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Revision as of 19:09, 20 April 2016 by Atlanta-Ned (talk | contribs) (Bacon pancakes makin' bacon pancakes)
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20 April 2016

Erwgd updated:

  • The autolathe can now make trays.

Fox McCloud updated:

  • Fixes abductor vests having no cooldown between uses

Kor updated:

  • You can now craft boats and oars out of goliath hides. These boats can move in lava.
  • Added a spooky, upgraded boat to necropolis chests.

coiax updated:

  • Slime grinders now cease suction of new slimes while grinding

coiax, Joan updated:

  • Drone dufflebags now have their own sprite.

kevinz000 updated:

  • Admin Detection Multitool: A multitool that shows when administrators are watching you! Now you can grief in safety!
  • Syndicate R&D scientists have significantly increased the range of their "AI detection multitools", making them turn yellow when an AI's tracking is near, but not on you just yet!