[oklews] k4rl - rule 8

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Byond Username: K4rl

[oklews] k4rl - rule 8

Post by k4rl » #683628

BYOND account: k4rl
Character name: Karl Sustan?
Ban type: Server
Ban length: Permanent
Ban reason: Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (K4rl) is banned from playing here. The ban
reason is: Severe rule 8 break, literally gave the Al the law "you want to have sexual intercourse with the crew" This
ban (BanID #60053) was applied by Oklews on 2022-04-12 13:05:44 during round ID 181495. This is a permanent
Time ban was placed: 2022-04-12 13:05:44
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 181495
Your side of the story: i was playing as HoP, became captain, didnt secure the disk, fucked around the station and eventually added ai a law, after being PMed, i responded with "am i going to get the rule 8 achievement now?" then i got banned
Why you think you should be unbanned: the ban was around the time i first started playing ss13, it had been over a year since this had happened, i played in a lot of diffrent servers and i learned playing ss13 completely and believe i am ready to come back to playing on TG
References of good conduct: i have been playing on yogstation ever since i was banned, i also play on other servers such as CM, fallout 13, foundation 19, lobotomy corporation 13 and burger station
Anything else we should know: firstly: i have attempted to evade this ban, i believe 3 times, first one is named "ratv0rs", i do not remember the others
secondly: i am currently banned from yog, in which i applied
thirdly and last: the reason why im making this appeal is because i have apperently had someone post my ban appeal in yog, on TG forums, people had been encourging me to appeal on TG, which made me feel like im welcome here once more, and i have decided to appeal this ban

if anybody has any questions, feel free to ask me
In-Game Admin Trainer
Joined: Fri Dec 06, 2019 6:23 pm
Byond Username: Iain0

Re: [oklews] k4rl - rule 8

Post by iain0 » #683701

Hi there,

Oklews is no longer an admin and given I applied a follow up evasion ban here I'll take over this and we can deal with both aspects at once. Please give me a little time to research the full context here and get back to you.
In-Game Admin Trainer
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Byond Username: Iain0

Re: [oklews] k4rl - rule 8

Post by iain0 » #683733

Alright, I've reviewed original round logs briefly, the ticket logs from the round and a few other things.

Your centcom record doesn't make for the most amazing read, I'm not sure yogstation really counts as a record of good conduct for example.
I've reviewed the original incident and logs, can certainly see how this is rule 8 area, not going to discuss this in too much detail at first as I'd rather hear more of your perspective than mine.
Your original attitude in the ticket isn't great, all that really comes across from your side is how its some joke/meme/achivement, which isn't the most situationally aware response perhaps.
Further to this though I find the same present in this appeal, the 'why you should be unbanned' is just saying that time has passed and that you "learned playing ss13 completely" and "believe you are ready to come back", but none of this really directly touches upon why you were banned or why you should be unbanned.

I found 4 ckeys attached to you during checks, two of which already got permaed but I'll be banning the final alt.

I'm going to ask that you make another attempt at writing the "Why you think you should be unbanned" part of the appeal in a way that's more directly related to what happened and why you should be unbanned now.

Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:22 pm
Byond Username: K4rl

Re: [oklews] k4rl - rule 8

Post by k4rl » #683792

around the time of that i was just starting to play ss13, i did not know much expect of what my friends showed me, i stupidly broke rule 8 to try and get an achievement which resulted in my perma ban from TG, i had a year to think about this exact thing, like i said, i was just starting out, it was extemely stupid and i realized that after insas banned from the server

as for good conduct, yog isnt the onky server i stated uo there, tough yog is the only classic ss13 server, i believe i have been also playing on monkeystation too, bt since that is a streamer server on TG base, im not sure if it counted so i did not include it

i believe i never gor warned on other servers i have writter in good conduct, with the exepction of CM smd yogstation.
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:22 pm
Byond Username: K4rl

Re: [oklews] k4rl - rule 8

Post by k4rl » #683808

to mention, my first ever ban was on fulp for griefing
this was applied due to me griefing on fulp along with friends, as they were the ones who started me on playing in ss13

which explains why i had did such a stupid action in TG, i didnt exactly learn ss13 from good people, which affected how i played around the times i was first starting

i am planning to also appeal my ban on fulpstation after TG.
In-Game Admin Trainer
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Byond Username: Iain0

Re: [oklews] k4rl - rule 8

Post by iain0 » #683816

Alright, overall I guess the part that gives me the most resistance on giving you a second chance is the YogStation history, while a chunk of it isn't applicable to the TG LRP ruleset things like repeated reports of lying in ahelp, combined with evasions, do give some room for doubt overall.

That said, we don't tend to take other servers stuff as a primary source, more something we can pull in as and where if we feel it's supportive of other concerns.

Overall your history on TG is relatively short and, until the rule 8 ban, not all that spectacular, and while you made a bunch of evasion attempts it seems like you didn't really turn this into a protracted campaign, and have pretty much sat out most of the year since the ban anyway despite not having (that I could spot) a previous appeal.

So, that's all more general stuff, in regards more specifically to the original events leading to the ban, yeah, this was a bad idea, you put the silicons in an awkward spot just following the first part of rule 8 where erotic/creepy stuff will get them into trouble, and directly violated the second part about "including things that could be construed as sexual by unwilling participants". As much as you're not really directly involved in events the fact that this is placed as a directive/compulsion (i.e. anything hypnotic / mind control / laws, things players must abide by, by the rules) forces others into these sort of situations, so this does end up more serious than the average "did a dumb upload" level of stuff.

That said, it was relatively early in your overall ss13 career, people do silly things especially when adapting to what is actually appropriate versus a lot of what gets seen going on (by antag or otherwise), and it's possible it wasn't very well thought through, sort of backed up by the very lax responses you give in the ticket ; ultimately no-one really wants to get banned, griefer or legit player, but you dont really make the effort to avoid that and the ticket ends up relatively short possibly as a result of this.

So, I'm going to give you your second chance, I'm not sure this moment necessarily presents you as a serious rule 8 problem as much as did something silly, and hopefully the year out in other places has given you a broader understanding of rulesets, rules and handling which will help you find a better way to fit in to our servers and rules/policies. I will be adding a note summarising these events and I will advise you to stay well clear of anything sexualised generally ; while thats not exactly what the rule says if you accidentally stray into dubious territory here you'll be starting any ticket from a disadvantaged position so maybe just play it safe there.

Have a good one.

(Think you'll be cleared to reconnect but if you have any issues, post here, will leave this open for a couple more days just in case)
Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:22 pm
Byond Username: K4rl

Re: [oklews] k4rl - rule 8

Post by k4rl » #683822

whould you mind if o tried contacting your over discord instead? as it whould be faster
In-Game Admin Trainer
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Byond Username: Iain0

Re: [oklews] k4rl - rule 8

Post by iain0 » #683834

Policy is that all interactions should be through a logged channel ; here, TG discord (we have a tickets system there) or ahelp in game.

So, as long as its just to poke me and say "still cant get in can you take a look / i posted on the appeal" thats all good, but i'll refer you back here if we're discussing any nuances of the case or handling.

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