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Stuff you slap on to your gun to make it better. Or worse, in some aspects.

Item: Desc.:
TGMC Magnetic Harness.png

Magnetic Harness

A magnetically attached harness kit that attaches to the rail mount of a weapon. When dropped, the weapon will sling to a TGMC armor or your back.
But why don't you just use a pick up macro?
Pickup macros are disabled for guns. Use these or a pistol lace instead.

Exact stats: -999% frustration when pounced on

TGMC flashlight.gif

Rail Flashlight

Has no drawbacks, but isn't particularly useful outside of providing a light source.

Exact stats: 6 tile light radius


Red-Dot Sight

A red-dot sight for short to medium range. Does not have a zoom feature, but does increase weapon accuracy and fire rate while aiming by a good amount.
No drawbacks.

Exact stats:
Wielded: +15% accuracy, -50% aim mode firing penalty
Unwielded: +10% accuracy

TGMC scope mini.png

Mini Rail Scope

A small rail mounted zoom sight scope. Allows zoom by activating the attachment. Use F12 if your HUD doesn't come back.

Exact stats: +0.2 seconds wield delay
Wielded: +5% accuracy, modest slowdown
Unwielded: -5% accuracy

TGMC scope.png

T-47 Rail Scope

A marine standard mounted zoom sight scope. Allows zoom by activating the attachment. Use F12 if your HUD doesn't come back.

Exact stats: +0.4 seconds wield delay
Wielded: modest slowdown
Unwielded: -5%

TGMC attachment build-a-sentry.png

Build-A-Sentry Attachment System

The Build-A-Sentry is the latest design in cheap, automated, defense. Simple attach it the rail of a gun and deploy. Its that easy!

Exact stats: 130% increase in friendly fire instances.

TGMC attachment motion detector.png

Tactical Sensor

A device that detects hostile movement. Hostiles appear as red blips. Friendlies with the correct IFF signature appear as green, and their bodies as blue, unrevivable bodies as dark blue. It has a mode selection interface.

Item: Desc.:
TGMC Suppressor.png


A small tube with exhaust ports to expel noise and gas. Does not completely silence a weapon, but does make it much quieter and a little more accurate and stable at the cost of bullet speed.

Exact stats: +10% damage falloff, halves bullet speed
Wielded: +10% accuracy,-5% scatter,-2 recoil
Unwielded: -5% scatter, -3 recoil

TGMC Extended Barrel.png

Extended Barrel

A lengthened barrel allows for lessened scatter, greater accuracy and muzzle velocity due to increased stabilization and shockwave exposure. Makes your weapon longer(obviously), making it unlikely to fit in a holster.

Exact Stats: doubles bullet speed, +1 item size
Wielded: +15% accuracy, -5% scatter
Unwielded: +10% accuracy

TGMC Recoil Compensator.png

Recoil Compensator

A muzzle attachment that reduces recoil and scatter by diverting expelled gasses upwards. Makes you look like you're overcompensating for something.

Exact stats:
Wielded: -15% scatter, -2 recoil
Unwielded: -15% scatter, -2 recoil

TGMC heavy barrel.gif

Barrel Charger

A fitted barrel extender that goes on the muzzle, with a small shaped charge that propels a bullet much faster. Greatly increases projectile speed at the cost of a small amount of accuracy.

Exact stats: triples bullet speed
Wielded: -10% accuracy
Unwielded: -10% accuracy

TGMC bayonet.png


A knife you can attach to the muzzle of your gun to increase melee damage. Comes in 2 types, regular and M22(your standard knife). The difference is only cosmetic. Makes your weapon longer.

Exact stats: +25 melee damage, +1 item size
Wielded: -5% accuracy
Unwielded: -10% accuracy

Pistol Lace.png

Pistol Lace

A lace you can put on your pistol to cinch it to your wrist.

Exact stats: -999% pistol dropped on floor and melted

Item: Desc.:
TGMC Laser Sight.png

Laser Sight

Fookin' laser soights. A laser sight placed under the barrel. Significantly increases one-handed accuracy and significantly reduces movement penalties to accuracy.

Exact stats:
Wielded: +10% accuracy
Unwielded: +15% accuracy

TGMC Vertical Grip.png

Vertical Grip

A custom-built improved foregrip for better accuracy, less recoil, and less scatter when wielded especially during burst fire. However, it also slightly increases wield delay and makes unwielded fire more cumbersome. Makes your gun slightly bigger, possibly making it not fit in holsters.

Exact stats: -100% scatter, +1 item size, +0.2s wield delay
Wielded: +10% accuracy, -10% scatter, -2 recoil
Unwielded: -5 accuracy, +5% scatter

TGMC Angled Grip.png

Angled Grip

A custom-built improved foregrip for less recoil, and faster wielding time. However, it also increases weapon size, and slightly hinders unwielded firing.

Exact stats: +1 item size, -0.3s wield delay
Wielded: -1 recoil
Unwielded: -10% accuracy, +5% scatter

TGMC gyro.png

Gyroscopic Stabilizer

A set of weights and balances to stabilize the weapon when burst firing or moving, especially while shooting one-handed. Greatly reduces movement penalties to accuracy. Significantly reduces burst scatter, recoil and general scatter.

Exact stats: -50% running accuracy penalty
Wielded: -5% scatter, -2 recoil
Unwielded: -10% scatter, -1 recoil

TGMC bipod.gif


A simple set of telescopic poles to keep a weapon stabilized during firing. Greatly increases accuracy and reduces recoil when properly placed, but also increases weapon size.

must be activated to stabilize. Can be deployed anywhere, not just behind barricades or next to a wall

Exact stats: +2 item size, -10 melee damage
When active: -50% aiming fire rate penalty, -30% scatter, +30% accuracy

TGMC attached gun flamer.gif

Mini Flamethrower

A weapon-mounted refillable flamethrower attachment. It is designed for short bursts. Holds 20 units of fuel. Does not immediately set xenos on fire. Best used for area denial in a pinch.

when active, middle click to fire. to refill it from a welderpack, grab the welderpack in one hand and the weapon+miniflamer on the other, then click the gun with the welderpack

Exact stats: 4 tile range, 20 unit capacity

TGMC attached gun shotgun.png

Masterkey Shotgun

A weapon-mounted, three-shot shotgun usually used for breaching actions, hence the name. Reloadable with 12 gauge buckshot. The short barrel reduces the ammo's effectiveness.

when active, the weapon now acts similarly to the T-35 pump shotgun. Click normally to fire, use Unique Action to pump it after each shot. Can only be reloaded while active

Exact stats: 3 shell ammo capacity

TGMC attached gun grenade.png

Underslung Grenade Launcher

A weapon-mounted, reloadable, two-shot grenade launcher. Also called the noob tube by salty xenos. Or at least, that's what the synth says they call it. It might look like it can only hold one grenade, but it does in fact hold two. Chalk it up to bluespace magic or some shit.

when active, middle click to fire. Can only be reloaded while active

Exact stats: 2 grenade ammo capacity, 7 tile range


TX-7 plasma pistol

This sidearm can uniquely be attached to other weapons as an underbarrel attachment. A popular addition due to it's great damage, incendiary and area denial capability and respectable capacity

when active, middle click to fire. Can only be reloaded while active

Exact stats: 10 shot capacity, 7 tile range

Attached gun pepperball.png

Mini pepperball gun

An unusual weapon attachment intended more for riot control purposes. Has some value against xenomorphs due to its ability to drain their plasma. More commonly used to shoot naked marines in prep due to a lack of military police.

when active, middle click to fire. Can only be reloaded while active

Exact stats: 20 shot capacity

Item: Desc.:
TGMC t19stock.png

T-19 machinepistol stock

A submachinegun stock distributed in "small" numbers to TGMC forces. Compatible with the T-19, this stock reduces recoil and improves accuracy, but at a reduction to handling and agility. Seemingly a bit more effective in a brawl. Use this if you plan on using the T-19 as your primary weapon.

Exact stats: +1 item size, +5 melee damage, +0.1s wield delay
Wielded: +10% accuracy, -10% scatter, -2 recoil
Unwielded: -10% scatter

TGMC t35stock.png

T-35 stock

A non-standard heavy stock for the T-35 Shotgun. Less quick and more cumbersome than the standard issue stakeout, but reduces recoil and improves accuracy. Allegedly makes a pretty good club in a fight too.

Exact Stats: +2 item size, +5 melee damage, +0.4s wield delay
Wielded: +15% accuracy, -20% scatter, -3 recoil
Unwielded: n/a

TGMC stock tactical.png

MK221 tactical stock

A stock for the outdated MK221 tactical shotgun. Should've been phased out a while ago, but looks like the RO forgot to remove them from inventory.

Exact stats: +2 item size, +5 melee damage, +0.2s wield delay
Wielded: +10% accuracy, -15% scatter, -2 recoil
Unwielded: n/a