[TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

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Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:03 am
Byond Username: JupiterJaeden

[TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by JupiterJaeden » #706446

BYOND account: JupiterJaeden
Character name: Jeff Gaiman
Ban type: Security jobban
Ban length: 7 days
Ban reason: Head of Security, security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 10080 minutes - An Officer placed a mime in a timerless cell for interfering with an arrest, eventually tried to escape. Jeff had been feeling as though there were a large volume of antagonists on the station and didn't want to spare the time to deal with them normally, and so justified lasering the mime to death on the spot while they attempted to escape. Jeff was unaware of why the mime had even been brigged, and this reaction was not proportionate to his crime per RPR 7. This is the 10th recorded ban/note I can see related to things like this.
Time ban was placed: 2023-10-01 02:41:12
Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 215779
Your side of the story: Firstly lets correct a few things from this ban note.
I did not "feel" there were a large volume of antagonists. There were 15 antagonists NOT including minions and the subverted AI + borgs. Even not including minions/borgs, security was still outnumbered approximately 3 to 1. Including minions and borgs it was probably more like 4 to 1. Most of them were active at the time I carried out this execution, including the rogue AI, and the station was already definitively under a code red emergency. Now, this note makes it sounds like I "didn't want to spare the time" out of the pure coldness of my heart and my disregard for this poor mime's round. However, what actually happened is that while I was attempting to deal with the shitshow in the brig, multiple officers were dying on the radio screaming for help, which was moreso my motivation. This was also happening in between spouts of comms going off as well.

At the time, multiple people were cuffed in brig. These are the ones I remember, although I may not remember all of them:
- Permabrigged heretic who had made an attempt to murder security staff to escape
- Changeling, recently arrested
- Mime who had helped said changeling (I did not know at the time exactly what the mime's offense was).
- Traitor with an implant of some sorts that had allowed them to airmag out of the permabrig, therefore also rendering the main permabrig door unusable. Firelocks were also down in permabrig and isolation cell area after that recently mentioned ling had EMP'd them, which also fucked up multiple doors. This all together rendered that section of the brig quite unusable.

There may have been a 5th one, I dont remember exactly. Given that I already knew of more known, active antagonists than we had security in the first place, and the fact that security was now starting to drop like flies, I made the decision that the recent arrestees (ling, previous perma escapist) were to be executed. In addition, I decided to execute the heretic as the permabrig was in a dire state and they had already attempted murder on a seccie once to get out. None of these are the issue mentioned in the sec jobban but they are relevant as to the situation at the time.

The mime was spared. Because I was not sure exactly what their offense was, and they did not seem as obvious of a threat as the other 3. In addition, at this time I arrested the detective for later demotion and tossed them in a brig cell, as they were attempting to stun me.

In the pure hectic chaos, some officer who was presumably also simultaneously trying to deal with the EMPing ling bucklecuffed the tider mime and, in true abhorrent shitsec fashion, did not set a timer. The mime's rights were brutally violated by security for NO REASON. If only the corpse of that secoff lying on the ground had gotten back up and remembered to set a fair, reasonable brig timer INSTEAD of getting murdered by 20 antagonists, perhaps our bloody red souls could be saved...

Now I am trying to re-gear and move out to save whatever officers I can. The warden, I presume a latejoiner, came in and asked how they could help. I told them to go carry out the demotion for will, and afterwards I assumed they would handle the mime. I went down there for a moment to check on the situation. What do I see but the mime, who has broken out, and is now attempting to break into the detective's cell as well. After his invisible wall dissipated, I lasered him to death.

I then ran to maintenance to get away from the rad storm. The storm ended. I attempted to exit maintenance, got doorshocked, and killed by a subverted borg. For the record, I had drawn my x-01 and set it to ion mode when it crit me. One shot away from surviving. Such is the fate of the redshirt.

Why you think you should be unbanned:
Let's first give an IC justification under space law:

TBM asked "why didn't I just disabler him instead." Luckily for Jeff Gaiman's employment with nanotrasen, I have this handy dandy clause in space law, the first listing of acceptable uses of deadly force:

"There are a few circumstances where deadly force is permissible:

Code Red Situation - situations which would warrant a Code Red, such as: full blown mutinies, hostile boarding parties, and Space Wizards automatically authorise lethal force.
Note: The Alert Status is not required to be elevated to Code Red as in most of these scenarios the Chain of Command will be too damaged or otherwise occupied to raise the Alert Level."

I don't know about you but I would count "20 antags ripping apart the station with half of security dying" as a code red, and indeed, I had elevated the actual security level of the station to code red with the help of another head of staff.

Okay now for the actual server rules. I assume TBM meant RPR 6 and not RPR 7 in the jobban reason. I'd like to particularly point out this section of RPR 6:
"The overall status of the station factors in to the severity of committed crimes and the proportionality of security response, an assault on an officer resulting in an arrest is unlikely to be worthy of execution while the station is in perfect shape and security are otherwise unoccupied, but is reasonably worthy of an on-the-spot field execution if it occurs during active assault by war-ops with comms down and half the station torn in half by explosions."

Actually let's just use this example given in the text of RPR 6. Active assault by war ops? Well I would count >15 antags as being effectively equivalent to war ops, so check. Comms down? Not entirely but they kept going down and coming back up, the silence interrupted by the screams of dying officers, so I would say check. Half the station torn in half by explosions? Well maybe we dont have that one but we do have half of security torn in half by various sharp implements. I'd say close enough, check.

If the mime had interfered with an arrest in the field it would have been 100% unambiguously justified for me to laser them to death in this situation. I don't see how trying to break out of prison and break another prisoner out of prison at the same time is any less severe. I learned in the ticket that he was "just" a tider and not in fact a hostile antagonist, but even if I knew that at the time, my decision would have probably been the same.

My last piece of advice to mimes expecting not to be lasered to death by security: Perhaps do not interfere in the arrests of hostile changelings during a declared code red emergency and then try to break out of prison when you are arrested. Just a small suggestion which may help any mime players suffering from 200 burn damage.

References of good conduct: N/A
Anything else we should know: I know I'm only getting a jobban of this severity because I have a bunch of previous notes. This next bit is completely unprovable and something that you'll just have to take my word for, but I have actually been making an attempt to jump to lethals less. I'm not trying to just keep toeing the line with this issue. But I can't help but feel it's pretty damn fair to go ham at the point in the round where security is literally dying en masse to a gajillion antags. So, despite the sarcastic tone of this appeal, I want to make a genuine statement here: you are right, I have a recorded history of overescalation. A few of those notes in retrospect I'd say are fair, some I still hold are not. But I am honestly asking you to take a look at this situation irrespective of my history for a moment and see that it was extremely dire and IC would justify the most extreme methods.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by TheBibleMelts » #706451

i'll adjust the RPR cited in the note, you are correct that i meant to point at this.

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6. Deal with the bad guys in proportion to their crime(s).
Restricted antagonists (or crewmembers) should be handled in proportion to their committed crimes. The decision to execute an antagonist should have good in-character reasoning based on their crimes and the state of the shift. Punishments against antagonists that repeatedly commit minor crimes may be escalated. Only antagonists that have committed the most severe crimes may be met with immediate execution.

Security members are expected to consider the full range of punishment options available when dealing with antags. This includes (but is not always limited to) pacification, implants, timed brig sentences, gulag sentences, permabrig, forced borging and execution. Forced borging is considered equivalent to execution in punishment severity.
here's something relevant in the precedent citings.

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The overall status of the station factors in to the severity of committed crimes and the proportionality of security response, an assault on an officer resulting in an arrest is unlikely to be worthy of execution while the station is in perfect shape and security are otherwise unoccupied, but is reasonably worthy of an on-the-spot field execution if it occurs during active assault by war-ops with comms down and half the station torn in half by explosions.
it was not war-ops, comms were not down, the station was not in shambles, and nobody was even presenting you with a physical threat at the time, the mime especially so. the mime had been put in a timerless brig cell by your order, without you knowing what he'd even done, and when he tried to seek freedom from this/free the similarly brigged detective who was telling him you'd gone insane, was killed outright.

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JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) stun attacked BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 69.4)	(53, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:05	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) attacked BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with stun baton (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 59.4)	(53, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:05	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) kicks BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with onto their side (paralyzing) (NEWHP: 59.4)	(54, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:05	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) shoved BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) (NEWHP: 59.4)	(54, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:08	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) stun attacked BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 59.7)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:08	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) attacked BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with stun baton (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 49.7)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:10	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) fired at BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser from Transfer Centre (NEWHP: 49.8)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:10	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) shot BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser (NEWHP: 49.8)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:10	ATTACK	BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) suffered: Second Degree Burns to chest | Damage: 25 (rolled 50/90.5975) | WB: -20 | BWB: 40	(56, 156, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:11	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) fired at BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser from Transfer Centre (NEWHP: 24.8)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:11	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) shot BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser (NEWHP: 24.8)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:11	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) fired at BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser from Transfer Centre (NEWHP: -2.2)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:11	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) shot BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser (NEWHP: -2.2)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:12	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) fired at BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser from Transfer Centre (NEWHP: -29.7)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:12	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) shot BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser (NEWHP: -29.7)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:12	ATTACK	BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) suffered: Third Degree Burns to chest | Damage: 27.5 (rolled 70/103.53) | WB: -20 | BWB: 40	(56, 156, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:12	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) fired at BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser from Transfer Centre (NEWHP: -57.2)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:12	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) shot BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser (NEWHP: -57.2)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:12	ATTACK	BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) suffered: Catastrophic Burns to chest | Damage: 30 (rolled 97/116.942) | WB: -20 | BWB: 40	(56, 156, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:12	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) fired at BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser from Transfer Centre (NEWHP: -87.1)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:12	ATTACK	JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) shot BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the laser (NEWHP: -87.1)	(55, 157, 2)	Transfer Centre
02:03:12	ATTACK	BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) has died (BRUTE: 57, BURN: 169.8, TOX: 0, OXY: 0, CLONE: 0)
your say logs indicate no attempt to even speak to the mime, even though you had the means to do so while trying to fire through his invisible wall, and you passed up the opportunity to handle him properly via your baton stun to skip right to the kill. you have so many warnings to stop playing like this. i believe you when you say you've been trying, but the issue with your playstyle in regards to MRP is still present. other players do not deserve to be taken out of the round because they're being caught in the wake of you /needing/ to win the game.

i feel like your history is relevant to post here at this point, just to demonstrate how many times we've requested you back off about overescalation/powergaming to the expense of others.

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2022-09-01 06:32:50
 As a security officer, went into the HoP's office that was set to emergency access and brought an emitter to blast open the HoP's locker. Was warned about the tiding and powergaming rules even if it's lowpop.

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2022-09-12 11:17:25
 Was talked to and told not to throw out coworkers of the shuttle as a non-antagonist HoS.

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2022-11-14 06:11:04
 As the Head of Security, beat and shot a cyborg to death that was Asimov with zeroth laws to ignore security. While I understand that this may indicate they may be a functioning cyborg or hacked, it's not cool of you to straight up murder them for refusing to leave the bridge after being law two'd - especially if they had not acted hostile at all during and prior to the altercation.

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2023-01-25 20:28:04
 As Head of Security, arrested and gulaged the clown for pushing and shoving sec officers, which is fine, but then spaced him because he got back on the gulag shuttle after finishing his points. HoS thought he was doing this to escape, not that he actually finished.

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2023-02-14 21:38:25
As a Head of Security, bought a binary key from an SSD traitor after seeing a bluescreened APC. Hours later, outed a malfunctioning AI which rolled by random event because of it. Agreed upon by admins to be /very/ unfun. Asked to be more careful with using traitor gear as Security in the future.

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2023-02-20 06:01:14
Banned from Roles: Head of Security, security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 1 month - (MRP) - As head of security willingly chose to forfeit the use of their baton in exchange for beating station crew to crit with a toolbox.
Jupiter chose to do this because it was a greenshift, citing that they "haven't really done anything that has messed up anybody's round any more than stunbatonning and brigging them would have."
Greenshifts, and mechanically similar sentences are not excuses to abuse the crew as security.
You have a lot of HOS notes, and this doesn't inspire confidence in good faith play as security. Please review RP Rules, Global Rules, and Sec Policy. [Ban was shortened to 10 days due to good behaviour]

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2023-06-06 03:31:20
Was spoken to about treating antagonist callouts like a game of mafia. In this case, outed an obsessed that had nothing to do with them and assisted in their arrest, as a medical doctor. In line with other notes, and this happening on an MRP server, needs to be more considerate of others gameplay.

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2023-06-15 04:41:46
Warned not to jump to extreme lethals as an initial escalation. In this case, as a clown they used an esword to crit someone who had stolen pies from them. Understanding once the ideas were explained to them, along with the limits and timings of escalation.

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2023-06-21 06:36:55
As the HoS full stripped, cuffed and flushed another Security Officer down disposals in the Brig who ignored their direct orders to fight a dragon. While demoting them for an insubordination was valid taking all of their possessions, ID included, was not. Next time please use the demotion console and leave the demotee with whatever is theirs(minus security gear)

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2023-07-19 04:44:18
Warned about usage of disposals to handle criminals as a security officer. If a suspect is in crit, either get execution authorization or ensure they're healed.

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2023-07-25 18:57:19
Banned from the server for 2 days - Killed the AI after carding it when the DM AI didn't respond to a knowledge check. He killed it because it was 'annoying' Also jumped to lethal to deal with a crowd that wanted the card back. Has a history of overescalation

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2023-08-20 05:18:48
After an interaction during a revs round where they ended up shooting the CMO who'd been transform stung - stunning them and field executing them wordlessly despite the evidence - has been asked to stop playing so gung ho and make efforts to be far less triggerhappy. Granted revs made the round chaotic, but there is a pattern forming here.

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2023-09-14 15:31:17
Banned from Roles: Head of Security, security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 7200 minutes - Shot a clown to death for spreading Pierrot's Throat and eating a large amount of vaccine pills to try and prevent people curing themselves. Clown hadn't posed an existential or violent threat to anybody, so shooting him to death was pretty disproportinate to his crime here, but did allow the clown to be revived afterward during our PM's. Please work on fine tuning your 'should I put this man to death' meter when dealing with criminals and you'll be a real baller security player.

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2023-10-01 02:41:12
Banned from Roles: Head of Security, security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer for 10080 minutes - An Officer placed a mime in a timerless cell for interfering with an arrest, eventually tried to escape. Jeff had been feeling as though there were a large volume of antagonists on the station and didn't want to spare the time to deal with them normally, and so justified lasering the mime to death on the spot while they attempted to escape. Jeff was unaware of why the mime had even been brigged, and this reaction was not proportionate to his crime per RPR 6. This is the 10th recorded ban/note I can see related to things like this.

i really, really think you'd be much happier if you played on LRP, as almost all of these issues are just due to brushing up against our MRP ruleset. i am not interested in lifting this ban.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by Archie700 » #706484

To be clear: what you said was a ling was actually a traitor with emp nades and an emp implant.

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[2023-10-01 01:56:47.382] GAME-SAY: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "Alice has a shiton of EMP nades" (Transfer Centre (56,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:56:52.067] GAME-SAY: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "fuckin broke comms" (Transfer Centre (56,157,2))
[2023-10-01 01:56:59.982] GAME-SAY: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "actually it wasnt me" (Transfer Centre (56,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:01.724] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "WE ARE KILLING ALL KNOWN THREAST" (Prison Wing (71,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:03.240] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "TO THE STATION" (Prison Wing (71,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:05.336] GAME-SAY: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "it was in promotion" (Transfer Centre (56,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:07.045] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "THERE ARE TOO MANY" (Prison Wing (71,155,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:08.060] GAME-SAY: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "so probably" (Transfer Centre (56,157,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:08.867] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF" (Prison Wing (71,155,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:11.348] GAME-SAY: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "bartender" (Transfer Centre (53,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:12.830] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "AND GET OUT OF PERMA" (Prison Wing (70,153,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:14.217] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "THAT IS AN ORDER" (Prison Wing (70,153,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:18.957] GAME-SAY: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "what..?" (Transfer Centre (55,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:21.776] GAME-SAY: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "yeah" (Transfer Centre (55,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:26.039] GAME-SAY: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "you heard" (Transfer Centre (56,157,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:27.381] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "EXECUTE" (Transfer Centre (59,150,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:40.049] GAME-SAY: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "No I just dont get what you are saying" (Transfer Centre (56,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:45.105] GAME-SAY: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "I saw the emp come from you" (Transfer Centre (56,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:47.684] GAME-SAY: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "there are other traitors" (Transfer Centre (53,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:51.787] GAME-SAY: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "yeah but i didn't use it" (Transfer Centre (53,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:56.280] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "KILL THEM" (Transfer Centre (58,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:57.236] GAME-SAY: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "crowbar" (Transfer Centre (56,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:58.963] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "AND GET GEARED UP" (Transfer Centre (58,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:57:58.977] GAME-SAY: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "emp shit" (Transfer Centre (56,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:58:09.395] GAME-SAY: JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) "ITS A LING" (Transfer Centre (56,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:58:09.501] GAME-WHISPER: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "shit sec" (Transfer Centre (56,157,2))
[2023-10-01 01:58:15.042] GAME-SAY: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "oh thats new" (Transfer Centre (54,157,2))
[2023-10-01 01:58:25.740] GAME-WHISPER: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) "shitsec!" (Transfer Centre (54,156,2))
[2023-10-01 01:58:26.872] GAME-SAY: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "sending to chapel" (Transfer Centre (55,156,2))
This was the arrest that led to the Mime being arrested for interfering:

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[2023-10-01 01:48:08.582] ATTACK: BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) slipped on the [floor] (Central Tram Dock (126,124,3))
[2023-10-01 01:48:21.195] ATTACK: BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) cast the spell Invisible Wall. (Central Tram Dock (123,121,3))
[2023-10-01 01:48:22.011] ATTACK: BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) slipped on the [floor] (Central Tram Dock (123,123,3))
[2023-10-01 01:48:38.395] ATTACK: BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) attacked Purotozilla/(Jimmy Holiday) with steal (COMBAT MODE: 0) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 98.2)  (Starboard Tram Dock (153,120,3))
[2023-10-01 01:50:32.683] ATTACK: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/venom (15u, 1 purity)) from the syringe to [syringe] (Central Tram Dock (111,115,3))
[2023-10-01 01:50:32.685] ATTACK: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) fired at [floor] with the syringe from Central Tram Dock (Central Tram Dock (111,115,3))
[2023-10-01 01:50:32.688] ATTACK: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) shot Humanlike/(Pharmacist Prue) with the syringe REAGENTS: Venom, 15 (NEWHP: 94)  (Central Tram Dock (111,115,3))
[2023-10-01 01:51:05.144] ATTACK: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) attacked [red scrubbers pipe] with the circular saw (Central Tram Underpass (134,121,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:06.437] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) fired at Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) with the disabler beam from Central Tram Underpass (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (132,118,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:07.832] ATTACK: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) attacked [External Access] with the circular saw (Central Tram Underpass (135,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:07.836] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) shot Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (134,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:08.291] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) shot Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (134,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:08.784] ATTACK: Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) attacked Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) with circular saw (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 61.2)  (Central Tram Underpass (135,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:08.932] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) shot Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (134,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:09.363] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) shot Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) with the disabler beam (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (134,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:11.993] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) stun attacked Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (136,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:13.197] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) grabbed Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) passive grab (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (136,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:15.001] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) stun attacked Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (137,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:16.996] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) attempted to handcuff Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (137,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:19.706] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) failed to handcuff Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (137,123,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:24.320] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) stun attacked Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (137,124,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:27.769] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) stun attacked BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 65.4)  (Central Tram Underpass (137,124,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:30.557] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) attempted to handcuff Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (137,124,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:34.221] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) handcuffed Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (137,124,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:34.803] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) grabbed Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) passive grab (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Central Tram Underpass (137,124,2))
[2023-10-01 01:51:35.648] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) stun attacked BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 65.4)  (Central Tram Underpass (137,124,2))
[2023-10-01 01:52:07.014] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) stun attacked Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Station Asteroid (87,122,2))
[2023-10-01 01:52:12.868] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) grabbed Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) passive grab (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Station Asteroid (92,118,2))
[2023-10-01 01:52:14.826] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) stun attacked BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 65.4)  (Station Asteroid (93,119,2))
[2023-10-01 01:52:19.613] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) stun attacked BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the stun baton (NEWHP: 65.4)  (Station Asteroid (90,120,2))
[2023-10-01 01:52:22.110] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) attempted to handcuff BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) (NEWHP: 65.4)  (Station Asteroid (90,119,2))
[2023-10-01 01:52:25.958] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) handcuffed BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) (NEWHP: 65.4)  (Station Asteroid (90,119,2))
[2023-10-01 01:52:27.245] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) grabbed BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) passive grab (NEWHP: 65.4)  (Station Asteroid (90,119,2))
[2023-10-01 01:52:28.373] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) grabbed BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) aggressive grab (NEWHP: 65.4)  (Station Asteroid (90,119,2))
[2023-10-01 01:52:35.442] ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) grabbed Lobito/(Alice Bluepill) passive grab (NEWHP: 84.1)  (Station Asteroid (90,119,2))
Logs from https://scrubby.melonmesa.com/round/215779
Harusha wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:07 pm Archie, are you a Christian?
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Byond Username: JupiterJaeden

Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by JupiterJaeden » #706504

First of all a couple notes on the history.

The admin message from atlanta-ned was lifted as it was meant for another person. (viewtopic.php?f=34&t=34334)
The ban about blood brothers was also lifted and the associated note was deleted. (viewtopic.php?f=34&t=34764)
^ At a minimum please remove these two from the post. I have no idea why they were even put in there considering they are both 100% lifted.
The HOP locker one was just me being a dumb new officer tiding a bit and is really not related to the other ones. It is also from over a year ago.
The "throwing people out of the shuttle one" was just a note that I was left because the admin literally didn't bother investigating into the issue further (and they even said as much in the ticket). I just never bothered appealing it because it was minor severity.
Finally I would argue the 2 ones about disposals have nothing to do with overescalation or powergaming and everything to do with the fact that I found (and still find) flushing people to be irresistibly funny. For some context the secoff I demoted in one of those notes wasn't just not fighting a dragon, he was just dressed up in a chicken suit and completely ignoring security duties entirely. It was hilarious and flushing him was also hilarious.
To be clear: what you said was a ling was actually a traitor with emp nades and an emp implant.
Ah, my mistake. Doesn't really change the context of situation in any significant way imo though.
it was not war-ops, comms were not down, the station was not in shambles, and nobody was even presenting you with a physical threat at the time, the mime especially so.
The point I was making there was that the situation was just about as dire. Comms were repeatedly cutting in and out. It was not literally war ops but instead of the station being assaulted by a team of 3-4 people it was being assaulted by like 15 of them. Even if structurally the station was not in complete shambles, security absolutely was. Nobody was threatening ME (except arguably the detective who did try stunning me) at that exact moment but I wasn't thinking about me, I was thinking about the officers dying on radio while we were mucking about in the brig trying to handle 4 cuffed people.

I think it's a little unfair of you to keep trying to downplay this. Did you observe the same round I did...? Just minutes after I died things had went to complete shit. Space dragon ascended, heretic ascended, and I'm pretty sure sec was almost entirely wiped out if not entirely so. I am not exaggerating when I say there were ~20 antags running about. The ball was already rolling on this well before I died and I knew it was. I generally pay very close attention to the radio as security and I already knew about >5 active antags not including the ones we caught in the brig and in between spats of comms going out I heard the security force slipping one by one. I don't have to see them getting slaughtered right in front of my eyes to know that it's going on. Despite the problems that this level of dynamic insanity brings, it does actually make for quite some good drama, I must say.

Anyways, you literally even made changes to the config and said as much in the discussion after the round ended. If a round is severe enough that it justifies changing the config for the whole server, why are you trying to claim that things weren't that bad?

Here is another question I have. IF you still hold that the problem with my actions was that things weren't actually that bad, at what level of frenzied chaos would you have seen what I did to be acceptable? Does that level even exist? Genuinely I would like an answer to whether you believe the actions I took were something that could have been justified in a somehow MORE desperate situation or if they were something that would just never have been acceptable.
the mime had been put in a timerless brig cell by your order, without you knowing what he'd even done,
I spoke like one sentence about the mime amidst the pandemonium. What I meant by "leave him in there" was "don't cranium him like the others". I didn't want to just turn the mime loose because there is a pretty good chance he was arrested due to being one of the ~20 murderous antags running around. But I didn't also want to summarily pass judgement on him when I hadnt personally seen him do anything yet. When I saw him having broken out of the cell and trying to break the det out, that showed to me at the time that his intentions were not cooperative or innocent.
your say logs indicate no attempt to even speak to the mime, even though you had the means to do so while trying to fire through his invisible wall, and you passed up the opportunity to handle him properly via your baton stun to skip right to the kill.
Okay, sure. I could have stayed and chatted with the escapist mime, perhaps I would have had enough time before getting murdered by a subverted borg. And tried to wait for him to explain himself through emoting (while he was actively welding down the other cell wall of course) or grabbed him a pen and paper. All things that I would normally do and have done on many occasions! It's different when my entire security force is actively being slaughtered.

Staying and chatting with him was never going to be a sensible option. What I could have done was just ignore him and move on, which would have been a valid, sensible choice, and is the one I first tried to take. Seeing him try to break out of prison and try to break the det out changed my opinion. Of course a relatively minor crime like that would not normally ever be grounds for execution, but the state of the shift at the time completely changed that.. My thinking at the time was that 1) Okay, this guy is trying to break out, there is a really high chance that he is one of the serious threats to the station given he was part of that batch of arrests and 2) I also did not want him (or the det he was breaking out) trying to revive any of the like 4-5 bodies scattered around the floor.

Again, for a comparison, if I had seen a random mime trying to weld into the brig from outside, and critically: knowing there are like 20 antags about and most of sec is dead/dying, would you genuinely see an issue in that situation with me just gunning them down with lasers?
other players do not deserve to be taken out of the round because they're being caught in the wake of you /needing/ to win the game.
Is it a little unfortunate that the mime got swept up with a bunch of other people who were relatively way more guilty? Sure. But it was also something completely avoidable on their part- from what I understand this wasn't even a case of sec getting the wrong guy, it's a case of a mime deciding to be a funny man during code red. In other words, an IC issue.
i really, really think you'd be much happier if you played on LRP, as almost all of these issues are just due to brushing up against our MRP ruleset.
I have no desire to play security on Sybil or Basil (dear god don't get me started on that). Terry is okay-ish but does not have population most of the times I normally play. Besides that, I love manuel, I like the server culture and a lot of the people. And genuinely, like I said before, I am not trying to continue brushing against the rules on this issue.
i am not interested in lifting this ban.
I'm not gonna ask for other headmins to review right away before asking you to reconsider. At the very, very least I would want the note amended to more accurately reflect the context this happened in.
Last edited by JupiterJaeden on Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by TheBibleMelts » #706514

the mime being arrested

Code: Select all

01:51:27.769 ATTACK: Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) stun attacked BobbyHillPropane/(Oui Chef) with the stun baton
the red alert in question

Code: Select all

01:56:15	GAME	JuanXBr/(Ozob Korolenko) triggered and JupiterJaeden/(Jeff Gaiman) confirmed event Red Alert.
looks like it wasn't a red alert when the mime was up to their shenanigains.

from the mimes perspective
I was riding around the lower levels in maint and I crashed into a sec off twice while they were arresting someone. The first time was aimed at the guy they were arresting. The second was genuine lag
no logs of shoves or anything like that, it looks like it was indeed from a skateboard crash.

Code: Select all

02:02:42	SAY	Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "Mime was the one who interupted me arresting alice"
02:02:50	SAY	Dr . Oof/(Krisster Fless) "with the skateboard"  
JupiterJaeden wrote:The admin message from atlanta-ned was lifted as it was meant for another person. (viewtopic.php?f=34&t=34334)
The ban about blood brothers was also lifted and the associated note was deleted. (viewtopic.php?f=34&t=34764)
^ At a minimum please remove these two from the post. I have no idea why they were even put in there considering they are both 100% lifted.
that's weird as hell, i copy pasted these directly from the DB. looks like they don't get removed when we do it ingame - i'll remove them from the post, my bad.
Staying and chatting with him was never going to be a sensible option. What I could have done was just ignore him and move on, which would have been a valid, sensible choice, and is the one I first tried to take.
you stood there laser-in hand for what seemed to be the duration of his invisible wall, even a verbal warning issued here would have pushed the situation in your favor and justified a harsher outcome.

I'm not gonna ask for other headmins to review right away before asking you to reconsider. At the very, very least I would want the note amended to more accurately reflect the context this happened in.
sure, i'm not opposed to this. what would your draft of this note contain that's missed context?
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by TheBibleMelts » #706898

it's been a few days since my above post, so i'm going to close and move this one tomorrow if the interest has been dropped.
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Byond Username: JupiterJaeden

Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by JupiterJaeden » #706899

Hold on, I am making one more (short) post.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by JupiterJaeden » #706900

you stood there laser-in hand for what seemed to be the duration of his invisible wall, even a verbal warning issued here would have pushed the situation in your favor and justified a harsher outcome.
Fair enough, I could have used that chance to warn him. That would have been a reasonable decision but it was just not something on my mind while all of security was dying.

I'd like to request review from the other headmins if only because I've seen a lot of people disagreeing with the ban so I figure I'll give it a shot, though I don't necessarily expect an overturn. Other than that though I have lost interest in arguing this further.
sure, i'm not opposed to this. what would your draft of this note contain that's missed context?
I disagree with the wording of me "feeling" that there were a large volume of antagonists when it was objectively true and I was aware of them. I'd also like it added in that I was so obsessed with moving quickly because there was actively tons of security dying, and I'd also like it mentioned the mime was breaking somebody else out, as these all factored into my decision making.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by Fikou » #706904

why are you requesting headmin review if you dont expect an overturn tbm did literally offer you a changed note
fnr rules wrote:You are able to request that head admins review an appeal that is unable to come to an amicable resolution, however you are not entitled to a review occurring.
this is now invoked
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by JupiterJaeden » #706952

Okay, sure. Like I said in my post I was only requesting it because I have had a number of people say they felt this ban was unjustified, including people who have reached out to me directly to say it. It's no big deal to me if you decide not to review.

Like stated before I would still like the wording of the note edited to factor in the additional context that I mentioned, as I don't think the current wording fairly captures the whole situation. TBM can approve or deny this as they see fit.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by TheBibleMelts » #707082

most of the context we've since learned since this ban was place is only going to make the note look worse given the realizations of what the mime had actually done. which was, rode a skateboard, smacked into an officer once by mistake, and then once by lag, before being arrested/bucklecuffed in a cell and told that he was in danger from a murder-crazed HoS by the detective - a prophecy that ended up being fulfilled.
Now, this note makes it sounds like I "didn't want to spare the time" out of the pure coldness of my heart and my disregard for this poor mime's round. However, what actually happened is that while I was attempting to deal with the shitshow in the brig, multiple officers were dying on the radio screaming for help, which was moreso my motivation.
you argue 'pure, hectic chaos' here, but were given more than enough time to simply use your words to diffuse this situation in the length of time you spent silently waiting on the other end of the invisible wall, or just to leave and address these officers you say were screaming for help on the radio.

these actions were spurred by you feeling like you weren't able to spare the time to deal with them normally, and it resulted in you wordlessly dealing with another player as though they were just another life-threatening loose-end.

unless you can point to a part of the note that you feel misrepresents the situation and can suggest a more proper phrasing of it, i do not feel as though it's worth adjusting myself.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by JupiterJaeden » #707196

I'd suggest: "An Officer placed a mime in a timerless cell for interfering with an arrest, eventually tried to escape. Jeff had been feeling as though there were a large volume of antagonists on the station and didn't want to spare the time to deal with the mime normally due to other security dying across the station, and so justified lasering the mime to death on the spot while they attempted to escape and free another prisoner. Jeff was unaware of why the mime had even been brigged, did not attempt to talk despite having a clear opportunity to do so safely, and this reaction was not proportionate to his crime per RPR 7. This is the 10th recorded ban/note I can see related to things like this."

I also added in the fact that I didn't try to talk with the mime as it's a solid point and I should have at least issued him a fair warning, although I hold my actions were still reasonable given the other circumstances.
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Re: [TheBibleMelts] JupiterJaeden - Actual dynamic moment

Post by TheBibleMelts » #707672

JupiterJaeden wrote: Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:20 pm I'd suggest: "An Officer placed a mime in a timerless cell for interfering with an arrest, eventually tried to escape. Jeff had been feeling as though there were a large volume of antagonists on the station and didn't want to spare the time to deal with the mime normally due to other security dying across the station, and so justified lasering the mime to death on the spot while they attempted to escape and free another prisoner. Jeff was unaware of why the mime had even been brigged, did not attempt to talk despite having a clear opportunity to do so safely, and this reaction was not proportionate to his crime per RPR 7. This is the 10th recorded ban/note I can see related to things like this."

I also added in the fact that I didn't try to talk with the mime as it's a solid point and I should have at least issued him a fair warning, although I hold my actions were still reasonable given the other circumstances.
sure thing, note adjusted.

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