[Cheshify], ban appeal from years ago

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[Cheshify], ban appeal from years ago

Post by GuyGuyson » #682662

Discord username: CoveredTerror25#8821
Commonly used names: Guy Guyson, that is pretty much it across every server except the ones i get nuked for having a funny name
Banning admin: Cheshify
Ban reason: listed reason for ban was "Read Rape fetish smut over the radio" and
Time ban was placed: 2022/06/27, 18:11:40
Your side of the story: After being asked explicitly by cheshify to not escalate with security violently, i proceeded to, after being handed a copy of said book by the on shift librarian, read a passage out of an NSFW book directly out of the TG library on comms with the intent to piss off security enough to be imprisoned, prior to me being imprisoned i was immediately blown into a thousand pieces by an admin, i do not recall the exact conversation but i had been banned i believe every single time up to this point on false pretenses by cheshify, for instance after spawning into the syndie HQ on lavaland i was forced to set up the SM as we had run esentially fully out of power, at the time it was my first time setting up an SM and i had thrown a wrench into the chamber (of which had not yet begun the SM process), not at the SM, just within the chamber. and was then promptly Ahelped by cheshify stating i had just sabotaged the reactor purposefully, then received a ban for such, something with minimal effort he could have seen was not the case by looking at logs
Why you think you should be unbanned: This ban was given a year ago and arguably on unfair pretences as it was not "rape smut", it was a book kept directly in the TG archive library, i am unsure if you are able to look at logs from the round but assuming you are you will see me and the librarian had a conversation about how fucked up the book was prior to me reading it. i admittedly somewhat self sabotaged in my Ahelp as i was so done with cheshify falsely accusing and banning me that i could genuinely not be bothered to discuss it with him properly. It has been over a year since this ban and i have never tried to appeal it, after having played every major server and becoming somewhat known in the space outside of TG i believe it is finally time to give TG another go, at the time of the ban i was only a few months into SS13 as a whole, it is arguably the best codebase besides baystation and its fuckery and seeing how it has developed would be nice.
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Byond Username: Cheshify

Re: [Cheshify], ban appeal from years ago

Post by Cheshify » #682672

Full ban reasoning:
Banned from the server permanently - With the reasoning of "i knew i would get smote from the start lol" and to "create a storyline", read rape fetish smut over the common radio. Aside from violating rule 8, this is after a long history of grief bans.
And the ticket:
Can you explain what the hell you're doing?
cheshify ➡ coveredterror25
Cheshify/(Cera Beruse) punished Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) with :B:erforate.
cheshify ➡ coveredterror25
reading out of this funky ass book, on comms
coveredterror25 ➡ cheshify
found it in the library
coveredterror25 ➡ cheshify
You were reading rape fetish porn over comms, what makes you think that's ok?
cheshify ➡ coveredterror25
i knew i was gonna get blown up, but i was only reading out of a book that i didnt make, it was horrendous and equally funny
coveredterror25 ➡ cheshify
i knew i would get smote from the start lol, but i took the risk
coveredterror25 ➡ cheshify
Alright if you're doing rule 8 shit exclusively to be smited by admins, then I don't think you belong on this server.
cheshify ➡ coveredterror25
i didnt do it exclusively to be smited, i believed it was likely, theres a reason i took assistant bud and its the same as everyon e else who does, to be funny and create a storyline
coveredterror25 ➡ cheshify
smiting me was your fault buddy, sec could have handled it, been given an issue to solve but no
coveredterror25 ➡ cheshify
Client disconnected
➡ coveredterror25
Cheshify/(Cera Beruse) has created a permanent server ban for Coveredterror25.
cheshify ➡ coveredterror25
Resolved by Cheshify
cheshify ➡ Admins
And for context, I'm censoring this:
[2022-06-27 17:40:23.169] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "the wonders of all access" (Library (125,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:41:49.575] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "too much smut" (Library (127,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:41:57.225] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "i have to read porm for 20 minutes" (Library (127,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:41:59.865] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "ill be back after" (Library (127,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:42:25.943] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "oh this one is" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:42:28.518] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "johnny sins" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:42:31.030] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "cool" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:43:05.616] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "eh" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:43:08.647] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "6/10" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:43:15.362] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "too overdone" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:43:17.643] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "if ya ask me" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:43:20.207] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "next" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:43:33.179] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "moffs" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:43:36.311] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "short and concise" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:43:39.997] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "big moff tiddies" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:43:43.017] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "10/10" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:44:40.388] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "sadness" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:44:43.017] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "intigue" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:44:44.984] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "pai`s" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:44:47.770] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "8/10" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:45:49.321] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "okay this one" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:45:54.334] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "is way too fucking wierd" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:45:58.506] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "3/10" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:46:04.507] EMOTE: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) points at Book: I FUCKING LOVE MOTHS (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:46:10.252] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "this one is golden" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:46:14.089] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "a masterpiece" (Library (128,122,2))
[2022-06-27 17:50:04.933] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "jee" (Library (130,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:50:33.586] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "this book" (Library (129,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:50:36.405] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "is a masterpiece" (Library (129,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:50:44.005] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "submit it to the catalogue]" (Library (129,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:50:46.509] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "if you will" (Library (129,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:51:13.639] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "i am keeping this copy" (Library (129,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:51:17.097] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "it is an honor" (Library (129,119,2))
[2022-06-27 17:52:07.306] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "HoP?" (Fore Central Primary Hallway (135,127,2))
[2022-06-27 17:52:14.544] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "i have a gift for you" (Fore Central Primary Hallway (135,127,2))
[2022-06-27 17:52:17.421] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "open the line" (Fore Central Primary Hallway (135,127,2))
[2022-06-27 17:53:38.490] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "read this" (Library (131,122,2))
[2022-06-27 17:53:39.905] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "its uh" (Library (131,122,2))
[2022-06-27 17:53:40.930] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "bad" (Library (131,122,2))
[2022-06-27 17:54:10.602] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "y..eeah" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:54:22.484] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "unfortunate" (Library (128,121,2))
[2022-06-27 17:56:36.605] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "yo" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,90,2))
[2022-06-27 17:56:38.925] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "read this" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,90,2))
[2022-06-27 17:57:01.228] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "yo" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:57:03.751] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "read this" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:57:09.100] EMOTE: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) points at Book: Mental Gymn. (on pink paper) (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:57:37.216] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "something that is not gay" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:00.416] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "okay well" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:02.827] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "try this one" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:04.305] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "its uh" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:05.352] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "worse" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:14.786] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "like" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:15.736] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "way" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:17.019] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "worse" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:54.766] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "yeah uh" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:55.956] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "very" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:58:59.406] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "iu will" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:59:09.044] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "actually the curator" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:59:14.594] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "wrote a book about two monkeys" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 17:59:20.143] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "pretty interesting" (Aft Primary Hallway (150,78,2))
[2022-06-27 18:00:16.957] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "hello crew" (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:00:27.836] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "my attempts to reach the hop have been unsuccesful" (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:00:37.666] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "so i will read my gift over the radio now" (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:00:49.863] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "this is a story about greyshirts and hoPs" (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:00:53.172] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "titled" (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:00:59.672] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "a HoP story" (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:01:10.964] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "nce upon a time, there was a HoP. She was young and pretty and all that. One day, a young assistant came to her. He banged his forehead against the sliding windoor of her office, she smiled at him, asking what he wanted" (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:01:27.652] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "The assistant banged louder and uttered some guttural grunts, sounding something like “ALL ACCESS”. The HoP chuckled and told him no. The assistant grumbled and waddled away." (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:01:46.406] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "Moments later, he came back, brandishing a big pointy stick. He began to smack the HoP’s reinforced windows, trying to break in. The HoP cried out in terror! The assistant yelled out over common for all greyshirts to storm the HoP’s office" (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:02:04.568] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "She tried to dash out her back door to escape. A greyshit ordered had ordered the AI to bolt it shut! She screamed for the AI to open it but it did not, telling her that rape was not harm, somehow. When she turned back, there was maybe a dozen or so greyshirts breaking her windows." (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:02:16.472] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "She ran to her locker, fumbling for her egun, but it was already too late. The first greyshit had gotten through and tackled her to the ground as she fumbled with her ID. The greyshirt sat on top of her, tearing at her jumpsuit with his glass shard. As the jumpsuit fell away, the greyshit cried out to his comrades, now joining him in her office." (Library (131,126,2))
[2022-06-27 18:02:34.594] SAY: Coveredterror25/(Guy Guyson) "They all crowded around, take screwdrivers, scalpels and any other sharp object they could find to her bra and panties. After not much work, they came loose. One greyshirt snatched them up, sniffing the panties while he shoved the bra in her mouth to shut her up." (Library (131,126,2))
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
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Byond Username: Cheshify

Re: [Cheshify], ban appeal from years ago

Post by Cheshify » #682675

Instead of apologizing for breaking the rules, or trying to accept the consequences of your actions, you've come to this claiming that I have a grudge against you and that's the reason you were removed. Additionally, it very much is rape smut, considering the line "She screamed for the AI to open it but it did not, telling her that rape was not harm, somehow."

This appeal is built on me being "unfair", instead of acknowledgement of wrongdoing. This leads me to believe that upon unban, you'll get right back to the behaviour that got you axed in the first place. This appeal is not accepted.
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta
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Re: [Cheshify], ban appeal from years ago

Post by Chadley » #682759

WGW policy makes reading smut (especially WGW) make you valid for everyone on the station, including the AI, and especially admins.


You take the risk of getting hit for this on so many levels.
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Re: [Cheshify], ban appeal from years ago

Post by NoxVS » #682770

Chadley wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:13 pm WGW policy makes reading smut (especially WGW) make you valid for everyone on the station, including the AI, and especially admins.


You take the risk of getting hit for this on so many levels.
This policy is out of date. WGW had the unspoken protections that exempted it from Rule 8 removed, and all references to the ability for admins to punish you for speaking it were removed with it.
The weak should fear the strong
thehogshotgun wrote:How does having jannies like you, who have more brain tumor than brain benefit the server
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Byond Username: Coveredterror25

Re: [Cheshify], ban appeal from years ago

Post by GuyGuyson » #682934

My ban appeal is denied because i refuse to be apologetic? and that i rightly am annoyed at your conduct? you very much either A: did have a grudge against me or B: are genuinely incompetant. Every single time i was pinged by cheshify he was incorrect in his judgement, and the fact i point out such is grounds for me not receiving an appeal? for an offense again in which nobody died or came to harm. Hardly the worst someone has been banned for on TG. As said in my appeal i was relatively new to SS13 and now have been playing the game for a significant amount of time. I obviously, seeing as i was permanantly banned for it (the only time i have ever been perma banned from a server [besides every ERP server because fuck those guys]. TG code runs downstream so it is hardly an issue if i dont receive an appeal but i would like to see how the server in particular has progressed seeing as it was the very first SS13 server i ever played. There is a reason i have not bothered to appeal this for years and that is it. If you want to prove again you have, for some reason, a grudge against me in particular, and not appeal my ban for pointing out you were inept. If you truly think im going to be horrible for the server (the round prior to being banned i was playing a gorilla collecting taxes with another random player) then so be it. I will not touch the forums for another year while i enjoy every other ss13 server, in which i will appeal again and once again be rejected by the begrudged admin who banned me in the first place. i understand what i did was wrong and no, i will not re-offend if given another chance
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Re: [Cheshify], ban appeal from years ago

Post by Vekter » #682948

This isn't normally something I would do, but I think it's important to illustrate that you have a history of being a problem before this. This might not have been a permanent ban if you had been understanding about the matter and hadn't had so many notes for other shittery.
[2022-06-27 18:11:41 | note by cheshify]
Banned from the server permanently - With the reasoning of "i knew i would get smote from the start lol" and to "create a storyline", read rape fetish smut over the common radio. Aside from violating rule 8, this is after a long history of grief bans.
[2022-06-23 18:12:41 | note by cheshify]
Banned from the server for 2 days - During a post-rev blob crisis, as a chaplain entered robotics and was told to leave by a roboticist preparing a mech to fight the blob. The roboticist attempted to nonlethally extract them from their workspace, warning them to leave. Coveredterror25 responded by killing them with their chaplain armblade, letting them bleed out in robotics as they continued to make a combat mech. Entering someone else's workspace and murdering them when they tell you to leave, as well as an apparent history of this kind of poor escalation.
[2022-06-21 13:33:36 | note by flamingcheese]
Banned from the server for 1440 minutes - MRP, Round 185297 - As a BB killed a roboticist in the attempt to replace their position and make a mech to steal an objective. Killing someone not directly related to an objective is against the MRP rules
[2022-05-04 23:21:55 | note by cheshify]
Banned from Roles: Lavaland for 2 weeks - As a lavaland syndicate spawn, they threw a wrench at the supermatter mid-ahelp, turned the emitter on, and then walked away from the burning supermatter shard.
[2022-05-04 23:20:02 | note by cheshify]
Banned from the server for 5 days - As a non-antagonist, plasmaflooded genetics and lit himself on fire, causing mass damage across a large portion of the station. Their reasoning was nonexistent, and they showed no remorse for this blatant grief.
[2022-04-14 20:45:35 | note by vekter]
Banned from the server for 2 days - Lowpop murderbone. Was made into a Morph and killed two crewmembers. This isn't okay anywhere, especially not on Manuel.
A headmin is welcome to delete this if they feel it is peanut, but I think the context is important here.
AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:11 pm As for the ear replacing stuff, you can ask Anne but I don't think this is what I was banned for. If I was all I can say is "Sorry for being hilarious"...
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Joined: Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:42 pm
Byond Username: Cheshify

Re: [Cheshify], ban appeal from years ago

Post by Cheshify » #682950

I don't know why you think insulting me helps.

It's not a stretch to say that reading graphic depictions of rape over comms to a server of people is NOT something we want. Your argument starts and ends at "Cheshify has a grudge against me or is incompetent." Real good attitude to take when you're trying to show that you want to re-integrate into a community.

Expect any further appeal that looks like this one not to turn out positively.
Shout out to Riggle
Shout out to Dessysalta

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