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The Factory

Requisitions features a modular factory system, orderable from the Factory section of the ASRS inventory. Although the system has a high startup cost, this will significantly decrease the cost of any items produced over their manually purchased variants. Here is a link to the cost-efficiency of manufactured items over their purchased equivalents.

The Factory system works by connecting the various production machines in sequence, with running conveyor belts between them. You can order the entire set of all factory machines from the ASRS Factory tab, and the conveyors can be produced from Requisitions autolathe.

A sample factory, with an Unboxer-Cutter-Reconstructor pathway. Finished items will be placed to the right of the reconstructor.

The conveyors will require belts and a switch. Print both from the autolathe, and use the switch in-hand to link the belts to it, before setting them on the ground to deploy. To rotate a belt, use a wrench on it. To remove a belt, use a crowbar.

Each item produced requires a different factory pathway, all of which start from the Industrial Unboxer. These pathways are described in the pamphlet in the Starter Kit, or in the production chart below.

Wrench the factory modules into place along the conveyor track to secure them. Rotate them to fit the direction of incoming resources using a screwdriver; if a machine is facing north, it will be taking resources from its south side.

To produce an item, ensure that the machinery pathway is accurate, then order the necessary resupply kit from the Factory tab. Use the kit on the Unboxer to load it, then turn on the unboxer by clicking it. This will start the process.

The following chart lists all items currently producible by the Requisitions factory, as well as their associated resupply costs and machinery pathways.

Item: Info:
TGMC grenade phosphorus.png

Phosphorus-resistant plates refill

Resupply kit for the Type 8 WP grenade. Produces 30 items.
Cost: 900 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory cutter.png Cutter.
TGMC factory heater.png Heater.
TGMC factory former.png Former.
TGMC grenade M15.png

Rounded M15 plates refill

Resupply kit for the M15 fragmentation grenade. Produces 30 items.
Cost: 500 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory cutter.png Cutter.
TGMC factory former.png Former.
TGMC HE Rocket.png

SADAR missile assemblies

Resupply kits for the SADAR rocket types. Comes in HE, AP, and WP flavors. Produces 15 items.
Cost: HE: 500 Points, AP: 600 Points, WP: 400 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory cutter.png Cutter.
TGMC factory heater.png Heater.
TGMC factory flattener.png Flattener.
TGMC factory reconstructor.png Atomic Reconstructor.
TGMC T160 HE.png

T160 Recoilless Rifle missile assemblies

Resupply kits for the recoilless rifle missile types. Comes in HE and LE flavors. Produces 15 items.
Cost: 300 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory cutter.png Cutter.
TGMC factory heater.png Heater.
TGMC factory reconstructor.png Atomic Reconstructor.
TGMC T25 box.png

All IFF Ammo

Production pathway for all IFF ammo types, including T-29, T-25, and T-81.
Cost: T-25 Boxes: 200 Points, T-29 Drums: 500 Points, T-81 Magazines: 400 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory cutter.png Cutter.
TGMC factory reconstructor.png Atomic Reconstructor.
TGMC claymore.png

Claymore parts refill

Resupply kits for the claymore. Produces 30 items.
Cost: 300 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory reconstructor.png Atomic Reconstructor.
TGMC factory former.png Former.
TGMC MRE pizza.png

Nanotrasen "Eat healthy" margerita pizza

Resupply kit for the margerita pizza. Produces 30 items.
Cost: 290 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory cutter.png Cutter.
TGMC factory heater.png Heater.
TGMC mateba.gif

Mateba speedloader parts refill

Resupply kits for mateba speedloaders. Produces 30 items.
Cost: 300 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory cutter.png Cutter.
TGMC factory flattener.png Flattener.
TGMC TX220.png

Railgun round parts refill

Resupply kits for railgun cartridge magazines. Produces 30 items.
Cost: 200 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory cutter.png Cutter.
TGMC factory flattener.png Flattener.
TGMC factory reconstructor.png Atomic Reconstructor.
Tgmc tx8.png

TX-8 magazine parts refill

Resupply kits for TX-8 magazines. Produces 30 items.
Cost: 500 Points

Machinery Pathway:
TGMC factory unboxer.png Unboxer.
TGMC factory cutter.png Cutter.
TGMC factory heater.png Heater.
TGMC factory former.png Former.