[WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

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Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:30 pm
Byond Username: Wolfmoy

[WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Wolfmoy » #693747

BYOND account: Wolfmoy
Character name: Sun Catton
Ban type: Note
Ban length: Permanent?
Ban reason: "Watch out for metafriending between C4g/Pom Patel. Had a round where Pom Patel, an atmospheric technician, was a heretic who was arrested after jumpsuit strand evidence near a heretic influence. Alibi's amongst the engineering/atmos tech crew were collected beforehand by the detective, where Pom Patel was the only missing person. They were arrested and later had admitted to being a 'drainer' and that all they did was 'draining', which heavily implies that they drained an influence. The player pushed a bit too hard for Pom Patel's defense despite them self-incriminating to the point where it seemed a lot like metafriending."
Time ban was placed: 2023-07-11 T 23:45:27
Server you were playing on when banned: Sybil
Round ID in which ban was placed: 210074
Your side of the story: Explain what happened in your own words. The following round and the TWO adminhelps from deathhasform and then Waltermeldron 20-30 minutes after the previous ticket I received over alleged metafriending with C4g/Pom Patel were rather chaotic, however here is my personal recounting of the significant/relevant events with the associating logs.

First thing in the round related to C4G/Pom Patel was Conrad Kurtz/Rectification finding a heretic rift within engineering and finding jumpsuit fibers on an airlock in ENGINEERING near the rift before collecting alibis from all engineers except C4G/Pom Patel and announcing his findings on Security Radio at 4:48.

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10:04:42	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "One of the engineers or the atmos tech is a heretic" (language: Galactic Common)	(120, 105, 2)	Engineering Hallway
10:04:48	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "I suspect the atmos tech" (language: Galactic Common)	(119, 106, 2)	Engineering Hallway
10:05:11	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "All the engies are giving eachother alibis" (language: Galactic Common)	(119, 106, 2)	Engineering Hallway 
After Conrad Kurtz/Rectification reported his findings on security radio, my character "Sun Catton" joined the round at 5:08 which lead to me not being aware of the engineering staffs alibi due to not being within the round to hear about it.

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[i]10:05:00	TELECOMMS	The �Automated Announcement System [Security] (spans: robot ) "Officer Sun Catton has been assigned to Supply." (language: Galactic Common)	(101, 87, 2)	Telecomms Control Room
10:05:08	TELECOMMS	The �Automated Announcement System [Common] (spans: robot ) "Sun Catton has signed up as Security Officer" (language: Galactic Common) [/i] 
After various irrelevant encounters with assistants, I am directed by 1GlitchyCent/Tungsten-Carbide XXV to go with Conrad and detain C4g/Pom Patel with the assistance of the AI who opens the way to atmos and requests we dont harm the human(Pom Patel).

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10:18:55	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Stun batons and disablers only" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:19:04	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "If you harm humans we aren't working together anymore" (language: Galactic Common)
10:19:17    ATTACK    C4g/(Pom Patel) has thrown the floor tile    (154, 76, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:25    ATTACK    Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) stun attacked C4g/(Pom Patel) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100)    (153, 77, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:25    ATTACK    Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) fired at C4g/(Pom Patel) with the disabler beam from Incinerator (NEWHP: 100)    (150, 76, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:26    ATTACK    Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) shot C4g/(Pom Patel) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)    (150, 76, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:26    ATTACK    Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) fired at C4g/(Pom Patel) with the disabler beam from Incinerator (NEWHP: 100)    (150, 76, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:26    ATTACK    Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) shot C4g/(Pom Patel) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 100)    (150, 76, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:32    ATTACK    Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attempted to handcuff C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 100)    (154, 77, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:32    ATTACK    Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) attempted to handcuff C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 100)    (154, 75, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:33    ATTACK    Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) failed to handcuff C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 100)    (153, 75, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:35    ATTACK    Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) handcuffed C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 100)    (154, 77, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:42    ATTACK    Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) grabbed C4g/(Pom Patel) passive grab (NEWHP: 100)    (153, 76, 2)    Incinerator
10:19:42	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "I will use the amount of force I deem necessary to prevent human harm warden" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:19:42	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Now bring them in." (language: Galactic Common)	(70, 159, 3)	Brig Control
10:19:56	TELECOMMS	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) [Security] (spans: ) "Ai.." (language: Galactic Common)	(150, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:19:59	TELECOMMS	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) [Security] (spans: ) "The DOOR" (language: Galactic Common)	(150, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:19:59	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "Got em warden" (language: Galactic Common)	(139, 85, 2)	Atmospherics 
After bringing C4g/Pom Patel to Security, I strip them of their MODsuit backpack and find nothing suspicious/would imply being a heretic

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10:21:06	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) is stripping C4g/(Pom Patel) of the atmospheric MOD control unit.	(72, 153, 3)	Brig
10:21:08	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Lets see here"	(72, 153, 3)	Brig
10:21:26	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) has stripped C4g/(Pom Patel) of the atmospheric MOD control unit.	(81, 153, 3)	Brig
10:21:27	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) shaken C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 100)	(80, 153, 3)	Brig
10:21:28	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) shaken C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 100)	(80, 153, 3)	Brig
10:21:31	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) shoved Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) with onto the table (table) (NEWHP: 96)	(81, 154, 3)	Brig
10:21:38	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Seems clear!"
10:21:41	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) is putting the atmospheric MOD control unit on C4g/(Pom Patel)	(80, 152, 3)	Brig
10:21:43	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) has put the atmospheric MOD control unit on C4g/(Pom Patel).	(80, 152, 3)	Brig 
Additionally C4G/Pom Patel makes remarks about being a "Drainer" with their attorney Commander_Moon/Paul Allen in the brig which I consider as joking around despite WaterMeldron implying I should have RR'd over that and the jumpsuit fibers.

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10:21:09	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "I'm a drainer"	(72, 152, 3)	Brig
10:21:13	SAY	Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) "drain gang.."	(71, 154, 3)	Brig
After this, C4G/Pom Patel then claims that they have done nothing except do atmospherics which supported my belief that they were only joking about being a "drainer"

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10:22:05	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "wow"	(76, 150, 3)	Brig
10:22:20	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "I've literally done nothing"	(80, 150, 3)	Brig
10:22:29	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "But play with my pipes all day"	(80, 150, 3)	Brig
After receiving a clean bag check, 1GlitchyCent/Tungsten-Carbide XXV decides to both toxin and tracking implant C4G/Pom Patel but elects to only tracking implant and release after lacking time to create a sufficent chemical mix and lacking evidence to execute C4G/Pom Patel which I do not prevent from happening despite dislike that there is "no fun" in using chemical implants.

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10:23:22	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "however. As we DO NOT have conclusive evidence, I do feel"	(79, 151, 3)	Brig 
10:23:33	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "that a toxin implant, and a tracking implant"	(79, 151, 3)	Brig
10:23:39	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "are to be installed."	(79, 151, 3)	Brig
10:23:55	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "I do not like risks. If you try to get them removed, you will be terminated."	(79, 151, 3)	Brig
10:24:17	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "no fun in that"	(80, 151, 3)	Brig
10:24:56	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "We are not executing pom"	(77, 150, 3)	Brig
10:25:15	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "we do not have a lethal injection syringe for the implant."	(56, 156, 2)	Transfer Centre
10:25:32	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "you get just a tracking implant, for now."	(75, 150, 3)	Brig
10:25:48	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "I got atmos work to do bestie"	(80, 150, 3)	Brig
This marks the end of the "First" encounter I had with C4g/Pom Patel during the round, despite verbally disagreeing with using a remote execution chemical implant, I did nothing to actively impede or harm the investigation into the potential heretic and actively assisted with their detainment.

My second "Encounter" with C4G/Pom Patel during this round started when I received the call on sec radio that C4g/Pom Patel was killing the warden in engineering maints which I rushed to respond to; leading to me seeing an external access airlock being actively welded infront of me and bashing it with an Esword until it shocked me due to myself believing that C4G/Pom Patel was the one escaping into space.

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 10:47:56	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "BACKUP, ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE. POM PATEL CONFIRMED HOSTILE, UNIDENTIFIED CODE 312." (language: Galactic Common)	(161, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:48:28	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attacked [External Access] with the energy sword	(98, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:48:29	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attacked [External Access] with the energy sword	(98, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:48:30	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attacked [External Access] with the energy sword	(98, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:48:31	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attacked [External Access] with the energy sword	(98, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:48:32	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attacked [External Access] with the energy sword	(98, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:48:32	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attacked [External Access] with the energy sword	(98, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:48:33	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attacked [External Access] with the energy sword	(98, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:48:34	ATTACK	[External Access] electrocuted Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) (NEWHP: 76.7)	(98, 92, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:48:34	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attacked [External Access] with the energy sword	(98, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:48:34	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) permanently shocked [External Access]	(98, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:49:11	TELECOMMS	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) [Security] (spans: ) "Pom fleed to space I believe" (language: Galactic Common)	(95, 113, 2)	Station Asteroid 
My third "encounter" with C4G/Pom Patel was started by the warden and myself using her tracking implant to teleport into the incenerator and detain her leading to slight friendly fire from the warden who was using a laser gun.

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10:52:31	GAME	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) has teleported from (Teleporter Room (61,132,3)) to (Incinerator (152,75,2))	(152, 75, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:31	GAME	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) has teleported from (Teleporter Room (60,133,3)) to (Incinerator (152,74,2))	(152, 74, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:32	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) fired at [reinforced floor] with the laser from Incinerator	(152, 75, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:32	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) shot Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) with the laser (NEWHP: 100)	(152, 75, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:32	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) fired at [reinforced wall] with the laser from Incinerator	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:33	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) fired at Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) with the laser from Incinerator (NEWHP: 82.5)	(151, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:33	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) shot Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) with the laser (NEWHP: 82.5)	(151, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:33	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) fired at [floor] with the laser from Incinerator	(149, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:35	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "WHAT"	(151, 78, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:36	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) stun attacked C4g/(Pom Patel) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100)	(152, 75, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:36	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) fired at [omni gas filter] with the laser from Incinerator	(151, 75, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:36	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) shot Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) with the laser (NEWHP: 65)	(151, 75, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:37	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) fired at [holofirelock] with the laser from Incinerator	(152, 74, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:39	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) shaken C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 100)	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:39	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) stun attacked C4g/(Pom Patel) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100)	(151, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:41	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) punched C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 100)	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:41	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) stomp with Krav Maga C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 85)	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:42	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) attempted to handcuff C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 85)	(150, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:43	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) grabbed C4g/(Pom Patel) passive grab (NEWHP: 85)	(150, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:43	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) punched C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 85)	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:43	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) stomp with Krav Maga C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 70)	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:44	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) punched C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 70)	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:44	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) stomp with Krav Maga C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 55)	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:45	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) handcuffed C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 55)	(150, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:45	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) punched C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 55)	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:45	ATTACK	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) stomp with Krav Maga C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 40)	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
After seeing pom was in the incenerator and doing rather standard atmospherics duties, I questioned the wardens call that Pom was ACTIVELY hostile.

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 0:52:54	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "among other things"	(151, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:52:59	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Try to murder the warden"	(151, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:02	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "Why do people keep teleporting onto me and beating me?"	(151, 78, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:05	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "I DIDN'T!!"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:06	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "no that was"	(152, 75, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:08	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "What?"	(152, 78, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:09	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "someone else"	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:10	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "you.."	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:13	EMOTE	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) screams!	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:16	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "how stupid are you"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:17	SAY	TypicalRig/(fire shark) (DEAD) "LOL"	(152, 78, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:18	SAY	TypicalRig/(fire shark) (DEAD) "EVEN SUN"	(152, 78, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:19	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "provide the report"	(151, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:23	SAY	TypicalRig/(fire shark) (DEAD) "EVEN SUN IS REALIZING HER OWN TEAM"	(152, 78, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:26	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "on the evidence you found on Patel's person."	(151, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:28	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "Kurtz tried to murder me for no fucking reason"	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:29	SAY	Panzer IV/(London Curry) "your wellcome~"	(118, 99, 3)	Medbay Central
10:53:29	SAY	Tax Fraud/(Morgan Holloway) "With the.... same rag."	(126, 135, 3)	Bar
10:53:30	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "you SAID"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:32	SAY	TypicalRig/(fire shark) (DEAD) "YOU KNOW IT'S BAD WHEN SEC IS CALLING SEC OUT"	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:35	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "And I'M getting arrested??"	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:36	SAY	Mvp777/(Flip Owen) (DEAD) "Now Kurtz is bull-shitting evidence to get his valids."	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:40	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Pom patel confirmed hostile"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:41	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Holy shit"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:43	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "he said there was evidence."	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:44	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "How??"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:48	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "YOU... SAID THAT"	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:50	SAY	Mvp777/(Flip Owen) (DEAD) "Not her fault that Conrad is an absolute asshole."	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:51	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "previous evidence suggested that you were a heretic."	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:52	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "WITHOUT PROOF?"	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:53:59	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "well, I was going to look for proof"	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:02	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "until I got shot"	(151, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:06	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "Oh my fucking god dude"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:09	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "then they are not a.. CONFIRMED HOSTILE.."	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:11	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "Can't a girl live"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:11	EMOTE	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) sighs.	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:13	SAY	TypicalRig/(fire shark) (DEAD) "Sun is taking the crew pill"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:17	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "you are"	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:17	SAY	TypicalRig/(fire shark) (DEAD) "LOL"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:19	SAY	TypicalRig/(fire shark) (DEAD) "BASED SUN"	(152, 77, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:22	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "actually brain damaged"	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:22	SAY	TypicalRig/(fire shark) (DEAD) "BASED SUN CATTON" 
After seeing the warden made the call-out on C4g/Pom Patel being actively false along with our previous conflict during the shift where he detained me over not paying the lawyer for a lawsuit, I decided to baton the warden and leave him in the incinerator and release Pom Patel who explained that Conrad/Rectification tried and failed to choke them out in maints.

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 [i] 10:54:13	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) stun attacked 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 100)	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:15	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) is stripping C4g/(Pom Patel) of the handcuffs.	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:19	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) has stripped C4g/(Pom Patel) of the handcuffs.	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
10:54:33	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) broke grab C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 40)	(155, 93, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:54:35	ATTACK	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) grabbed C4g/(Pom Patel) passive grab (NEWHP: 40)	(155, 93, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:54:35	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "Deaf."	(155, 93, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:54:54	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "This is where Kurtz tried to murder me"	(135, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance [/i] 
Here are the logs of Conrad trying and FAILING to kill pom by stranging them.

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 10:42:48	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) stun attacked C4g/(Pom Patel) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 77.1)	(127, 98, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:42:49	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) is stripping C4g/(Pom Patel) of the atmospheric firefighter helmet.	(127, 99, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:42:50	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) is stripping C4g/(Pom Patel) of the atmospherics winter coat.	(127, 99, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:42:54	ATTACK	MikeRayne/(Arnie Conrad) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/medicine/mutadone (50u, 1 purity)) from the mutadone pill (50u) to [stomach]	(188, 104, 3)	Genetics Lab
10:42:55	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) has stripped C4g/(Pom Patel) of the atmospheric firefighter helmet.	(127, 99, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:42:55	ATTACK	MikeRayne/(Arnie Conrad) has thrown the bottle of mutadone pills	(188, 104, 3)	Genetics Lab
10:42:56	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) has stripped C4g/(Pom Patel) of the atmospherics winter coat.	(127, 99, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:42:57	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) is stripping C4g/(Pom Patel) of the engineering radio headset.	(127, 99, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:42:57	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) stun attacked C4g/(Pom Patel) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 77.1)	(127, 99, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:43:02	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) has stripped C4g/(Pom Patel) of the engineering radio headset.	(127, 99, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:43:03	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) grabbed C4g/(Pom Patel) passive grab (NEWHP: 77.1)	(127, 99, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:43:09	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) stun attacked C4g/(Pom Patel) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 77.1)	(134, 99, 2)	Atmospherics
10:43:13	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) stun attacked C4g/(Pom Patel) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 77.1)	(134, 99, 2)	Atmospherics
10:43:15	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) is stripping C4g/(Pom Patel) of Pom Patel (Atmospheric Technician).	(134, 99, 2)	Atmospherics
10:43:20	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) has stripped C4g/(Pom Patel) of Pom Patel (Atmospheric Technician).	(134, 99, 2)	Atmospherics
10:43:24	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) stun attacked C4g/(Pom Patel) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 77.1)	(134, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:43:27	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) has thrown Pom Patel (Atmospheric Technician)	(134, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:43:31	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) attempted to handcuff C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 77.1)	(135, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:43:35	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) handcuffed C4g/(Pom Patel) (NEWHP: 77.1)	(135, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:43:51	ATTACK	MikeRayne/(Arnie Conrad) has thrown Telepathy mutator	(188, 106, 3)	Genetics Lab
10:43:59	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) grabbed C4g/(Pom Patel) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 77.1)	(136, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:15	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) attempted to neck grab C4g/(Pom Patel) neck grab (NEWHP: 77.1)	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:19	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) grabbed C4g/(Pom Patel) neck grab (NEWHP: 77.1)	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:24	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) attempted to strangle C4g/(Pom Patel) kill grab (NEWHP: 77.1)	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:28	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) strangled C4g/(Pom Patel) kill grab (NEWHP: 77.1)	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:45:09	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) is stripping C4g/(Pom Patel) of the atmospheric technician's jumpsuit.	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:45:15	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) has stripped C4g/(Pom Patel) of the atmospheric technician's jumpsuit.	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:45:52	ATTACK	MikeRayne/(Arnie Conrad) has thrown Acidic Flesh mutator	(188, 106, 3)	Genetics Lab
10:46:22	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) grabbed C4g/(Pom Patel) passive grab (NEWHP: -1.4)	(140, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:46:23	ATTACK	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) grabbed C4g/(Pom Patel) aggressive grab (NEWHP: -1.4)	(140, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:43:19	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Shoulda done thios"	(134, 99, 2)	Atmospherics
10:43:34	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Long time ago"	(135, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:43:46	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "They'll find out"	(135, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:43:52	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "And I might lose my job"	(135, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:43:57	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "And go to prison"	(136, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:03	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "But its worth it"	(136, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:10	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "If there is one less"	(136, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:13	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Scum sucking"	(136, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:22	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Horrible excuse"	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:29	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "For a crewmember"	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:38	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Threatening the wellbeing of my station"	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:44:55	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Now its my turn to drain"	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:45:06	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "The breath from your useless body"	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:45:24	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Still sarcasitc as you die?"	(137, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:45:46	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Well"	(139, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:45:48	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Gottem"	(139, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:45:52	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Resisted like hell"	(139, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:46:04	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "See for yorself"	(140, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:46:12	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "WHAT"	(140, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:46:13	EMOTE	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) points at Unknown	(140, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:46:31	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Makarov?"	(140, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:46:31	GAME	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) started fireman carrying Pom Patel.	(140, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:46:31	GAME	C4g/(Pom Patel) was fireman carried by Conrad Kurtz.	(139, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:46:38	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "This is akward"	(140, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:47:10	GAME	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) is no longer being ridden by Pom Patel.	(168, 110, 2)	Central Starboard Maintenance
10:47:10	GAME	C4g/(Pom Patel) is no longer riding Conrad Kurtz.	(168, 110, 2)	Central Starboard Maintenance
10:47:26	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "GOT AWAY"	(160, 97, 2)	Lesser Starboard Maintenance
10:47:38	SAY	MikeRayne/(Arnie Conrad) "sup"	(191, 102, 3)	Genetics Lab
10:47:40	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "FUCKING HELL" 
After this encounter with C4G/Pom Patel I went along my usual duties before confronting Rectification/Conrad about him lying

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 10:59:28	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "kurtz tried to KILL morgan"	(126, 125, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:59:32	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "gah, pom"	(126, 125, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:59:42	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "according to testamony"	(126, 125, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:59:44	EMOTE	Satan On Wheels/(Barthalamue Ortinboch) points at Sun Catton (as Captain)	(127, 125, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:59:44	EMOTE	Satan On Wheels/(Barthalamue Ortinboch) points at Sun Catton (as Captain)	(127, 125, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:59:55	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Im gonna assume you are a ling or something"	(126, 124, 3)	Central Tram Dock
11:00:03	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "the bar"	(119, 124, 3)	Central Tram Dock
11:00:18	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "my office?"	(79, 129, 3)	Command Hallway
11:00:20	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "really?"	(79, 129, 3)	Command Hallway
11:00:29	SAY	Mimepride/(Averill Waldron) "Breaking news, Sun accuses the warden of being a ling"	(206, 142, 7)	Listening Post
11:00:31	EMOTE	Codpiece1/(Matthias Skeli) points at Sun Catton's ID Card (Security Officer (Cargo))	(79, 132, 3)	Command Hallway
11:00:33	SAY	TypicalRig/(fire shark) (DEAD) "sun catton is so frustrated with the incomptency of her own team that she has no choice but to assume it's an antag spreading misinformation"	(132, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
11:00:34	EMOTE	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) smiles.	(79, 134, 3)	Command Hallway
11:00:51	EMOTE	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) smiles.	(79, 157, 3)	Security Office
11:01:40	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "I dunno"	(73, 149, 3)	Brig
11:01:46	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "we have found zero proof.."	(73, 149, 3)	Brig
11:01:57	SAY	Excalibot/(Justice Koster) (DEAD) "Ok, so Sun is the only one who is a good secoff huh"	(152, 76, 2)	Incinerator
11:01:57	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "and you lied about the warden being with you"	(74, 150, 3)	Brig
11:02:01	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "when pom attacked"	(74, 150, 3)	Brig
11:02:07	EMOTE	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) stares.	(74, 148, 3)	Brig
11:02:18	SAY	Mvp777/(Flip Owen) (DEAD) "Well, with the exception of Sun for not being a raging incompetent and if she doesn't get in my way"	(152, 74, 2)	Incinerator
11:02:27	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "plus hes named after a battlemace 50k character..."	(74, 148, 3)	Brig
11:02:28	EMOTE	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) stares.	(74, 148, 3)	Brig
11:02:39	EMOTE	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) points at Sun Catton (as Captain)	(72, 149, 3)	Brig
11:02:44	EMOTE	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) claps. 

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 11:01:07	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "present evidence."	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:01:21	EMOTE	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) stares	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:01:41	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "you have... nothing physical?"	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:01:50	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "when previously asked"	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:01:54	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "you stated that you had evidence."	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:02:16	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "also, camera footage does align with Pom's testimony."	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:02:36	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "I watched the arrest."	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:02:39	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "from cams."	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:02:48	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "I did not see the entire scene"	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:03:03	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "but you did follow Patel into the incinerator, after which you struck him with a baton."	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
11:03:25	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "I do not believe Kurtz is a 312."	(74, 149, 3)	Brig
11:03:47	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "this is true but it is irrelevant."	(74, 149, 3)	Brig
11:03:52	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "what"	(77, 154, 3)	Brig
11:04:50	SAY	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "yes?"
10:59:35	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Morgan?"	(65, 101, 2)	Dormitories
10:59:54	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Who the hell is morgon"	(64, 97, 2)	Dormitories
11:00:01	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Also the warden was with me"	(64, 97, 2)	Dormitories
11:01:07	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Sorry for my tardieness"	(73, 149, 3)	Brig
11:01:18	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "I have nothing physical"	(72, 149, 3)	Brig
11:01:23	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "But my tesimony"	(72, 149, 3)	Brig
11:01:36	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Foul magiks were indeed used against me"	(72, 148, 3)	Brig
11:01:57	GAME	CourageTheCat/(Gives-The-Hugs) started fireman carrying Arnie Conrad.	(188, 103, 3)	Genetics Lab
11:01:57	GAME	*no key*/(Arnie Conrad) was fireman carried by Gives-The-Hugs.	(187, 102, 3)	Genetics Lab 
As for the "Foul Magics" used, here are ALL the logs of heretic spells used that round which fail to mention Pom Patel once; in addition to Conrad/Rectification failing to show proof.

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09:51:50    ATTACK    ThatSlavicGirl/(Clara Shupe) cast the spell Mansus Grasp.    (135, 132, 2)    Barber
10:11:40    ATTACK    ThatSlavicGirl/(Clara Shupe) cast the spell Mansus Grasp.    (126, 145, 2)    Kitchen Cold Room
10:25:34    ATTACK    Toodlepants/(Shem-Qezzurath Day) cast the spell Mansus Grasp.    (54, 84, 3)    Aft Port Maintenance
10:33:21    ATTACK    Toodlepants/(Shem-Qezzurath Day) cast the spell Mansus Grasp.    (57, 90, 3)    Library Lounge
10:48:08    ATTACK    Toodlepants/(Shem-Qezzurath Day) cast the spell Mansus Grasp.    (137, 135, 2)    Greater Starboard Maintenance
10:57:00    ATTACK    ThatSlavicGirl/(Clara Shupe) cast the spell Mansus Grasp.    (128, 142, 3)    Kitchen
10:57:04    ATTACK    ThatSlavicGirl/(Clara Shupe) attacked no key/(Pun Pun) with Mansus Grasp (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -99.1)    (129, 146, 3)    Kitchen
10:57:04    ATTACK    ThatSlavicGirl/(Clara Shupe) cast the touch spell Mansus Grasp on no key/(Pun Pun) with Mansus Grasp (NEWHP: -106.6)    (129, 146, 3)    Kitchen
After being dusted by a malfunctioning borg, I recieved a SECOND ahelp about the alleged metagrudging from Watermelons AFTER I was already cleared by deathhasform.

As some interesting background information from BEFORE I joined the round, here are the logs of Conrad investigating Pom/the Rift in which C4G/Pom Patel clearly describes how they were doing atmospherics work provided and compiled by PengisBungholius.

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 09:59:52	EMOTE	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) points at the �analyzed atomized flow	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:13	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Mr Hardie is not here"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:19	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Hes supposed to be with you guys"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:29	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Really?"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:44	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Of you all have alibies"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:51	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Then the atmos tecdh"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:56	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Draws my ire"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:01:08	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Wanna check this door for cut wires?"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:01:23	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Nothing?"	(126, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:01:36	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "I'll speak with the atmos tech"	(126, 102, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:01:50	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Morning mr Patel"	(137, 83, 2)	Atmospherics
10:01:55	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "Ms, actually"	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:01:59	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Now as you may have noticed"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:05	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Indeed sorry"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:07	EMOTE	C4g/(Pom Patel) laughs.	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:16	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "There is a bit of a fracture in space"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:20	EMOTE	C4g/(Pom Patel) nods.	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:22	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Just in the engineering lobby"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:25	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "I've been trying not to look at it."	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:26	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "No signs of break in"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:38	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "All the engineers are covering for eachother"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:54	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "You are the only one with access despite them"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:59	EMOTE	C4g/(Pom Patel) shrugs.	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:07	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "Dunno what to tell you. Maybe someone asked the AI?"	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:11	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "What have you been doing?"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:16	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "AI question" (language: Galactic Common)	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:25	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "Trying to figure out a good setup for farming water vapor"	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:32	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "What's your question solder" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:03:34	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "I wanna make a trit fire but I haven't done one before."	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:36	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "You let anyone into the engineering lobby?" (language: Galactic Common)	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:46	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "hrm"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:52	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "Thank you AI" (language: Galactic Common)	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:04:00	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Well"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:04:04	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Carry on citizen"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:04:06	EMOTE	C4g/(Pom Patel) nods.	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:04:09	SAY	C4g/(Pom Patel) "Godspeed officer"	(140, 82, 2)	Atmospherics  
this is true, but it leaves out that the detective was trying to extort Pom Patel

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 10:06:13	PDA	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) ( PDA: Lurks-In-Maintenance to Pom Patel (Atmospheric Technician)) "Hello Pom. Fibers froma atmospherics winter coat were found next to a heretic rune. Sec is incredibly suspicious of you."	(136, 131, 2)	Barber
10:07:10	PDA	C4g/(Pom Patel) ( PDA: Pom Patel to Lurks-In-Maintenance (Detective)) "dunno what to tell u. i'm just a drainer bro im just a vessel ! didnt mean to flex on u bro Im just a vessel ,"	(151, 74, 2)	Incinerator
10:09:56	PDA	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) ( PDA: Lurks-In-Maintenance to Pom Patel (Atmospheric Technician)) "Going to be honest here Pom. Without me you're going to get arrested. I mean, you are the ONLY Atmospherics technician on station. If I were to let this information out you'd surely be lynched. But uh, I'm willing to deviate the case in a different direction if ya pay me. If you catch my drift. "	(137, 131, 2)	Barber 
and that Conrad Kurtz was VERY kill hungry for Pom

Why you think you should be unbanned:

Throughout this appeal, I feel that I have shown that I demonstrated zero signs of "Metafriending" with C4g/Pom Patel and actively did my standard duties as a security officer. I assisted in the arrest & detainment of C4g multiple times and only "actively assisted" C4g/Pom Patel by releasing them from the Atmospherics burner room AFTER the warden stated his callout that C4G/Pom Patel was actively hostile was directly stated to be wrong; that in addition to my previous conflict with 1GlitchyCent over the lawyer suing me lead to me releasing Pom Patel.

In addition to this, I was ahelped about suspected metafriending by deathhasform and the ticket was resolved without any noting or problems, later in the round WalterMeldron ahelps me about the same thing which I consider to be a blatent breach of admin conduct; to quote from the Rule page on the wiki:
"Don't interfere with another admin's ban or adminhelp unless requested. Feel free to point out important missed details or useful information however. Higher-ranked admins are encouraged to advise and guide other admins, but overruling someone else's ban falls to the headmins."
I feel that WalterMeldron's actions could be considered as interfering with Death's adminhelp/decision and a breach of admin conduct.

Overall I was ahelped not once but TWICE in the round and acused of metafriending because I failed to believe Rectification/Conrad Kurtz (an active admin I might add)'s lies about the person I genuinely assumed to be a non-antagonist. Throughout the logs I posted it has been shown that his character had a blatant grudge /bias against C4g and while thats perfectly fine under rule 4, I dont see why I am being noted for metafriending for questioning a fellow officer who was proven to be lying to the rest of the security force.

Anything else we should know: I suck at compiling logs, my condolences for the text dump. Source: https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/round/210074
Last edited by Wolfmoy on Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:30 pm
Byond Username: Wolfmoy

Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Wolfmoy » #693748

As for additional support for conrad having a grudge against C4g's character, https://gyazo.com/6fcf00b379a651de4c951090e6db17d6
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Joined: Tue May 25, 2021 3:10 pm
Byond Username: WalterMeldron

Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Waltermeldron » #693758

Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:05 pm After various irrelevant encounters with assistants, I am directed by 1GlitchyCent/Tungsten-Carbide XXV to go with Conrad and detain C4g/Pom Patel with the assistance of the AI who opens the way to atmos and requests we dont harm the human(Pom Patel).
You've excluded details where you state that you doubt that the influence was related to Pom here, despite no prior reason to do so:

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[2023-07-11 22:16:18.550] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "so" (Security Office (79,162,3))
[2023-07-11 22:16:24.248] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "are you going to get the EOTC?" (Security Office (79,162,3))
[2023-07-11 22:16:29.147] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Who?" (Security Office (82,161,3))
[2023-07-11 22:16:35.744] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "Pom Patel." (Security Office (79,162,3))
[2023-07-11 22:16:43.621] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "I somehow doubt that was pom..\" (Security Office (81,162,3))
[2023-07-11 22:16:47.707] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "Type PETROGRADS are registered as enemies of the corporation" (Security Office (80,162,3))
[2023-07-11 22:16:52.720] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "you can." (Security Office (79,159,3))
[2023-07-11 22:16:56.840] GAME-SAY: Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "AI, where is Pom?" (Starboard Tram Dock (169,120,3))
[2023-07-11 22:17:09.391] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "Officer Catton, we have clear evidence that it was, and even a confession if my memory is correct." (Brig (75,155,3))
[2023-07-11 22:17:22.419] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "You will work to detain the threat." (Brig Control (71,158,3))
You make further comments after the arrest that you doubt pom is an EOTC (Enemy of the Corporation), without any prior evidence. This alone makes me suspect that your OOC relationships are giving Pom an IC advantage.

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[2023-07-11 22:19:36.243] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "Good work. Clean execution you two." (Brig Control (70,159,3))
[2023-07-11 22:19:38.943] GAME-SAY: Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Foul magiks" (Incinerator (153,75,2))
[2023-07-11 22:19:42.922] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "Now bring them in." (Brig Control (70,159,3))
[2023-07-11 22:19:42.986] GAME-SAY: C4g/(Pom Patel) "A girl can't drain anymore?" (Incinerator (154,76,2))
[2023-07-11 22:19:45.694] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "the warden claims your an EOTC" (Incinerator (154,77,2))
[2023-07-11 22:19:46.136] GAME-SAY: Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Thank you officer" (Incinerator (153,76,2))
[2023-07-11 22:19:53.523] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "I doubt it" (Incinerator (153,77,2))
Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:05 pm After this, C4G/Pom Patel then claims that they have done nothing except do atmospherics which supported my belief that they were only joking about being a "drainer"
The joke about 'draining' is a bit dumb and I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but someone claiming to be a 'drainer' and all they did was 'drain' after being suspected of draining an influence increases the suspicion levels and I find it somewhat hard to believe that you'd take that as a joke if it were coming from someone you didn't know. Again, I think this shows that your OOC relations are likely influencing IC relations, because Conrad Kurtz definitely took it as an admission, and so did I. In any case, I said I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for this one and take it that you truly believed it was a joke.
This is specifically what was said by Pom Patel:

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[2023-07-11 22:20:58.828] GAME-SAY: Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Amd thats a heretic who pretends not to be one" (Brig (72,154,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:05.033] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "Detective" (Brig (73,154,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:06.184] GAME-SAY: C4g/(Pom Patel) "I'm not!" (Brig (72,152,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:07.981] GAME-SAY: Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "here we are warden" (Brig (72,155,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:08.859] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Lets see here" (Brig (72,153,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:09.265] GAME-SAY: C4g/(Pom Patel) "I'm a drainer" (Brig (72,152,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:12.289] GAME-EMOTE: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) claps. (Brig (72,153,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:15.241] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "can you come to the brig?" (Brig (73,154,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:15.350] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "who needs air anyways" (Brig (72,153,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:22.473] GAME-SAY: C4g/(Pom Patel) "And if being drainy is a sin, lord forgive me" (Brig (81,154,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:32.940] GAME-EMOTE: C4g/(Pom Patel) laughs. (Brig (81,154,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:35.513] GAME-SAY: 1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) "do not say that. I will kill you if you say that. I do not fear the AI." (Brig (79,154,3))
Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:05 pm Additionally C4G/Pom Patel makes remarks about being a "Drainer" with their attorney Commander_Moon/Paul Allen in the brig which I consider as joking around despite WaterMeldron implying I should have RR'd over that and the jumpsuit fibers.
The only thing that the lawyer says in relation to drainer statements is:

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[2023-07-11 22:21:13.622] GAME-SAY: Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) "drain gang.." (Brig (71,154,3))
Full say logs for context:

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[2023-07-11 22:21:13.622] GAME-SAY: Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) "drain gang.." (Brig (71,154,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:26.911] GAME-SAY: Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) "that is my client" (Brig (80,155,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:36.436] GAME-SAY: Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) "is there any evidence against them??" (Brig (80,155,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:38.649] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Seems clear!" (Brig (80,153,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:47.983] GAME-SAY: Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) "perfect!" (Brig (81,154,3))
They're just roleplaying as a lawyer, a lawyer's job is to try and get whoever's in prison out using any argument they can conjure up. I was not implying that you had to round remove them, I was implying that they were treatable as an antagonist under rule 4 after straight up admitting they had drained an influence, or at least heavily implying to the point of admitting. Even if it is a joke, it's made clear nowhere that it's a joke at any time and they never try to double back on this statement. Again, you keep insisting on their innocence which gives me cause to believe your OOC relationship is heavily influencing this IC situation in their favour.
Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:05 pm This marks the end of the "First" encounter I had with C4g/Pom Patel during the round, despite verbally disagreeing with using a remote execution chemical implant, I did nothing to actively impede or harm the investigation into the potential heretic and actively assisted with their detainment.
Again, there's no issue with the punishment applied to Pom Patel, but you keep pushing for their innocence despite doing any thorough investigation at this point, to the point where I believe your OOC relations have influenced this IC situation, whether subconsciously or consciously. Simply making the comments you've made has pushed everyone to believe that they're not a heretic despite the compelling evidence behind it.
I told you that if you could provide past logs of you consistently playing this way, then I'd remove the note, but I can't really see any normal player playing this way where they immediately doubt the arrest of another player and proclaim that they're probably innocent without thorough investigation and disregards statements they make that heavily imply they were drained the influence, whilst also not being proclaimed as a joke but somehow the joke is implied? Again, I'm fine with removing this note if you can provide past logs that you consistently behave this way with all sorts of players, but this is not sort of thing I'd see anyone doing except for someone they intrinsically trust and are friends with.

The subsequent logs that come after the incidents I've mentioned aren't really all that relevant to the metabuddying situation because that's when you do more thorough investigation, which I believe a normal player could totally end up doing when the evidence is not as clear cut, though the admission was still damning so Conrad didn't really need any more of a reason to attack this heretic.
Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:05 pm After being dusted by a malfunctioning borg, I recieved a SECOND ahelp about the alleged metagrudging from Watermelons AFTER I was already cleared by deathhasform.
Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:05 pm In addition to this, I was ahelped about suspected metafriending by deathhasform and the ticket was resolved without any noting or problems, later in the round WalterMeldron ahelps me about the same thing which I consider to be a blatent breach of admin conduct; to quote from the Rule page on the wiki:
"Don't interfere with another admin's ban or adminhelp unless requested. Feel free to point out important missed details or useful information however. Higher-ranked admins are encouraged to advise and guide other admins, but overruling someone else's ban falls to the headmins."
I feel that WalterMeldron's actions could be considered as interfering with Death's adminhelp/decision and a breach of admin conduct.
Another ahelp was sent that they truly believed you were metabuddying, so I decided to take a look since two pairs of eyes is better than one and it led me to this conclusion. DeathHasForm allowed me to take over this ticket and thanked me for doing so because there is no harm in letting multiple admins take a look at a situation like this. Additionally, in post, they told me that they were fine with what I did and appreciated the second opinion. Also, I don't play or admin Sybil often so I was coming in as a largely somewhat unbiased opinion.
Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 9:05 pm Overall I was ahelped not once but TWICE in the round and acused of metafriending because I failed to believe Rectification/Conrad Kurtz (an active admin I might add)'s lies about the person I genuinely assumed to be a non-antagonist. Throughout the logs I posted it has been shown that his character had a blatant grudge /bias against C4g and while thats perfectly fine under rule 4, I dont see why I am being noted for metafriending for questioning a fellow officer who was proven to be lying to the rest of the security force.
What Conrad Kurtz may or may not have been doing after the initial situation I had presented is somewhat irrelevant to this actual note I've applied. I'm willing to append the note to include the extra details that factored into my decision making and also remove the unnecessary mention of the alibi's, but the evidence here seriously seems to point to your OOC relationship with Pom Patel influencing this IC situation, which gave Pom Patel an advantage. It's not one thing you did there, it's a multitude of things. You claimed that Pom Patel is probably innocent despite having seemingly no reason to do so. You disregard the somewhat blatant statements about only draining and being a drainer as a joke. You claim to the lawyer that everything seems clear despite compelling evidence that they're very much a suspect.
It's the combination of all of these things that gave Pom Patel an advantage in this IC situation despite seemingly no real IC reasoning which leads me to heavily believe your OOC relationship had an influence, which violates Rule 2 Precedent 3:
Character friendships should not be exploitative in nature or be used to gain an unfair advantage. Having an IC friendship with another player does not, for example, justify giving them all-access each round.

I'm fine with you doing further investigation to prove their innocence but I find it highly suspect when you're insisting on their innocence every step of the way and take incriminating statements, like the ones they made, as jokes. If there's anything I've missed or anything else to add, feel free to do so.

One last note, there were also in game logs of you calling Pom Patel 'morgan', which I don't think really incriminates you but helps to show that you definitely do have some sort of OOC relationship with Pom Patel

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[2023-07-11 22:59:28.351] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "kurtz tried to KILL morgan" (Central Tram Dock (126,125,3))
[2023-07-11 22:59:32.891] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "gah, pom" (Central Tram Dock (126,125,3))
Last edited by Waltermeldron on Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Byond Username: Wolfmoy

Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Wolfmoy » #693762

Ill respond to the initial part of your reply at a later period, but here is my response to the final bit.

Morgan Holloway was in the round.

10:07:36 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "could I get some quad-sec?" (121, 134, 3) Maid Cafe
10:08:20 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "hit the robot" (122, 127, 3) Maid Cafe
10:08:22 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "again" (122, 128, 3) Maid Cafe
10:08:24 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "I dare you" (122, 128, 3) Maid Cafe
10:08:41 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Thanks Morgan!" (124, 128, 3) Maid Cafe
10:08:52 EMOTE Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) points at the floor (130, 131, 3) Maid Cafe
10:09:00 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "I can make one" (127, 129, 3) Maid Cafe
10:09:02 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "real quick" (127, 129, 3) Maid Cafe

10:13:53 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Morgan, if you are poisoning stuff" (122, 129, 3) Maid Cafe
10:13:57 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Just use braccus's" (121, 134, 3) Maid Cafe
10:13:58 EMOTE Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) smiles. (121, 133, 3) Maid Cafe
10:14:04 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Ill trust you!" (121, 132, 3) Maid Cafe

the "calling them morgan" part:

10:59:28 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "kurtz tried to KILL morgan" (126, 125, 3) Central Tram Dock
10:59:32 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "gah, pom" (126, 125, 3) Central Tram Dock
10:59:42 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "according to testamony" (126, 125, 3) Central Tram Dock

was a slip of the tongue, it wouldn't even make sense to use a different name for Pom here since I wasn't talking to Pom, I was talking to other sec members.

The logs clearly show that I mistaked Pom Patel for Morgan Holloway for a split second, and rapidly corrected it on sec
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Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Wolfmoy » #693763

As for the statements about "Everything seems clear" to the lawyer, was that not said AFTER C4g/ Pom Patel was given a clear bag check by myself? I feel that saying that "Everything seems clear" after the bag was found to lack any contraband or damming evidence to be reasonable. As shown by your own say logs, there was a 2 minute gap between the lawyer asking and myself responding after the bag check.

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[2023-07-11 22:21:36.436] GAME-SAY: Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) "is there any evidence against them??" (Brig (80,155,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:38.649] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Seems clear!" (Brig (80,153,3))

This leads me to put some question into if you actually read my full appeal, the logs I posted clearly show I stated that AFTER the attack logs for the back check.
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Byond Username: WalterMeldron

Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Waltermeldron » #693769

Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:19 pm As for the statements about "Everything seems clear" to the lawyer, was that not said AFTER C4g/ Pom Patel was given a clear bag check by myself? I feel that saying that "Everything seems clear" after the bag was found to lack any contraband or damming evidence to be reasonable. As shown by your own say logs, there was a 2 minute gap between the lawyer asking and myself responding after the bag check.

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[2023-07-11 22:21:36.436] GAME-SAY: Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) "is there any evidence against them??" (Brig (80,155,3))
[2023-07-11 22:21:38.649] GAME-SAY: Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Seems clear!" (Brig (80,153,3))

My mistake, the logs don't make it clear that you were checking their bag. What do you mean 2 minute gap? there's only a 2 second gap, which they then respond about 8 seconds after.
Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:12 pm 10:59:28 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "kurtz tried to KILL morgan" (126, 125, 3) Central Tram Dock
10:59:32 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "gah, pom" (126, 125, 3) Central Tram Dock
10:59:42 SAY Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "according to testamony" (126, 125, 3) Central Tram Dock
Sure, that's fair enough, it seemed like you were referring to them by some alternate name, which wasn't clear to me. I did mention in the ticket between you and me that you had called them morgan which you didn't comment any further on so I had assumed that it was an alternate name that you called Pom Patel by.
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Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Archie700 » #693780

The original vendetta in question:

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10:00:13	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Mr Hardie is not here"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:19	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Hes supposed to be with you guys"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:29	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Really?"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:44	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Of you all have alibies"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:51	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Then the atmos tecdh"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:00:56	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Draws my ire"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:01:08	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Wanna check this door for cut wires?"	(124, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:01:23	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Nothing?"	(126, 103, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:01:36	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "I'll speak with the atmos tech"	(126, 102, 2)	Engineering Foyer
10:01:50	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Morning mr Patel"	(137, 83, 2)	Atmospherics
10:01:59	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Now as you may have noticed"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:05	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Indeed sorry"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:16	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "There is a bit of a fracture in space"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:22	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Just in the engineering lobby"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:26	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "No signs of break in"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:38	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "All the engineers are covering for eachother"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:02:54	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "You are the only one with access despite them"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:11	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "What have you been doing?"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:16	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "AI question"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:36	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "You let anyone into the engineering lobby?"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:46	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "hrm"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:03:52	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "thank you AI"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:04:00	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Well"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:04:04	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "Carry on citizen"	(137, 82, 2)	Atmospherics
10:04:42	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "one of the engineers or the atmos tech is a heretic"	(120, 105, 2)	Engineering Hallway
10:04:48	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "I suspect the atmos tech"	(119, 106, 2)	Engineering Hallway
10:05:11	SAY	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) "All the engies are giving eachother alibis"	(119, 106, 2)	Engineering Hallway
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Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Waltermeldron » #693787

I'm willing to amend this note to the follow:
"Watch out for metafriending between C4g/Pom Patel. Had a round where Pom Patel, an atmospheric technician, was a heretic who was arrested after jumpsuit strand evidence near a drained heretic influence. During the order to arrest Pom Patel by the warden, Wolfmay said they doubted that Pom Patel was an antagonist despite no clear previous interaction with Pom Patel before this. During the arrest, they had said to Pom Patel that the warden thinks they're an antagonist and that Wolfmay themselves doubt it. There wasn't really any clear reason for Wolfmay to be doubting the warden at this point in time."

I've excluded the part related to "drainer" accusations, as I think it's fair for you to take that as a joke as it was said in a somewhat non-obvious joking tone, even if it is very self-incriminating in my perspective. But you still defended Pom Patel without any prior reason to do so, so unless you can explain to me why you were so doubtful of the antagonist claim by the warden without mentioning your OOC relationship, the note still has merit.
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Byond Username: Wolfmoy

Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Wolfmoy » #693798

From what I can see, the crux of the issue is my initial comments during/after the arrest. I severely doubted that jumpsuit fibers found inside ENGINEERING (their own department) near a heretic rift were enough to blame someone as an EOTC; especially when the alleged heretic was arrested inside their department doing standard atmospherics work. And despite those comments I still actively did my duties as sec such as arresting/detaining C4g/Pom Patel when I was under the impression they were antagonistic. Additionally, would you be able to disclose who made the second Ahelp, because dchat logs implied it was Rectification/Conrad who did it twice.
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Byond Username: WalterMeldron

Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Waltermeldron » #693811

Wolfmoy wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 11:25 pm From what I can see, the crux of the issue is my initial comments during/after the arrest. I severely doubted that jumpsuit fibers found inside ENGINEERING (their own department) near a heretic rift were enough to blame someone as an EOTC; especially when the alleged heretic was arrested inside their department doing standard atmospherics work. And despite those comments I still actively did my duties as sec such as arresting/detaining C4g/Pom Patel when I was under the impression they were antagonistic. Additionally, would you be able to disclose who made the second Ahelp, because dchat logs implied it was Rectification/Conrad who did it twice.
It was Rectification/Conrad who made the second ahelp.
Can you point out the logs that you saw in game that claimed they were being arrested for jumpsuit fibers near engineering near a heretic rift?
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Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by PengisBungholius » #693819

logs posting, sorry if I peanut too much:
10:05:00 GAME Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) Client Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) has taken ownership of mob Sun Catton(/mob/living/carbon/human) (82, 41, 13) Arrival Shuttle
Wolfmoy arrives at 10:05

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10:05:00	TELECOMMS	The �Automated Announcement System [Security] (spans: robot ) "Officer Sun Catton has been assigned to Supply." (language: Galactic Common)	(101, 87, 2)	Telecomms Control Room
10:05:08	TELECOMMS	The �Automated Announcement System [Common] (spans: robot ) "Sun Catton has signed up as Security Officer" (language: Galactic Common)	(101, 87, 2)	Telecomms Control Room
10:05:11	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "All the engies are giving eachother alibis" (language: Galactic Common)	(119, 106, 2)	Engineering Hallway
10:05:36	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Obviously you should arrest everone" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:05:47	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "I will keep an eye on engineering through the cams" (language: Galactic Common)	(121, 118, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:08:00	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Situation report." (language: Galactic Common)	(79, 160, 3)	Security Office
10:08:07	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "All calm in cargo" (language: Galactic Common)	(178, 144, 3)	Cargo Bay
10:08:09	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Currently investigating engineering via cams" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:08:18	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "On suspected heretic activity" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:08:46	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Outside of a rift, which I've also seen in dormitories, no other signs" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:08:51	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Very nice. Any requests to make from the armory?" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 162, 3)	Armory
10:09:13	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Currently good with my EDC" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:09:14	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "Can I get an energy gun?" (language: Galactic Common)	(179, 135, 2)	Mining Dock
10:09:24	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "You may." (language: Galactic Common)	(83, 165, 3)	Security Office
10:09:33	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "Comming to security" (language: Galactic Common)	(179, 135, 3)	Cargo Office
10:09:59	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Other two officers, report." (language: Galactic Common)	(79, 163, 3)	Security Office
10:10:08	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "Pom isss clear." (language: Galactic Common)	(127, 124, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:10:09	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "Kurtz here" (language: Galactic Common)	(99, 93, 2)	Lesser Central Maintenance
10:10:09	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "In customs office monitoring the cams" (language: Galactic Common)	(71, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:10:16	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "Suns fighting someone" (language: Galactic Common)	(71, 119, 3)	Port Tram Dock
10:10:36	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Common] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Who is destiny neely and why aren't they on security records" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:10:45	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Detective Lurks-in-Maintenance" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 158, 3)	Brig Control
10:10:52	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Why were you in a "maid cafe."" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 158, 3)	Brig Control
10:10:56	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "This is something to invesitgate" (language: Galactic Common)	(79, 142, 3)	Command Hallway
10:11:12	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "Eksscussse me? I'm a private invessstigator!" (language: Galactic Common)	(119, 124, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:11:18	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "And don't quessstion it!" (language: Galactic Common)	(123, 125, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:11:20	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "Where is this destiny neely?" (language: Galactic Common)	(79, 140, 3)	Command Hallway
10:11:34	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Common] (spans: ) "Real?" (language: Galactic Common)	(79, 158, 3)	Security Office
10:11:37	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "Pom Patel isss a heretic." (language: Galactic Common)	(125, 112, 3)	Medbay Lobby
10:11:46	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "KNEW IT" (language: Galactic Common)	(67, 113, 3)	Recreation Area
10:12:04	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "I will adjust their records" (language: Galactic Common)	(67, 104, 3)	Recreation Area
10:12:06	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "AI warn the engineers" (language: Galactic Common)	(71, 115, 3)	Port Tram Dock
10:12:14	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "Atmosss fibersss found by multiple heretic runesss. SSShe isss the ONLY atmosss here." (language: Galactic Common)	(109, 114, 3)	Station Asteroid
10:12:17	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "That the atmos tech is a heretic" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 115, 3)	Port Tram Dock
10:12:17	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "It hasss to be her." (language: Galactic Common)	(107, 114, 3)	Station Asteroid
10:12:30	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "I questioned them earlier" (language: Galactic Common)	(71, 115, 3)	Port Tram Dock
10:12:43	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Patel set to arrest" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 110, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:12:46	TELECOMMS	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) [Common] (spans: ) "Really now clef?" (language: Galactic Common)	(85, 170, 3)	Security Locker Room
10:12:47	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "They were indeed, quite weird" (language: Galactic Common)	(119, 118, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:13:02	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Pom admitted to draining but claims to have harmed no one" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:13:08	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Reminder they are human" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:13:22	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "They wont be harmed AI" (language: Galactic Common)	(131, 87, 2)	Atmospherics
10:13:31	TELECOMMS	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) [Security] (spans: ) "Kindly dont kill pom" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 123, 3)	Port Tram Dock
10:13:34	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Would anyone else like an energy gun?" (language: Galactic Common)	(78, 149, 3)	Brig
10:13:36	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "Hereticsss are all the sssame." (language: Galactic Common)	(79, 151, 3)	Brig
10:13:38	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Agreed" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:13:43	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Suggesting perma" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:13:44	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "They act friendly until they can get enough power to kill usss all." (language: Galactic Common)	(79, 151, 3)	Brig
10:13:46	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "I will take you up on that now, Tungsten, be right over" (language: Galactic Common)	(44, 123, 3)	Arrival Shuttle Hallway
10:13:49	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "I think we got someone walkin security maints" (language: Galactic Common)	(85, 169, 3)	Security Locker Room
10:13:53	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Utilise stun prods and disablers" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:13:59	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "Not a good someone either" (language: Galactic Common)	(85, 168, 3)	Security Locker Room
10:14:13	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Ed just got dragged off" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:14:17	TELECOMMS	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) [Security] (spans: ) "Where?" (language: Galactic Common)	(123, 112, 3)	Medbay Lobby
10:14:17	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Into sec maints" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:14:20	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "I walked into maints AI" (language: Galactic Common)	(105, 157, 3)	Security Maintenance
10:14:43	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Common] (spans: ) "Test" (language: Galactic Common)	(103, 158, 3)	Security Maintenance
10:14:43	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "You were crawling so it looked like someone was dragging you" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:14:54	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "I DO think the warden might be missing" (language: Galactic Common)	(111, 157, 3)	Station Asteroid
10:15:01	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Warden please check in" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:15:02	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "We got Klauss in sec, any reason hes here?" (language: Galactic Common)	(66, 155, 3)	Brig
10:15:04	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "I'm here." (language: Galactic Common)	(69, 120, 2)	Port Tram Underpass
10:15:12	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Captain gave him access." (language: Galactic Common)	(69, 120, 2)	Port Tram Underpass
10:15:15	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Please stay at brig warden`" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:15:16	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "Cause captain "gave" him basic brig" (language: Galactic Common)	(80, 144, 3)	Command Hallway
10:15:18	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Roger" (language: Galactic Common)	(66, 155, 3)	Brig
10:15:35	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Tungsten, here for that e gun" (language: Galactic Common)	(79, 164, 3)	Security Office
10:16:56	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "I CAN HARM!" (language: Galactic Common)	(81, 158, 3)	Security Office
10:16:56	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "AI, where is Pom?" (language: Galactic Common)	(169, 120, 3)	Starboard Tram Dock
10:17:09	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Officer Catton, we have clear evidence that it was, and even a confession if my memory is correct." (language: Galactic Common)	(75, 155, 3)	Brig
10:17:13	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Not on cams or sensors" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:17:22	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "You will work to detain the threat." (language: Galactic Common)	(71, 158, 3)	Brig Control
10:17:31	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "Who was that person off the grid you were talking about?" (language: Galactic Common)	(69, 101, 3)	Recreation Area
10:17:37	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Of course, please don't go alone." (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 158, 3)	Brig Control
10:17:38	TELECOMMS	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) [Security] (spans: ) "What did he do?" (language: Galactic Common)	(73, 155, 3)	Brig
10:18:14	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Pom is at the burner room in atmos" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:18:20	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "Check they record" (language: Galactic Common)	(75, 149, 3)	Brig
10:18:32	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Detain them. Don't go alone, of course." (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 151, 3)	Brig
10:18:46	TELECOMMS	Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) [Security] (spans: ) "Lawyer here!" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 155, 3)	Brig
10:18:55	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Stun batons and disablers only" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:19:02	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Welcome, Mr. Allen" (language: Galactic Common)	(63, 103, 2)	Dormitories
10:19:04	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "If you harm humans we aren't working together anymore" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:19:13	TELECOMMS	Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) [Security] (spans: ) "Thank you, it's a pleasure!" (language: Galactic Common)	(71, 155, 3)	Brig
10:19:20	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "AI, my officers will use the amount of force that they deem to be necessary." (language: Galactic Common)	(70, 159, 3)	Brig Control
10:19:36	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Good work. Clean execution you two." (language: Galactic Common)	(70, 159, 3)	Brig Control
10:19:42	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "I will use the amount of force I deem necessary to prevent human harm warden" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:19:42	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Now bring them in." (language: Galactic Common)	(70, 159, 3)	Brig Control
10:19:52	TELECOMMS	Commander_Moon/(Paul Allen) [Security] (spans: ) "You tell em, AI" (language: Galactic Common)	(70, 155, 3)	Brig
Of note:
talks about engineering's heretic situation

Code: Select all

10:05:11	TELECOMMS	Rectification/(Conrad Kurtz) [Security] (spans: ) "All the engies are giving eachother alibis" (language: Galactic Common)	(119, 106, 2)	Engineering Hallway
10:05:36	TELECOMMS	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) [Security] (spans: robot command_headset ) "Obviously you should arrest everone" (language: Galactic Common)	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:05:47	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "I will keep an eye on engineering through the cams" (language: Galactic Common)	(121, 118, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:08:00	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Situation report." (language: Galactic Common)	(79, 160, 3)	Security Office
10:08:07	TELECOMMS	Rambo66872/(Ed Foster) [Security] (spans: ) "All calm in cargo" (language: Galactic Common)	(178, 144, 3)	Cargo Bay
10:08:09	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Currently investigating engineering via cams" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:08:18	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "On suspected heretic activity" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:08:46	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Outside of a rift, which I've also seen in dormitories, no other signs" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:08:51	TELECOMMS	1GlitchyCent/(Tungsten-Carbide XXV) [Security] (spans: ) "Very nice. Any requests to make from the armory?" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 162, 3)	Armory
detective clears and unclears Pom

Code: Select all

10:10:08	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "Pom isss clear." (language: Galactic Common)	(127, 124, 3)	Central Tram Dock
10:11:37	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "Pom Patel isss a heretic." (language: Galactic Common)	(125, 112, 3)	Medbay Lobby
because he's trying to extort money from her (but that gets found out LATER so the only part that is important here is that the detective has cleared Pom and then went back on that)

Code: Select all

10:06:13	PDA	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) ( PDA: Lurks-In-Maintenance to Pom Patel (Atmospheric Technician)) "Hello Pom. Fibers froma atmospherics winter coat were found next to a heretic rune. Sec is incredibly suspicious of you."	(136, 131, 2)	Barber
10:07:10	PDA	C4g/(Pom Patel) ( PDA: Pom Patel to Lurks-In-Maintenance (Detective)) "dunno what to tell u. i'm just a drainer bro im just a vessel ! didnt mean to flex on u bro Im just a vessel ,"	(151, 74, 2)	Incinerator
10:09:56	PDA	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) ( PDA: Lurks-In-Maintenance to Pom Patel (Atmospheric Technician)) "Going to be honest here Pom. Without me you're going to get arrested. I mean, you are the ONLY Atmospherics technician on station. If I were to let this information out you'd surely be lynched. But uh, I'm willing to deviate the case in a different direction if ya pay me. If you catch my drift. "	(137, 131, 2)	Barber
10:10:44	PDA	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) ( PDA: Lurks-In-Maintenance to PAL-9000 (AI)) "Is Pom alive?"	(125, 108, 3)	Medbay Lobby
10:11:11	PDA	Blockaboo/(PAL-9000) ( PDA: PAL-9000 to Lurks-In-Maintenance (Detective)) "ye"	(190, 36, 3)	AI Chamber
10:11:16	PDA	C4g/(Pom Patel) ( PDA: Pom Patel to Lurks-In-Maintenance (Detective)) "literally havent done anything bro im just drainy bro your jealous that im drainy"	(152, 67, 2)	Space
10:11:32	PDA	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) ( PDA: Lurks-In-Maintenance to Pom Patel (Atmospheric Technician)) "That's a real shame."	(126, 110, 3)	Medbay Lobby

and, lastly (almost forgot):

Code: Select all

10:13:31	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "Kindly dont kill pom"	(72, 123, 3)	Port Tram Dock
10:16:43	SAY	Wolfmoy/(Sun Catton) "I somehow doubt that was pom..\"	(81, 162, 3)	Security Office
are the two logs of Sun talking about Pom directly

I forgot to link logs, they're all from here:
https://tgstation13.download/parsed-log ... nd-210074/
https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/round/210 ... e=game.txt
https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/round/210 ... ecomms.txt
https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/round/210 ... le=pda.txt
Last edited by PengisBungholius on Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Byond Username: Wolfmoy

Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Wolfmoy » #693865

These would be the logs which lead me to believe the arrest/Pom being wanted was based on the fibers.

Code: Select all

10:8:09	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Currently investigating engineering via cams" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:08:18	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "On suspected heretic activity" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:08:46	TELECOMMS	ColumbianVampires/(Ti Gar) [Security] (spans: ) "Outside of a rift, which I've also seen in dormitories, no other signs" (language: Galactic Common)	(72, 111, 3)	Arrivals Security Checkpoint
10:12:14	TELECOMMS	IcyManipulation/(Lurks-In-Maintenance) [Security] (spans: ) "Atmosss fibersss found by multiple heretic runesss. SSShe isss the ONLY atmosss here." (language: Galactic Common)	(109, 114, 3)	Station Asteroid
Additionally the detectives indecision pointed out by the previous logs gave me questions.
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Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by AwkwardStereo » #693871

The Fuckin' Rules wrote: You must link to the log file you got the logs from to make it easier to validate the context
Link your sources if you're pasting logs, assholes.
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Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Itseasytosee2me » #693880

I played rectification/conrad kurtz this round. I would be happy to answer any questions or shed light on my mindset throughout.
- Sincerely itseasytosee
See you later
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Re: [WalterMeldron] - Wolfmoy Note Appeal

Post by Waltermeldron » #693925

I'm willing to remove this note now that you've clarified that you saw previous radio logs from the detective, which sufficiently explains why you may have doubted Pom as a heretic. Additionally, the other situations have been clarified too regarding the 'Seems clear' and I'm also willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you saw the self-incriminating comments as a joke.

Note should be removed now.

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