Roleplay Rules Restructure

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Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by dragomagol » #613808

The Roleplay Rules!
They're not nearly as old as Silicon Policy was, but I think they can still be made easier to understand, especially the security and murderbone sections.

- Included Campbell in MRP server list
- Different formatting for the rules
- Moved parts of MRP Rule 2 and Rule 5 into precedents (with links to the precedent sections)
- Changed the title of MRP Rule 4 from "Validhunting and security." to "If you are not part of the security team, you should not go out of your way to hunt for potential antagonists."
- Removed the number from MRP Rule 11 (feels to me more like the main rules secret rule, which is also unnumbered? Feel free to weigh in on this!)

- Broke down the security and punishment section from 1 bullet point to 3
- Broke down Rule 3 and security section from 1 bullet point to 3

- Broke down What IS/ISNT Murderboning? into two sections, one emphasizing what it is, and one emphasizing what it isn't

Proposed formatting changes:

The actual wording:

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=Roleplay Rules=

Made for our roleplay servers (Manuel/Campbell). If roleplaying isn't your style, every other server still abides by the standard rules.

Please note that a ban on the low roleplay servers is a ban on the medium roleplay server, and vice versa.

1. These are extra rules.
The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a replacement for. Big difference.

2. Escalation and roleplay.
Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.

3. Chain of command and security are important.
The head of your department is your boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something unreasonable, such as spacing you for spraying graffiti on the walls, you shouldn't freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or arrested in real life. This also means that if you're in the chain of command, and especially if you're in Security, you're expected to put in some effort and do your job.

4. If you are not part of the security team, you should not go out of your way to hunt for potential antagonists.
You can defend yourself and others from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security force is present. The exception to this rule is when game modes such as blob or nuke ops appear on the server - you are free to fully engage with these antagonists, after all, they're a pretty massive threat to everyone onboard.

5. Antagonism, murderboning, and roleplaying as an antagonist.
You're an antag, great! Try your best to play the role to drive the round forward, inserting conflict into the round is important. Your actions should make the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone (Though some people will just lose, and that’s part of the game.)

6. Deal with the bad guys in proportion to their crime(s).
When dealing with antagonists deal with them proportionally to their crime(s). Someone who stole the captain's medal shouldn't be immediately lasered to death, but lethal injecting someone who has killed four people is understandable. If an antagonist shows a willingness to engage with you, do your best to reciprocate it, though leniency as to their punishment is still in your court.

7. Do not spam in either OOC channels or IC channels.
This applies to both typical spam and reading porn or copypastas (like WGW). In the latter case, even one instance of reading it once in-game is against the rules.

8. Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be aware of just to give yourself an advantage.
Do not powergame. Powergaming is gearing up or preparing in other ways to face an issue that is not related to your job and is not currently a credible threat. Someone going missing on the station, and then you making a stunprod to wield whenever you go into maint is powergaming. However; knowing there have been murders occurring across the station, and grabbing a stunprod while you go to fix wires in maint is fine.

9. Play as a coherent, believable character.
Real life realism is not required, and you are encouraged to be a little silly within the context of the SS13 game world. (Clowning around, people spontaneously exploding and creating ridiculously elaborate machinery are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) There's a good chance your character still wants to have a job at the end of the day, so you should probably act like it.

10. Stay in your lane.
Stay in your lane. This means that you should do the job you signed up for and not try and do other people’s jobs for them. If you need something from another player you should attempt to ask them to get it for you instead of just taking it. If there is no one around to do a job or you get permission to help or grab something it is acceptable to stray from your lane.

The not-so-secret rule of sticky situations and mayhem.
Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really want to play out a hostage situation, or turn someone into a living cake-cat abomination, or just dick around a little, confirm with the involved and affected players ICly first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to whatever terrible atrocities you have in store, then you’re good to go.

Keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if the clown agreed to being murdered.

=Precedents & exceptions: Examples and exceptions to the main rules.=
==Rule 2 Precedents==
1. Self-defense is allowed to the extent of saving your own life.
2. Putting someone into critical condition is considered self-defense only if they attempted to severely harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defense.
3. Fistfights and the like are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any warning is almost always unacceptable in most circumstances.

==Rule 5 Precedents==
1. You can treat your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve, but you are also encouraged to ignore them if you have got a better idea.
2. Certain antagonists are restricted to the kind of death and chaos they can bring to the round, while others are not; refer to the murderboning chart for specifics.
3. You do not have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you should make an effort to add to the round in some capacity.
4. In general, make an effort to roleplay as the antagonist role you've been assigned. If you want to break with what is expected of your role then you can but it should make sense for your character to do this and should create some form of conflict. A traitor immediately outing themselves to security and acting as a regular crewmember for the rest of the round is boring and is a waste of the role.
5. However, one who pretends to do so in order to get security gear, falsely imprison their target, and kill them while they are isolated in prison contributes to the round.

=Security Policy & Precedents=
==Security and Punishments.==
1. When dealing with the crew and antagonists, make sure their punishments are in proportion to their crime(s). Minor crimes such as departmental break-ins, stolen equipment should be met with short, but increasing sentences depending on recurring visits by the apprehended. Stealing critical station equipment and items such as the hand teleporter, Chief Engineer's hardsuit, or AI upload boards are more severe crimes and should be met with longer prison times, or potentially permabrigging if the crime is deemed severe enough.
2. Murder and Major Sabotage rank amongst the most severe of crimes and can generally be met with permanent imprisonment or death, though leniency can still be offered. These are all general guidelines, and the particular context of a situation can vary greatly, so you are given some leeway as to how harsh or lenient you can be.
3. You should make an effort, if the situation permits, to contact a superior as to their thoughts when a situation arises in which a prisoner may be executed or permanently imprisoned.

===Rule 3 and Security.===
1. The chain of command within your department is roughly the same as the regular servers, HoS -->Warden-->Officers/Detective.
2. You are expected to follow the orders of your superiors, especially when determining the punishment of those you apprehend. When determining severe punishments such as perma, and execution, make an effort to contact 3. You are allowed to disobey a superior's order but make sure you have a very good reason to do so, as complete disregard for the chain of command is not tolerated.

=What IS/ISNT Murderboning?=
==Murderboning IS==
* killing typically large amounts of the station’s population without regard and/or in direct violation of one’s objectives
* killing someone and and being explain why without going into deep hypotheticals such as "they could find the body if they happened to walk across the station to the opposite corner of the map", or “because I can (as antag)”
* killing anyone without justification

This is different than killing individuals who simply aren’t listed in your objective.

Setting up situations where you can evade these restrictions (i.e. placing a body in an open location, not making an honest attempt to hide it, then killing individuals who “stumble” upon it) or otherwise maximizing the kill count without justification is also against the rules.

In short, you should be able to very quickly and easily explain why an individual was killed.

Do note that as an antagonist, your job ideally is to create an interesting story with the objectives, freedoms, and abilities as the framework to complete this task. This means:

* Permission to kill is NOT the same as obligation to kill. Feel free to approach a situation as non-lethal as you’d like even if you would be okayed by the administration to kill.
* Feel free to ask an admin to change your objectives or for permission to murderbone in the pursuit of running an interesting gimmick on a non-murderboning role. They might even be willing to make it easier to run!

==Murderboning is NOT==
Reacting to slights with lethal force.
    They still cannot kill randomly, but antagonists are subject to relaxed escalation rules. "Slights" here can include people shoving them repeatedly, stealing from them or going out of their way to greatly insult them. 

    Someone actively trying to make it difficult for you to complete your objectives is fine to eliminate in pursuit of completing your objective. This would include witnesses. 

    If you for instance bomb your target, it is not considered murderboning if other individuals die in the explosion. This can include self-defense situations where individuals dying from a result of being in a crowd after you would also not be considered murderbone. 

Directly benefiting the pursuit of your objective(s).
    An individual carrying an item you have to steal or killing someone to get closer to your mark (IE a doctor whose patient just happens to be your target) would fall into this category. 
AKA tattle

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Re: Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by wesoda25 » #613826

Made for our roleplay servers (Manuel/Campbell). If roleplaying isn't your style, every other server still abides by the standard rules.
If we’re rewording can we change this? It carries the implication that roleplay doesn’t happen on our other servers.
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Re: Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by dragomagol » #613828

That's probably not a bad idea. Do you have an idea of what it should be? Something like "higher roleplay"?
AKA tattle

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Re: Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by wesoda25 » #613830


“Made for our higher roleplay servers (Manuel/Campbell). If you prefer a more relaxed experience, our other servers abide by the standard ruleset.”
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Re: Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by Mothblocks » #613836

On a similar note to wesoda...
dragomagol wrote: 2. Escalation and roleplay.
Going out of your way to seriously negatively impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
This is also effectively how it works on LRP, it seems counter-productive to put it in the MRP specific rules not just for redundancy (since I think re-iterating what is critically important is fine), but also that I don't want "don't leave a room, get murdered" to be an expectation for LRP.
dragomagol wrote: The head of your department is your boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something unreasonable, such as spacing you for spraying graffiti on the walls, you shouldn't freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or arrested in real life.
Same with this snippet, valid demotions are protected just like valid arrests on LRP.
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

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Re: Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by dragomagol » #613873

I'd agree with the assessment of rule 2, but I think the MRP rules benefit from having a main rule about protecting valid demotions.

I think another rule that could fall into the "possibly redundant" category is rule 7, the one about spamming. I don't really think that needs to be just an MRP thing.
AKA tattle

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Re: Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by Mothblocks » #613890

Sure, I just excluded that one since people expect that WGW on LRP gets you lynched, not banned.
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
Head Coder of /tg/station, hi!

Head Admin of /tg/station Feb 2022.

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Re: Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by EuSouAFazenda » #613977

In the murder boning chart, I think Heretics should go from "Yes, but only after ascending" to "No, except when you're ascended.". That way it doesn't come off as "Normally yes except..." but rather as "Normally no except..."
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Re: Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by wesoda25 » #614976

I think Rule 6 should have a precedent which states that security does not have to offer antagonists who are mechanically dangerous/uncontainable its' protections, and that EOTC in and of itself is not a valid reason for execution.
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Re: Roleplay Rules Restructure

Post by NamelessFairy » #616279

We believe that the restructure brought forward here would be an improvement and such we'll be implementing it.

Headmin Votes:

NamelessFairy: Yes
Dragomagol: Yes
RaveRadbury: Yes

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