, and I thought I needed to stop the people that were actually doing the recalling, as I figured there was probably some way for them to recall it a different way as I said in my initial appeal but plasmaflooding them would force them to either ditch the console or die recalling it, that would get the shuttle to me. My intention was to only flood the bridge, which is what I perceived to be a controlled fire, if it is contained to the bridge and not to the rest of the station. I was also unable to manually destroy the consoles myself because as I said the entire crew was hunting me.

Also regardless of what happened, it's pretty clear my intention was never to plasmaflood the entire station, highlighted by the fact that I never asked for it, only tried to have it done to the bridge, and then said in the ticket that I only had wanted the bridge flooded.

I also could not find any specific rules in the roleplay rules, main rules, the atmospheric technician page, or the guide to atmospherics, about plasmaflooding on MRP servers being handled differently and usually requiring an ahelp. Also as I said the station was already really fucked, with a lot of holes in numerous parts. The bridge being burnt would barely add on to the chaos, seeing as the shift had already been going on for 3 hours at that point.

For the ticket, when you asked me "Were you the one who plasmaflooded the entire station?" I said no, as I had A) Intended to only plasmaflood the bridge, and B) interpreted that question as had I actually been the one to do it, seeing as I mentioned not being in atmos or engineering, and then once it became apparent to me what you were talking about when I had seen what was happened, I communicated to you that I had only ordered the flooding of the bridge, at least that had been my intention.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Cheshify » #653582

Let me show you the rules you should be looking at:
https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Headmin_Rulings "Lowpop Murderbone"
https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Rules#Roleplay_Rules "What IS/ISNT Murderboning?"

Well TECHNICALLY you didn't plasmaflood the station you were just incredibly vague about you directions to the AI and then didn't try to stop the AI and didn't see my question of "Hey there, were you the one to plasmaflood the station?" as not relating to you whatsoever when you did in-fact order a plasmaflood. The part that matters here is that the intent of "I only plasmaflooded the bridge" doesn't consider the damage it does, the people it kills, and the strain it puts on a round, especially when you're being excessively unclear.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653584

The lowpop murderbone ruling specifically says "note", "We welcome admins to note lowpop murderbone at their discretion.". This is hardly a note, and I only had one admin note (or record at all) before this. And again, I don't believe this is murderbone at all, as explained in the next sentence.

For the what is/isn't murderboning, I had a clear objective when trying to kill the people recalling the shuttle. I wanted to get off the station. They were preventing that. They needed to go. This in no way is with no justification, directly violating my objectives, or with a convoluted and extremely hypothetical reasoning, and thus does not fall under murderbone at all.

As I said in my first post, discussing the bridge and then mentioning plasmaflooding is an obvious correlation, as the example I put in my ticket shows. When you see the word plasmaflood, does you think of just a plasma flood, or an entire station being plasmaflooded (not even an entire station in this case)? It is the former, plasmaflood is simply to flood with plasma, not to flood the entire station with plasma. When somebody says plasmaflood it is not by default to flood the entire station.

The damage it does to the bridge is again to prevent shuttle recall. The people it kills are the people recalling the shuttle. The strain it puts on the round? The round had already been going on for 3 hours and a good bit the station was either depressurized, freezing cold, or blown up, such as in security where I believe they threw two or three bombs wrecking the main brig and blowing access to sec lockers wide open, and when I had fulfilled my task to blow up the structural weakpoint in RD, the EMPs they threw, and I believe there were other bombings as well, however I do not want to go off memory I am uncertain of.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Cheshify » #653587

s5nt wrote: Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:54 pm The lowpop murderbone ruling specifically says "note", "We welcome admins to note lowpop murderbone at their discretion.". This is hardly a note, and I only had one admin note (or record at all) before this. And again, I don't believe this is murderbone at all, as explained in the next sentence.

For the what is/isn't murderboning, I had a clear objective when trying to kill the people recalling the shuttle. I wanted to get off the station. They were preventing that. They needed to go. This in no way is with no justification, directly violating my objectives, or with a convoluted and extremely hypothetical reasoning, and thus does not fall under murderbone at all.

As I said in my first post, discussing the bridge and then mentioning plasmaflooding is an obvious correlation, as the example I put in my ticket shows. When you see the word plasmaflood, does you think of just a plasma flood, or an entire station being plasmaflooded (not even an entire station in this case)? It is the former, plasmaflood is simply to flood with plasma, not to flood the entire station with plasma. When somebody says plasmaflood it is not by default to flood the entire station.

The damage it does to the bridge is again to prevent shuttle recall. The people it kills are the people recalling the shuttle. The strain it puts on the round? The round had already been going on for 3 hours and a good bit the station was either depressurized, freezing cold, or blown up, such as in security where I believe they threw two or three bombs wrecking the main brig and blowing access to sec lockers wide open, and when I had fulfilled my task to blow up the structural weakpoint in RD, the EMPs they threw, and I believe there were other bombings as well, however I do not want to go off memory I am uncertain of.
"Plasmaflood" means you are going to flood something with plasma, terminology you used yourself. You ordered a plasmaflood and when an admin asked if you plasmaflooded, you told me you didn't despite very clearly doing so. You chose to use an incredibly destructive means of damaging the station and while your intention and justification makes sense, the fact you lied doesn't. I am comfortable with lowering this to a weekban, but I want you to understand that you can't be plasmaflooding and mass murdering, and then lying when admins contact you.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653589

As I said, it means to flood something with plasma. It does not mean to flood the entire station with plasma. You said the definition yourself.
I did order a plasmaflood, but I am meant to be issued punishments from admins based mainly on what I do in game, not if I am unintentionally not descriptive enough in a ticket after being accused of plasmaflooding the entire station, which, again, I did not intend to do, did not happen, and I was not aware of such until I was able to actually leave the chapel and walk around in the main station a bit.

You asked me if I had done a plasmaflood. I interpreted this as if I had myself done a plasmaflood. I acknowledge that I should have been more descriptive in my declination, saying "I didn't plasmaflood myself, but I told the AI to plasmaflood the bridge." This I can accept responsibility for, not being descriptive enough in a ticket. Again, there was no intent to lie, nor did I believe I was lying. I even responded to the ticket (though with a brief response) while burning to death from max fire that I did it to the bridge when it became apparent what you were asking, as I believe you specifically said something along the lines of "Were you the one who plasmaflooded the entire station?", not "Did you do a plasmaflood?"

You also now say I was mass murdering, which is a much different thing from murderboning. Killing 3 people who are actively impeding the efforts of you when you are antag, as far as I can see, is entirely fine as you yourself say, "your intention and justification makes sense". If I wanted to cause collateral damage or excessive damage I would have said "AI plasmaflood the station." This is not what I did.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Cheshify » #653665

I've done some thinking about this and I'm going to level with you. The amount of technicalities within this ticket does not matter when you look at the rules and the effect on the round. While TECHNICALLY you told the AI to only plasmaflood the bridge, realistically (as I pointed out earlier) you were not clear at all, did not try to stop the AI when they plasmaflooded the station and instead went elsewhere to stab people to death (the HoP office, when I entered the server. TECHNICALLY, the headmin ruling says to "note" incidents of lowpop murderbone, but this is a poor wording on the part of the ruling on the wiki, and it realistically doesn't matter what it says the punishment is when people have been banned for lowpop murderbone before. Technically, you did order a plasmaflood to prevent recall and had a reason to run about killing people but realistically you had a hundred other options to prevent a recall. Including, as you yourself did; warn the captain about recalling again. You had a bargaining chip, and chose to plasmaflood before giving the warning out.

Again, a lot of technicalities here when it all runs down to what actually happened:
You made a bad call, ordered a plasmaflood, killed enough people for admins to be swarmed with ahelps, and misdirected investigating admins towards the source of the plasmafire. I'm willing to reduce this from a perma, as I've said before, but you need to understand why this is an issue and why we can't have this cemented as something that's "okay".
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653667

1) There is no rule skirting or technicality in this situation, I followed the rules exactly as they are written. I also could not know about any unofficial precedents because I have little experience with moderation. I never told the AI to plasmaflood the entire station. It is very clear that I only wanted the bridge flooded - what the AI did is out of my control and was never my intent.

2) I never once went out of my way to kill or harm crew. You are not correct when you say I "went elsewhere to stab people to death (the HoP office". I have logs to back this up, found below.
03:43:40 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "who is in hop" (110, 113, 2) Courtroom (To AI)
<irrelevant text of me talking to the AI>
03:44:57 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "Bolt hop office closed when they leave" (109, 113, 2) Courtroom (To AI)

These logs show I did not want to kill them and instead wanted to avoid them - I did not go to HoP office to stab people, I had an objective to kill Ian. Those logs are from when I was waiting in command for them to leave HoP office so I would have a chance to break in. This was also before the plasmaflood, which makes me question why this is relevant to my ban in the first place.
03:52:48 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "Do you know how to plasmaflood"
which is at 03:52:48, after the HoP office situation. The next logs also showed how I tried to avoid murder, as I intentionally do not kill the CE even though I have every chance and reason to do so as I know he is working against me, but I don't because I am attempting to avoid confrontation. (I did initially want to kill him, but changed my mind quickly as I saw he was being friendly and seemed chill, but later ratted me out to the rest of crew.)
03:33:23 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "hey hey" (132, 92, 2) Aft Primary Hallway (To CE)
03:33:32 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "we coo?" (132, 88, 2) Engineering Hallway (To CE)
03:33:41 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "let me in" (132, 86, 2) Engineering Hallway (To AI)
03:33:39 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "im going to kill him" (132, 86, 2) Engineering Hallway (To AI)
03:33:48 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "Okay" (132, 86, 2) Engineering Hallway (To CE)
03:33:54 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "nevermind" (137, 84, 2) Engineering Lobby (To AI)

3) You cannot interpret the rules explicitly stated in the wiki in a way different than they are stated. You cannot interpret for instance R5 by banning somebody playing silicon for being bad at the role, because that is simply not what the rule states. You must take the rules the same way the players do, and if that is not possible than how are the players themselves meant to make decisions about what or what can they not do? You consciously try to stretch what I did into the grounds of POSSIBLE rule-break, not even definite, as you keep making up technicalities that do not exist in this situation.

3) Interpreting the rules in a different way from the wiki makes it impossible for a fair and reasonable enforcement. I can only know about the rules from what is on the wiki and I think it's very clear I didn't intend to cause problems. The way you are enforcing this rule is not fair.

4) Additionally, it is clear I was unaware of the plasma flood of the entire station by these logs below. Miscommunication happens and there is no reason why I or the AI should be banned for what was an honest mistake.

04:10:54 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "By the way" (83, 126, 2) Pharmacy (To AI shell)
04:10:58 SAY S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "What is with all the damn plasma?" (82, 124, 2) Virology (To AI shell)

This all seems very clear to me and I don't think a ban of any length for any role is warranted in this situation. I just want to get back to playing on the server as normal.
All logs from https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/round/191854
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653754

Requesting head admin review
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Cheshify » #653782

Posting the ticket logs ->

From Ticket #7 during round 191854 on Manuel
Ticket opened at 2022-10-06 16:03:28 by cheshify
16:03:28: Ticket Opened by-cheshify: Hey there, were you the one to plasmaflood the station?
16:03:40: Reply from-s5nt: No?
16:03:51: Reply from-s5nt: Last time I was in engineering I was scanning for weak points
16:08:41: Reply from-cheshify: Alright, so why are you lying to me about plasmaflooding when you commanded thew AI to do it?
16:09:05: Reply from-s5nt: i said the brige
16:09:36: Reply from-s5nt: I said plasmaflood the bridge since they were recalling shuttle
16:09:39: Reply from-cheshify: Well you just lied to me about plasmaflooding.
16:09:44: Reply from-s5nt: No I didn't
16:09:52: Reply from-s5nt: I never touched atmos
16:10:31: Reply from-s5nt: I said plasmaflood the bridge since they were recalling shuttle in it you can view the chat logs or add me on discord I can send you my logs
16:11:21: Client disconnected
16:11:21: Cheshify/(Cera Beruse) has created a permanent server ban for S5nt.
16:11:22: Resolved by Cheshify
---- No futher messages ----
This ticket was generated by Statbus v.0.14.0
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653787

Ticket logs show pretty well that I was immediately accused of plasma flooding the entire station which I, as I've proved before, didn't do nor thought I did at the time of ticket, nor even knew about.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Cheshify » #653790

You had given out the order to plasmaflood, and told me you did not plasmaflood.
You actions are essentially the same as what we're saying you've done, and you are responsible for what an AI who is under your orders, does.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653791

My actions were asking the AI to plasmaflood the bridge, those were my actions and that was my intent, as we already agreed on previously. I am responsible for what an AI does under the extent of my instruction, but you cant say if you give a silicon an order, whatever they do is your responsibility. For example if you tell an engie borg to go fix a hull breach, and they end up killing a human while doing it for some reason, are you responsible for it just because you didn't say "Go fix the hull breach and don't kill any humans while doing it."
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Cheshify » #653793

We're getting into petty arguments here, but no, you did not clearly tell the AI you wanted to plasmaflood the bridge. I'm going to let the headmins take a look at this now.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Drag » #653929

Right, I'm gonna pop in here for a second. I was the second admin present during this situation. Chesh and I discussed it a bit back and forth and we BOTH came to the conclusion that s5nt was being deliberately withholding truthful facts at the moment. Specifically because of:
[2022-10-06 15:52:31.983] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "In bridge?" (Monastery (58,183,2))
// Note the pause of 17 or so seconds
[2022-10-06 15:52:48.854] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "Do you know how to plasmaflood" (Chapel (53,185,2))
[2022-10-06 15:52:52.132] SAY: ZKXS/(Oracle) "Yes." (AI Chamber (112,184,2))
[2022-10-06 15:52:55.664] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "dew it" (Chapel (54,183,2))
//new conversation now, contacting captain
[2022-10-06 15:52:57.261] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "captain" (Chapel (54,183,2))
[2022-10-06 15:53:00.150] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "I know you hear me" (Chapel (54,183,2))
[2022-10-06 15:53:04.468] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "stop fucking recalling" (Chapel (54,183,2))
16:03:40: Reply from-s5nt: No?
16:03:51: Reply from-s5nt: Last time I was in engineering I was scanning for weak points
16:08:41: Reply from-cheshify: Alright, so why are you lying to me about plasmaflooding when you commanded thew AI to do it?
16:09:05: Reply from-s5nt: i said the brige
16:09:36: Reply from-s5nt: I said plasmaflood the bridge since they were recalling shuttle
When you as an antagonist rope the ai or any silicon into doing ANYTHING you are directly liable for what happens, if you were vague enough that a misinterpretation was created then in the future you need to step back and make sure you are clear. I should also note that the AI in this case was ALSO talked to. More than one person got in trouble. In the ticket, you were asked if you plasma flooded, and you said no. Which in our eyes as admins is a problem because again, you are the one that is liable. From what your ticket conduct was looking like, quoted above, we both came to the conclusion you were purposely withholding information to make yourself look a little better. If that is the incorrect assumption then I will apologize for the misinterpretation. However, at the same time, I'm not the only person who made that interpretation. Likewise for Chesh.

I personally think this could be reduced to a note, with a strong reminder that you are liable for any silicon you subvert, but this ban appeal is in the end up to Chesh.

The main issue, to me, is from reading the say logs. When you mentioned the bridge there was approximately a 17-second pause. That's honestly a really long time when you consider the fact the ai has all of the departmental coms on by default. So in actuality what I believed happened was the ai took this:
[2022-10-06 15:52:31.983][2022-10-06 15:52:48.854] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "Do you know how to plasmaflood" (Chapel (53,185,2))
[2022-10-06 15:52:52.132] SAY: ZKXS/(Oracle) "Yes." (AI Chamber (112,184,2))
[2022-10-06 15:52:55.664] SAY: S5nt/(Aaron Slovachok) "dew it" (Chapel (54,183,2))
And rolled with it.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by VexingRaven » #653935

I think it's probably worth mentioning here that it's virtually impossible for an AI to plasmaflood a specific room. You'd have to turn off every single air alarm on the entire station except the one you wanted to flood, which is simply impractical. Just bringing this up since S5nt says they don't really know the systems and may not have realized they were asking for something that's basically impossible to do without collateral.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by s5nt » #653937

Again, the ahelp logs show clearly that I interpreted the question as if I had myself plasmaflooded the station. As soon as it was apparent to me that they were asking about the AI, I told the admin what had happened. Additionally due to me not knowing of the half-station plasmaflood, I also thought somebody else might have plasmaflooded the station on top of my bridge plasmaflood.

To VexingRaven, I saw a video which I will attach which makes me believe the AI can selectively plasmaflood rooms and lead to my decision there.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by Cobby » #653945

To clarify, The AI CAN selectively plasmaflood rooms, but depending on the room it might take them editing pipe configurations which takes time. They can NOT do this with just the air alarm, they need to edit the gas composition leading to the vents, either by putting the bad gas in the entirety of distribution or editing pipes so they can be more selective about where it appears.

The video you posted has plasma in the distribution pipe (aka pipes that lead to practically all vents in the station), how he "selectively" activated rooms was change air alarms to force the vents to poop out gas.

Him putting it into distro:

Him editing air alarms to "selectively" pump plasma (which he just put in the distro network)

The important thing to note is if pressure of non-ai touched rooms were to drop for any reason, plasma would also pour in to those rooms as well. The AI in the video is trying to widespread shove plasma in the air, he just has to mess with Air alarms to make it fast.
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Re: [Cheshify] S5nt - Ban for plasmaflooding entire station (didn't)

Post by san7890 » #653969

Hey there, we’ve reviewed the info available to us and concluded that’ll we’ll be overturning the permanent ban applied here. While we believe that under normal circumstances this action may have merited a warning or short antagonist ban, a permanent ban does not appear commensurate with the offence.

While it does appear reasonable from looking at the logs that you intended to direct the AI to disable a specific area, the actual logged messages are non-specific enough (questioning the location of an individual and then ordering a general plasmaflood) that a subverted AI player would believe you intended mass destruction, and follow through as their laws require. As such, while we understand why Cheshify would believe you were being deceptive when you denied involvement (having logs indicating you directly ordered a plasmaflood) we can see where the miscommunication in this instance lies, and do not believe it to be deliberate deceptive malice, rather miscommunication and confusion.

We will be leaving this as an amended note, with any relevant ban duration commuted to time served, but we do not believe this is worthy of a permanent server ban. The note will be as follows:
Banned from the server for six days -
This note (and associated ban) was amended on appeal, please see viewtopic.php?p=653569
As an antagonist on lowpop manuel, ordered the AI to plasmaflood the bridge, which eventually spread throughout the station. Was permanently banned from the server for presumed lying in ahelps about the situation, when it was later found to be an apparent mistake. This ban was originally made as a permanent ban, but this was found to be too aggressive in response to a non-malicious action. The duration served on this ban is proportional to the level of murder committed.
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