I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

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I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Sabbat » #91001

Your byond account:Sabbat
Your character name:Pantsu The Mime
Their character name:I AM A CLOWN
Their byond account(optional, but useful if you can provide it): Don't know it
Server and time: Server 2, 5PM ish PST on may 26?

Logs and/or screenshots: My only logs are post-death admin PM's and what I AM A CLOWN claimed he did, everything else cut off because deadchat spam. I would like to request adminlogs for both of us, mainly because of one point the clown tried to make where he claimed I stole something from him which is why he started the fight in the first place, so I want to see if ANYBODY stole anything from him or if he COMPLETELY made that up.

Description of what happened: This is a three parter in three separate situations. I will explain each one exactly how they happened

Part 1:
Clown is in cargo foyeur, I walked up to try to hug him, he slips me and kicks me. I am not even sure if I hugged him before he slipped me or if he did that before I'd even done THAT much. I follow him and hit him with my bottle since mimes don't have banana peels or slippery PDAs it was my only way to do the same thing he'd done, back to him. (That is do a little damage and knock him down. Fair retaliation, same outcome.) He proceeds to grab my empty bottle and stab me into crit with it immediately while I just laid there. I adminhelped, Sticky instantly sides with the clown in one of the fastest responses I've ever had to an ahelp ever, which pissed me off a bit. In that time, somebody (I think the cargo tech) walked up while the clown was stabbing me, so he stopped and started bringing me to medbay, supposedly so he wouldn't get security called on him. I am not sure, I was in crit so I don't know if the guy said anything.There was a big argument with Sticky while I was in cryo over Sticky saying it was valid and me saying bullshit he attacked me first out of nowhere and I hit him back one time.

Part 2:
Second time, I went back to cargo to get my things, grabbed my bottle and put it in my backpack, then saw Cargo had ordered a bunch of foam shotguns so I walked up to grab one, I AM A CLOWN immediately starts hitting me with an extinguisher, I shot a foam dart at him while running away, he continues attacking me, I attempted to slip him on a bar of soap I grabbed in medbay, didn't, so I said fuck it and tried to disarm him instead, all while trying to get to security while he's beating me. A security guard walks up, he runs away, the guard gives me CPR and drags me to medbay. I am now pissed because Sticky still thinks this is valid. Sticky says "Well you disarmed him" when I adminhelped about being attacked unprovoked YET AGAIN. I didn't disarm him until after he'd been hitting me for a while and I was running away. I wish I had logs, but that's why I asked for adminlogs.

Part 3:
I am still in cryo from the guard bringing me in, still arguing with Sticky, and I AM A CLOWN comes into medbay, walks around in circles for a bit, then walks up to my cryo tube and ejects me, so I disarm him and he starts beating me with an extinguisher again. I was already nearly dead so I got maybe a punch in before I was in crit again and the chemist attempted to save me, but I died. Sticky finally says "That was too far", then later says "No he was just trying to get healed and you just happened to be there he had no way of knowing you were there", there was a big argument, I was pretty pissed off because in every single situation, Sticky had sided with the clown and I had been attacked unprovoked every time. I said a lot of rude things toward Sticky but in no way do these make the actions of the clown valid, just because I was being a dick to the admin since he was being a dick to me. From what I understand, admins are supposed to be mediators and not immediately take one person's side so of course I was pissed.

On the other hand, if I can have admin logs you will see that the clown lied about his reasons for attacking me, literally every single time. I never disarmed him or stole his bananas the first time, which is his excuse for starting the first fight by slipping and kicking me. I never disarmed him the second time until after he'd already hit me several times with a weapon. And he watched the security guard start to give me CPR and drag me away, of course he knew I was in medbay, saying "He didn't know I was there" yet walking straight up to the one cryo tube that had somebody in it is total bullshit and the fact that Sticky sided with him every single time purely on his word is the reason I have to make this thread.

Why they should be banned: Like I've said though, it sucks I don't have proper logs of the incidents but if an admin can post logs you'll have all the proof you need that the clown completely lied about his reasons for attacking, that after he had slipped and kicked me I only hit him back ONCE before he immediately responded by hitting me into crit while I didn't even fight back, that in the second one I never touched him before he attacked me, even a disarm, let alone a harmful attack or one with a weapon, and in the third I don't know if cryo tubes log anything but you'd see he lied about that too, he claimed in dead chat after I brought it up that he wasn't even near the tubes, but he claims that after just saying that I popped out and shoved him. He is completely full of shit, lied about everything in his admin PMs and got away with it. Edit: I left out my point in my rant. Ban he because he is a kill baiting, antagonistic shitlord who uses clown as an excuse to grief.
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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Stickymayhem » #91006

They got a note for it when I handled this in game.

I watched the entire thing from start to finish, and what I saw was the clown mistakenly hit you once for taking their peel, when it turned out someone else had disarmed them at the same time, and then the clown ran away. You followed them and smashed the bottle over their head, which is definitely escalation. It covers them with flammable shit, it's a solid stun, does damage and leaves you with a deadly weapon in your hand to boot. The clown did the reasonable thing of disabling you by whacking you into crit, then restraining you and immediately bringing you to medbay and personally healing you up before leaving.

I don't honestly believe you didn't go straight back to cargo just to start shit again, because you grabbed your broken bottle on the way and went right up to them personally, out of all the other people in cargo.

Later the clown came to medbay to heal, and someone ejected you from cryo at which point you immediately started fighting them again. I warned them for starting shit with you in medbay and the extended fight in chemistry and gave them a note.

The clown didn't lie. He was disarmed by someone else, and thought it was you because you had been hugging him. Really the thing that made me unsympathetic was you following him a fair distance to smash him in the head with the bottle, even though he'd clearly left, and you returning to cargo for suspicious reasons. The only thing you left was that broken bottle. You grabbed it and ran straight up to them having had a fight with them before.

Additionally critting people in an escalated conflict isn't against the rules, especially if they take you to medbay which they did immediately and without prompting.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Byond Username: Sabbat

Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Sabbat » #91007

There was no fight in chemistry involving me, I was in crit when he tried to drag me into chemistry so people couldn't save me. If he got in a fight in chemistry, he was attacking other people. How many people did he attack, over the course of the round? He's obviously using clown as an excuse to grief, so I can bet I wasn't the only person, but I might have been the only one he attacked into crit after starting a fight with.

One hit is not proper escalation. ESPECIALLY if you START the fight. Getting hit back doesn't give you the right to murder people. Banana stun also lasts longer than bottle stun, and you can easily pull them and keep slipping while you're kicking them the entire time which also has a stun chance.

I also call bullshit on him claiming that ANYBODY stole from him. I just plain don't think this ever happened. I don't even remember seeing anybody near him before I walked up, let alone when I was next to him for him to somehow mistake me being in the room for disarming him.

Logs will provide solid proof that he lied about everything. Last time I checked, lying in admin PMs is bad. If you're so confident in your judgement and what you believe happened I don't see why you don't post them.
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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Stickymayhem » #91008

He didn't start the fight. He hit you once and ran off.

As I said, you don't have to escalate every single thing until someone is in crit. You can just walk away.

He had no way to stop you other than to crit you, he brought you straight to medbay and that's it.

Sorting out some clean logs takes some effort. I'll post them tomorrow when it's not nearly 3am
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Byond Username: Sabbat

Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Sabbat » #91009

Really, because being slipped and on the ground gives him a lot of time to simply walk away. That seems like I was disabled, on the ground, unable to attack him.

It's almost like he didn't need to slip me and kick me in the first place and could have just walked away. He started the fight, plain and simple. He lied about his reason, he took a single retalation blow as an excuse to murder because his entire intent was kill baiting and using clown as an excuse to grief. See: His dead chat reasoning behind slipping and kicking me. "I was being a clown".

Edit: The logs of him saying this!

DEAD: I AM A CLOWN says, "I was just clowning."
DEAD: I AM A CLOWN says, "Slipping is clowning."
DEAD: Pantsu The Mime says, "No that's not clowning"
DEAD: Pantsu The Mime says, "That's called griefing"
DEAD: Pantsu The Mime says, "Attacking people isn't comedy"
DEAD: I AM A CLOWN says, "Slipping is clowning."

He doesn't even reference him thinking I stole something from him. His excuse was "he was clowning". His dead chat excuse doesn't even match what you say he did or what you said his reasons were. He was literally just griefing.
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Byond Username: Stickymayhem

Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Stickymayhem » #91018

But he didn't murder you. He crit you and brought you straight to cryo.

A slip and single whack before running away seems like "Leave me the fuck alone". Also that quote is pretty much worthless. He says him slipping was clown behaviour, you strawman, he reiterates his original point.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Byond Username: Sabbat

Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Sabbat » #91026

How is "Attacking people isn't comedy" a strawman? Are you mentally retarded?

You have had plenty of time to produce logs to prove that your judgement was correct. You're stalling and avoiding it because you know he was unprovoked and you fell for his lies and feigned ignorance. And "leave him the fuck alone" for literally what? Considering I didn't provoke him, that's not what it seems like at all.

Let me point a few things you did out.

Watched him fire extinguisher me, claimed you were there the entire time, yet you said in admin PM "You ran at him again with a broken bottle of course he's going to be defensive". This wasn't the case.

You claim you watched the entire incident, yet you agree with him saying that "I disarmed him" which is why he attacked me. Yet, if you would produce logs, you would have 100% undeniable proof that isn't the case, that never happened. I never charged at him with a broken bottle, I never disarmed him, but these are both things you claim and agree with him that I did, yet the logs will prove I didn't. I'm sure you'll also find that he slipped, cuffed, and attacked people throughout the round that weren't me, also initiating these instances each time. He is an outright griefer.

I'll be honest, the main reason for this thread is because you claimed you witnessed the entire thing yet even your statements aren't what actually happened, usually if I ahelp and an admin doesn't ban the guy I don't bother because there's basically no point, but in this case I know for a god damn fact that nothing you or he claims I did, actually happened. You said "Somebody disarmed him at the same time I hugged him" so he has a right to mistake it for me and attack me, not the case. You claimed I either charged him with a broken bottle or disarmed him which provoked him the second time, not the case, you claim there was a "fight in chemistry", not the case.

I don't know how you can get all of the important details wrong, if you saw the whole thing, but only wrong enough that the guy doesn't get banned and gets a "note" about it but is left to continue being shit in the round until somebody finally kills him for it. You also want to make it seem like I did something to provoke him in every case, or that I started it, or that it was my fault. Complete fucking bullshit, Sticky.
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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by lumipharon » #91032

How is critting him an ok escalation, when the clown slipped him first for no particular reason, then the mime hit him once with a bottle of nothing (which isn't flammable last time I checked by the way)?

Would this make it perfectly fine for someone to push random people over until one reacts, then crit them and dump them at medbay?

Everything after that is dumb, but critting for a single retaliatory hit is pretty retarded.
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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Jeb » #91041

Sabbat wrote:that the guy doesn't get banned and gets a "note" about it
To quote what an admin has told me previously... "Not everything always needs to end with a ban".
Guy that made a thing that got put on the homepage of /tg/station13
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Byond Username: Sabbat

Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Sabbat » #91047

Jeb wrote:
Sabbat wrote:that the guy doesn't get banned and gets a "note" about it
To quote what an admin has told me previously... "Not everything always needs to end with a ban".
Not everything does but making it your life's goal in a round to be a total shit to everybody and then say "You're clowning" pretty much skips the warning and note stages. Like I said, I have this weird feeling if adminlogs get checked I'm not the only person he fucked with. I also doubt that he did much BESIDES fuck with people, seeing how he acted.
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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Stickymayhem » #91089

Sabbat you're nearing pasikonik levels.

I'm not scrounging up logs at 3am for someone throwing a shitfit on the forums for a situation I already resolved in game. I don't get paid enough.

I'll sort it out today. Stop whining.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by tedward1337 » #91099

You don't get paid at all :^)
Major T on Steam/IRC/Twitch/everything else.
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<hg|work> why do we unban people
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Byond Username: Sabbat

Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Sabbat » #91133

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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Stickymayhem » #91140

Sabbat wrote:Waiting.

First Encounter: Clown loses banana to David Wherner, thinks mime did it because mime is hugspamming them, clown punches them then runs off, mime chases after them and bottlesmashes them, clown crits them and takes them straight to medbay, CPRing them all the while.
[18:24:33]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) shaked Shaun Driggers(REDACTED)
[18:25:25]ATTACK: David Wherner(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:26:16]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) punched Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:26:24]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with bottle
[18:26:29]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:30]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:31]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:32]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:33]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:34]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:35]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:36]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:37]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:38]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:39]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:40]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:41]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:41]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:42]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with Broken Bottle(INTENT: HELP) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:26:55]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) CPRed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:26:57]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) CPRed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:27:08]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) CPRed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:27:19]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) CPRed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:27:34]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) grabbed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) passively
Second Encounter: Mime returns to pick up bottle again and runs right up to the clown who is standing still. Mime grabs a foam shotgun, clown starts pummelling them with a fire extinguisher. Clown gets stopped and Mime gets put in cryo.
[18:32:21]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:32:23]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) shot I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with The foam dart
[18:32:23]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:32:39]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with soap(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:32:41]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with soap(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:32:42]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:32:56]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:32:57]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:33:16]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:33:17]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:33:17]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:33:18]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:33:22]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:33:23]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:33:29]ATTACK: Vince Smith(REDACTED) CPRed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:33:33]ATTACK: Kinuia Seaweaver(REDACTED) shaked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:33:35]ATTACK: Kinuia Seaweaver(REDACTED) shaked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:33:45]ATTACK: Sedge M. Nisc(REDACTED) shot I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with The disabler beam
[18:33:46]ATTACK: Kinuia Seaweaver(REDACTED) CPRed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:33:51]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) shot Sedge M. Nisc(REDACTED) with The disabler beam
[18:33:52]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) shot Sedge M. Nisc(REDACTED) with The disabler beam
[18:33:53]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) shot I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with The disabler beam
[18:33:58]ATTACK: Sedge M. Nisc(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:34:01]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Sedge M. Nisc(REDACTED) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:34:02]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Sedge M. Nisc(REDACTED) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:34:02]ATTACK: Sedge M. Nisc(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:34:05]ATTACK: Sedge M. Nisc(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with telescopic baton(INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:34:07]ATTACK: Sedge M. Nisc(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
Encounter three: Clown heads to medbay to heal himself, the first line confirming his testimony. He walks next to cryo, he can't see in cryo but the mime in cryo can see him. The Mime jumps out or gets ejected (Not by the clown) and disarms, then punches the clown. The clown defends themselves, gets another lucky knockdown and wrecks the mime, then drags them to chemistry as people start chasing them. Clown starts to fight everyone trying to stop them (This is mainly what the note was for) I adminPM them and tell them to cut down on the violence, they get arrested, situation is over.
[18:34:56]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) fed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with styptic_powder(20 units);
[18:35:27]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:35:37]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) punched I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:35:37]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:38]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:39]ATTACK: Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) punched I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:35:40]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:41]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:42]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:43]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:44]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:45]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:46]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:47]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:35:49]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:50]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:51]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:52]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:35:58]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) disarmed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:36:03]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) fed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat) with omnizine(10.0654 units);
[18:36:04]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) disarmed Cosmo Coon(REDACTED)
[18:36:06]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) disarmed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:36:15]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) disarmed Hank Roberts(REDACTED)
[18:36:22]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) disarmed Pantsu The Mime(sabbat)
[18:36:23]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) disarmed Cosmo Coon(REDACTED)
[18:36:24]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) disarmed Cosmo Coon(REDACTED)
[18:36:27]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:36:27]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:36:29]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:36:30]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:36:31]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:36:32]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:36:33]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:36:34]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:36:34]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:36:35]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:36:36]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) grabbed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) passively
[18:36:42]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) neck-grabbed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:36:52]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:36:52]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:36:53]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) disarmed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:37:30]ATTACK: Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) stripped I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) of Giggles von Honkerton
[18:39:14]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:39:15]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:39:16]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Cosmo Coon(REDACTED) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:39:18]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) attacked Micah Hynes(REDACTED) with fire extinguisher(INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:39:20]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) disarmed Micah Hynes(REDACTED)
[18:39:22]ATTACK: I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) stunned Micah Hynes(REDACTED) with classic baton
[18:39:22]ATTACK: Meloshevik Rafigdoost(REDACTED) shot I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with The disabler beam
[18:39:23]ATTACK: Meloshevik Rafigdoost(REDACTED) shot I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with The disabler beam
[18:39:24]ATTACK: Meloshevik Rafigdoost(REDACTED) shot I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with The disabler beam
[18:39:31]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:39:36]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:39:41]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:39:46]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:39:51]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:39:59]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:40:02]ATTACK: Meloshevik Rafigdoost(REDACTED) handcuffed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214)
[18:40:06]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:44:04]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stripped I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) of the clown shoes
[18:44:04]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stripped I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) of the clown suit
[18:44:05]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stripped I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) of PDA-I AM A CLOWN (Clown)</>
[18:44:06]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stripped I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) of the radio headset
[18:44:06]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stripped I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) of the clown wig and mask
[18:44:42]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) grabbed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) passively
[18:45:24]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) attacked I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with telescopic baton(INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE)</>
[18:45:32]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:45:37]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) stunned I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) with classic baton
[18:45:43]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) grabbed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) passively
[18:47:03]ATTACK: Gasboom (as Jace Bloise)(REDACTED) grabbed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) passively
[18:47:06]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) grabbed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) passively
[18:47:12]ATTACK: Micah Hynes(REDACTED) grabbed I AM A CLOWN(someone1214) passively
This is just an escalated fight between a mime and a clown, the clown did almost everything right, until they got excessively violent when they were defending themselves against multiple people trying to arrest them. Clowns and mimes get some leeway with each other because generally people who choose those jobs don't mind getting picked on. The issue was resolved at the time and is resolved now. I'm honestly frustrated you baited me into humouring this.
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Sabbat » #91243

There's a two minute gap between my last hug and his attack.

There's a one minute gap between him being disarmed and his attack.

There's a 5 second gap between me being hit and me hitting him back, that's not a lot of "chasing", that's me getting up from a stun and following him a few tiles to hit him back.

There's another 5 seconds before his response is murder. The time it took for him to recover from the stun. Where he could have been calling for security, or any form of help. I was the mime, I didn't have the same luxury without breaking my vow and I didn't expect his response to be murder or I would have broken it to call security. But I had no way of knowing that, hence the post-crit adminhelp.
Second Encounter: Mime returns to pick up bottle again and runs right up to the clown who is standing still. Mime grabs a foam shotgun, clown starts pummelling them with a fire extinguisher. Clown gets stopped and Mime gets put in cryo.
Again, you're trying to downplay what he did and say I somehow provoked it, let's pretend I "ran up to the clown who is standing still and grabbed a foam shotgun", was his response of immediately attacking me with an extinguisher somehow made valid in this scenario? He wasn't standing still, first of all, he ran into the corner of the foyeur when I walked up to the entrance, pulled out an extinguisher, and charged at me. For those who don't know how it was laid out, the crates with foam shotguns were placed and opened at the entrance, I was standing in the doorway and the clown was already in the foyeur.

Logs show that your original two arguments of "you charged him with a broken bottle" and "you diasrmed him" are both untrue, he attacked first, multiple times before I even attempted to disarm.
Encounter three: Clown heads to medbay to heal himself, the first line confirming his testimony. He walks next to cryo, he can't see in cryo but the mime in cryo can see him. The Mime jumps out or gets ejected (Not by the clown) and disarms, then punches the clown. The clown defends themselves, gets another lucky knockdown and wrecks the mime, then drags them to chemistry as people start chasing them. Clown starts to fight everyone trying to stop them (This is mainly what the note was for) I adminPM them and tell them to cut down on the violence, they get arrested, situation is over.
How is him healing himself proof of his intent? He had what, 5 brute damage from me hitting him with soap? Or did he attack somebody else and get hit? If he'd already healed himself with styptic powder from chemistry, why did he enter medbay and walk up to the cryo tubes 30 seconds later? Yes, I disarmed first, yes I punched back, but these are responses to him running up to my cryo tube and ejecting me, I saw him with his extinguisher in hand looking around medbay for me then walking up to my tube, of COURSE I was ready to disarm him the second I got ejected. I punched him at the same time he extinguishered me and I was in crit after the second punch, which is how close to dead I was still.

Seriously, how do you not see why I had to make this thread?

Edit after being more awake and reading the last part you said again:
The way you word everything shows a clear bias that you have for SOME reason. Healing himself "Confirms his testimony", "The mime jumps out", "(Not by the clown)", "the clown defends himself", "wrecks the mime", you are showing very clearly that you don't intend to look at this situation without a strange bias, and I don't know where it comes from, but it's blatant.
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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Vekter » #91320

Thread has been resolved per a headmin.
AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:11 pm As for the ear replacing stuff, you can ask Anne but I don't think this is what I was banned for. If I was all I can say is "Sorry for being hilarious"...
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you
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Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:25 pm
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Re: I AM A CLOWN/General ban?

Post by Vekter » #91364

Ban request unlocked by request of OP.
AliasTakuto wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:11 pm As for the ear replacing stuff, you can ask Anne but I don't think this is what I was banned for. If I was all I can say is "Sorry for being hilarious"...
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:This sucks, dude.
Reply PM from-REDACTED/(REDACTED): i tried to remove the bruises by changing her gender

PM: Bluespace->Delaron: Nobody wants a mime's asscheeks farting on their brig windows.

PM: REDACTED->HotelBravoLima: Oh come on, knowing that these are hostile aliens is metagaming

[17:43] <Aranclanos> any other question ping me again
[17:43] <Vekter> Aranclanos for nicest coder 2015
[17:44] <Aranclanos> fuck you

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