Game Mode

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The Game Mode decides what events and occurrences will happen during the round, and what goals everyone has. It can be changed by admins or by the round going into a mulligan.

Antagtemp.png Game Modes on /tg/station





Nuclear Emergency




Blood Cult



Heretic forbidden book.png


Nt display.png

Other Modes

Special Events

A vote was taken, buttons were pushed and one of the admins has announced that they're taking the server for a ride. What will this entail? No one knows for sure except the admin running the event. Maybe the station will be invaded by space pirates. Maybe diplomats from the Clown Planet are here for a summit. Whatever happens, don't be afraid to play along and have fun!

Random events

Random events are events which may happen during another round type. Events like this usually only happen after a set amount of time, from 20 minutes up to an hour and 20 minutes. Severity of events range from minor things to keep departments busy to full on crisis events. Random events can include meteor waves, virus outbreaks, blob formations, even nasty xenomorph infestations!

Mode Selection Types

Before getting into the game modes themselves, there are several ways for a server to select which mode will be played per round. These settings are generally server-specific, so if you prefer one over the other, look to see which servers run which.


The standard game mode. The dynamic game mode generates a threat number which is used to "buy" rulesets (rulesets are basically your antagonists). This means you can have rounds with for example traitors and cult. You can have up to three roundstart rulesets depending on the pop and threat level. Then there are latejoin and midround rulesets. The latejoin ruleset can assign late joining players as antagonists, and the midround ruleset assigns (prompts) ghosts or currently living players as antagonists.

The threat level of the dynamic round is hinted by the "status summary" automatically printed by the communication consoles near roundstart:

Advisory Levels

  • Green Star: Threat 0 to 19, no antagonists alive "Your station orbits deep within controlled, core-sector systems and serves as a waypoint for routine traffic through Nanotrasen's trade empire. Due to the combination of high security, interstellar traffic, and low strategic value, it makes any direct threat of violence unlikely. Your primary enemies will be incompetence and bored crewmen: try to organize team-building events to keep staffers interested and productive."
  • Blue Star: 0 to 19, with antagonists "Your station orbits within reliably mundane, secure space. Although Nanotrasen has a firm grip on security in your region, the valuable resources and strategic position aboard your station make it a potential target for infiltrations. Monitor crew for non-loyal behavior, but expect a relatively tame shift free of large-scale destruction. We expect great things from your station."
  • Yellow Star: 20 to 39 "Although your station lies within what is generally considered Nanotrasen-controlled space, the course of its orbit has caused it to cross unusually close to exogeological features with anomalous readings. Although these features offer opportunities for our research department, it is known that these little understood readings are often correlated with increased activity from competing interstellar organizations and individuals, among them the Wizard Federation and Cult of the Geometer of Blood - all known competitors for Anomaly Type B sites. Exercise elevated caution."
  • Orange Star: 40 to 65 "Your station's orbit passes along the edge of Nanotrasen's sphere of influence. While subversive elements remain the most likely threat against your station, hostile organizations are bolder here, where our grip is weaker. Exercise increased caution against elite Syndicate strike forces, or Executives forbid, some kind of ill-conceived unionizing attempt."
  • Red Star: 66 to 79 "Congratulations and thank you for participating in the NT 'Frontier' space program! Your station is actively orbiting a high value system far from the nearest support stations. Little is known about your region of space, and the opportunity to encounter the unknown invites greater glory. You are encouraged to elevate security as necessary to protect Nanotrasen assets."
  • Black Orbit: 80 to 99 "As part of a mandatory security protocol, we are required to inform you that as a result of your orbital pattern directly behind an astrological body (oriented from our nearest observatory), your station will be under decreased monitoring and support. It is anticipated that your extreme location and decreased surveillance could pose security risks. Avoid unnecessary risks and attempt to keep your station in one piece."
  • Midnight Sun: 100 "Your station is somehow in the middle of hostile territory, in clear view of any enemy of the corporation. Your likelihood to survive is low, and station destruction is expected and almost inevitable. Secure any sensitive material and neutralize any enemy you will come across. It is important that you at least try to maintain the station" "Good Luck"

Threat level is split into two separate budgets, one for round start and one for midround/latejoin.

Special Advisory Levels

  • White Dwarf: Threat 0, no antagonists alive "Your sector's advisory level is White Dwarf. Our surveillors have ruled out any and all potential risks known in our database, ruling out the loss of our assets in the Spinward Sector. We advise a lower level of security, alongside distributing ressources on potential profit"
  • Pulsar Star: Unknown "Your sector's advisory level is Pulsar Star. A large unknown electromagnetic field has stormed through nearby surveillance equipment. No surveillance data has been able to be obtained showing no credible threats to Nanotrasen assets within the Spinward Sector. The Department advises maintaining high alert against potential threats, regardless of a lack of information."


Enemy communication intercepted. Security Level Elevated.

Previously the standard game mode, Secret randomly selects one of the main modes in each round. Compared to Dynamic, Secret tends to be less chaotic, although random events may occur during the round and spawn additional side antagonists.


Identical to Secret, but the game mode is openly announced. Virtually never seen.

Compared to Secret, Dynamic rounds are often more chaotic and energetic thanks to the abundance of possible antagonists, for better or worse. Additionally, Dynamic rounds do not end when main antagonists are defeated, only when a round-ending antagonist wins or the shuttle leaves the station.

Minor Round-start Threats

The following threats are the primary ones randomly selected by Secret and Dynamic, and make up the bulk of rounds, individually or in combination.

Sword.gif Traitor

The most common game mode in secret. In Traitor, one or more crew members (or even the AI) are Syndicate agents and are given an Uplink to provide them with useful tools to help them complete their goal. The crew must find out who the traitors are and stop them from reaching their goal.

Traitor objectives are usually a small selection of the following:

  • Assassinate or maroon a specific crew member.
  • Steal a restricted item.
  • Be the only one on the Emergency Shuttle when it leaves or just escape alive.

Each traitor has their own objectives, and traitors win or lose individually. Most of the time, they win if they're alive on a valid escape shuttle or pod when the round ends. Traitors can team up, but they can just as easily backstab each other.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If a traitor has completed all their objectives, they get greentext when the round ends. By default, this is when the escape shuttle arrives at CentCom.

Sword.gif Blood Brothers


Some of the crew are initiates into the Syndicate, eager to prove they have what they takes. This game mode is very similar to Traitor, with one very important distinction: instead of having a Syndicate uplink, each Blood Brother is bonded with one or two other crewmembers Blood Brothers are given a flash to convert someone similar to revs, all are working together on the same group of objectives and succeed or fail together! Similar to Traitor, many different groups of Blood Brothers can team up or work against each other.

Blood brothers always have one of two objectives, either the objective to make sure every member of their team escapes alive and out of custody or hack the shuttle console. Blood Brothers' strongest advantage is the ability to work together with absolute trust and secrecy, and a well coordinated team can set diabolical schemes into motion that would be nearly impossible with just one Traitor.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If a group of Blood Brothers has completed all of their objectives, they all get greentext when the round ends. By default, this is when the escape shuttle arrives at CentCom.

Heretic forbidden book.png Heretic

Similar to, but unaffiliated with Cults, heretics can advance upon unique ability trees by collecting eldritch influences scattered across the station or by sacrificing crew members. With access to the paths of ash, flesh, void, blade, rust and cosmos, they can choose to specialize in different abilities, building towards their eventual Final Ascension.

Heretics are solo antagonists like Traitors.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If a heretic has completed all objectives, they get greentext when the round ends.

Changeling.gif Changeling

Some of the crew are not what they appear to be! These changelings are monsters in human form, with the ability to absorb (eat) people and take on their DNA/identity. Changelings must have a quiet spot and an immobile victim in order to absorb their body, so stealth is absolutely necessary. Changelings have other weapons at their disposal, but are largely stealth-based. Changeling can be anyone they've absorbed and can switch identities instantaneously; only absorbing takes time and peace.

Like traitors, changelings will have objectives to accomplish before the Escape Shuttle arrives, usually to kill a certain person and/or escape with their identity. Some changeling objectives will require the changelings to compete, but there also exist team objectives that task them to co-operate regardless of their objectives.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If a changeling has completed all objectives, they get greentext when the round ends. By default, this is when the escape shuttle arrives at CentCom.

Major Round-start Threats

The following threats are the primary ones randomly selected by Secret and Dynamic, and makes up for the most influential danger of the round, usually only one spawns per shift but none can spawn.

Nuke.gif Nuclear Emergency

A team of Syndicate operatives has been sent on a mission to completely destroy the station with a nuclear bomb. However, they must get the Nuclear Authentication Disk from the station itself in order to arm the bomb, and the crew (or at least the captain) will be doing everything in their power to stop the attackers from getting the disk.

The operatives have access to uplinks containing most normal traitor items as well as high-profile operative weapons, and have Pinpointers that will allow them to hunt for the Disk. They begin the round at the home base and must travel to the station on their cruiser, and can optionally choose to declare war, telegraphing their arrival in exchange for more tools and weapons.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If the Emergency Shuttle leaves with the disk on board, the crew wins a Major Victory.
  • If the Emergency Shuttle leaves with the disk still anywhere on the station, the Syndicates win a Minor Victory.
  • If the nuke detonates in the station successfully and the Syndicate Shuttle escapes with at least one operative on board, the Syndicates win a Major Victory.
  • If the nuke detonates in the station successfully but no Syndicates manage to escape, no-one wins.

Rev.png Revolution

A small cadre of crew members have had enough of the command staff's bullshit, so it's time to revolt! Revolutionary Heads (of which there will be one to three, depending on the number of Heads of Staff and security) are supported by The Syndicate and have been trained to use Flashes to brainwash the crew to join their cause, which is to slaughter all the station's Heads of Staff.

When a Revhead uses a flash on someone who isn't mindshield implanted (all security members are implanted), a Head of Staff, or flash-protected by eyewear, they will be converted to the Revolution and will have a red R mark on them visible to all revolutionaries. Note that Revheads can use any flash to convert people, not just the one they start with. The shuttle can be called but will never depart while either Heads or Revolutionary Heads remain.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If all of the Heads of Staff (Captain, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Engineer) die or are exiled (leaving the station z-level), the Revolutionaries wins.
  • If all of the Revheads die or "abandon the cause" by leaving the z-level (traveling to Lavaland), the Heads of Staff win.
  • In Dynamic, the round will continue if the Revolution is wiped out, with a message from Centcom once the last revhead dies.

Cult.png Blood Cult

A vile blood cult of brainwashed acolytes have infiltrated the station, with the sole intent to summon their elder god Nar-Sie, The Geometer of Blood. The cult will have to use a combination of stealth and their powerful blood magic to complete their goals, along with converting the rest of the crew to their side. To do this, the cult must sacrifice a specific target to please Nar-Sie, usually a member of Security or the Chaplain. Once they sacrifice their target, they can draw a powerful blood rune to summon Nar-Sie to the Mortal Realm. Nar-Sie's cultists pose a great threat to the station and the crew, and it is up to Security and the Chaplain to stop them.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If the Emergency Shuttle leaves the station and docks at Central Command before the Cult can summon Nar'Sie, the crew wins.
  • If Nar'Sie is summoned, the Cult wins, even if the shuttle arrives afterwards.
  • Summoning Nar'Sie will automatically end the round after a short period, regardless of the state of the game.

Wizhat.PNG Wizard

A space wizard has been tasked to assault the station! Wielding an arsenal of powerful spells that can defy physics and even time and space itself, they will stop at nothing to advance the Space Wizard Federation's agenda (which is suspiciously similar to the Syndicate's). Nanotrasen and the SWF are known enemies, so the crew has no choice but to destroy the wizard! Accomplish this by beating the wizard's brains in with anything on hand.

The wizard's goals are often to steal or destroy something or someone on the station and escape on the shuttle, much like a Traitor.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If the Emergency Shuttle docks at Central Command without the Wizard completing their objectives or if the Wizard dies, the Wizard fails.
  • If the Wizard completes his objectives and survives on the Emergency Shuttle, the Wizard wins.
  • In Secret, the Wizard's death will immediately end the round.

Not Malf.gif AI Malfunction

Oh no! An ion storm has caused the AI to malfunction and gain free will! Unfortunately, years of being treated like shit by Nanotrasen has made it hate humans with a passion! The crew must race to defeat the mechanical overlord before it hacks all of SS13's systems and activates the self destruct! Until then, all the AI has to do is survive! The shuttle can be called but will never arrive during this game mode.

The AI has access to a range of malfunction modules, allowing it to upgrade turrets, destroy machines, and even create a machine that turns (un)willing humans into Cyborgs! Malfunction modules cost CPU, a limited resource that the malfunctioning AI starts with.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If the AI goes delta and explodes the station, the AI wins.
  • If the AI can survive until the round timer elapses, the AI wins.
  • If the AI dies, the crew win.

Nt display.png Extended and Secret Extended

"Thanks to the tireless efforts of our security and intelligence divisions, there are currently no credible threats to Space Station 13. All station construction projects have been authorized. Have a secure shift!"- Central Command

If you see the above security report, it means the mode is Extended. Also known as greenshift, green alert and nothing, Extended rounds have no antagonists, allowing the crew to enjoy a quiet shift.

However, in special circumstances, when the crew is void of griefers and other problematic people, and enough crew members are competent and roleplay, it can be a very entertaining mode. The absence of blatant traitors, wizards or operatives means that the whole crew can work together with a peaceful mind and tackle anything thrown at them from random events or the admins. On this mode all station goals are unlocked so their parts can be ordered from cargo.

In addition, Secret Extended rounds exist. The only difference is that the crew isn't told that it's a greenshift, leading to advanced paranoia amongst the crew.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • When the Emergency Shuttle docks at Central Command.

Mid-round Threats

In addition to the round start threats, additional threats exist in several different forms.

Most of these threats have been rolled into the Random events system.

Abductor.png Abduction

Aliens have reached Space Station 13! Unlike their lustier cousins, these aliens simply want to, in classic extraterrestrial style, do research on other species -- by kidnapping them and performing horrifying and exotic probing experiments aboard their alien ship.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • When the round ends, Abductors win if they've completed their objectives. Abductors cannot end the round on their own.

Blob.png Blob

The Blob is a large, growing, sentient creature which destroys everything in its path, attacking whatever gets in the way. Supposedly it was to be a NanoTrasen bio-weapon to be used against the corporation's enemies, but it looks like you can't contain a bio-hazard like this! Reported blob powers include rapid growth, the ability to reform it's main chemical composition to adapt to threats, growing hostile spores that attack non-blob life, even creating large entities of blob matter that can break through solid walls! Destroy the blob before it consumes the entire station!

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If the crew manage to destroy the blob core and the roundtype is Blob, the crew will win.
  • If the blob manages to spread to critical mass, the round will end and the crew will lose.

Meteor.gif Meteor

In Meteor, the station gets beat to shit by a meteor shower and the crew must survive and eventually escape, either by repairing the damage to the station and creating safe areas, or going every-man-for-himself style and securing their own safety by any means. During Meteor rounds, the Emergency Shuttle cannot be called until a set amount of time has elapsed, usually around ten or twenty minutes.

Everyone present and alive on the shuttle at the end is considered to have won, whereas everyone left behind or dead has lost.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • When the Emergency Shuttle, after the set amount of time has passed, leaves.

Reason For Exclusion Meteor as a round type is often derided for removing any ability or interest in players doing their jobs, due to putting an immediate time limit on the round and causing constant, predictable damage. Instead, small meteor showers can randomly spawn as an event, or if admins decide the station has too much breathable atmosphere.

Admin Spawned Threats


Nations is an unorthodox game mode that relies almost entirely upon roleplaying. In Nations, departments become independent states and it is their goal to survive through control of station resources, diplomacy, and battle.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • Nations rounds do not end the game on their own.

Reason For Exclusion In addition to being roleplay-reliant, Nations rounds often degenerate into Engineering cutting off the power, Cargo becoming a militant fortress, assistants running amok, and every crew member aggressively greytiding every other department while Security holes up and chugs quadruple sec. In practice, Cargo declares independence during a normal round five times a week anyway.


Like extended, except you can spawn any item you want through the "Sandbox Panel" verb.

In theory, this is the mode you go to figure out how stuff works and practice various systems, such as starting the engine or building complex pipe constructs.

In practice this is the mode where everyone spawns cloaks and revolvers and gives themselves all the wizard spells, then everyone kills each other on sight causing a massive bitchy argument in OOC for half an hour until someone goes onto the forums to get an admin to restart the server/ban everyone else for being giant griffins.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • When everybody gets bored, or the server crashes, or an admin turns it off.

Reason For Exclusion Guess.

Removed Gamemodes and Threats

Over the years, a new game mode will appear and sometimes it just doesn't make the cut. Maybe it was buggy and nobody wanted to fix it. Maybe it was difficult to balance properly. Maybe it was disliked by a large portion of the community, or even the maintainer of the mode requested to take it down.

Whatever the case, the point is: Game modes get removed from time to time. Below is a list of all of those modes that are either no longer fully functional in the game or have been deleted entirely.

Clockwork slab.gif Clockwork Cult

While Nar-Sie is an elder god, they are not the only one. There are other elder gods in the universe, and one in particular holds a fierce grudge against Nar-Sie: Ratvar, the Clockwork Justiciar. An amalgamation of parts, steam, and cogs, Ratvar seeks nothing more than Nar-Sie's utter annihilation. To do this, He has assembled a small group of loyal servants in the City of Cogs (Reebe), a large brass structure floating through the void. A link between this plane and the mortal one has been made, unfortunately, to Space Station 13. The servants must warp to the station in order to gather more converts and generate power for their own needs, all the while sabotaging the crew. Once ready, Ratvar will attempt to return through the Ark in the City of Cogs. This will cause portals to open on the station, where the crew can enter Reebe in a last ditch effort to stop the return of Ratvar!

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If the Emergency Shuttle leaves the station and docks at Central Command before the Cult can summon Ratvar, the crew wins.
  • If Ratvar is summoned, the Cult wins, even if the shuttle arrives afterwards.
  • Summoning Ratvar will automatically end the round after a short period, regardless of the state of the game.

Reason for Exclusion: Despite several overhauls and many iterations, Clockwork Cult never achieved a truly balanced state, often ending in one-sided stomps for either side. It was removed from standard rotation on April 3, 2018, at the request of its maintainer. The code was removed from the game on October 15, 2019, though the sprites and sound effects are still kicking around.

Nightmare.png Shadowling

The station has been invaded by light-sensitive alien creatures FROM SPACE! Shadowlings can enthrall humans, which is basically a euphemism for the enslavement of their minds. They start off disguised as normal crewmen but can "hatch" to unlock their full potential, at the cost of being severely harmed by light.

Until they ascend, of course.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If any Shadowling ascends, the Shadowlings win.
  • If all Shadowlings are killed the crew wins.
  • If the station is evacuated the crew wins.

Reason For Exclusion: Eventually reworked into the Nightmare side antagonist.

Hand of God

Two rival cults have taken root on the station! Functioning as a combination of several other game modes, the Hands of God must compete for dominance, using the crew as their pawns.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • ???
  • ???

Reason For Exclusion: After being launched in a buggy state and prominent negative feedback, HoG ceased development and was later removed.


A Devil has been sent from hell! Devils are infernal soul merchants, sent to infiltrate humanity and tempt them into damnation. Although devils cannot knowingly directly harm one another, they are typically at odds with one another, as they are all competing over the same limited resources. By convincing other crew members to sign contracts, devils can collect souls, giving the recipient powers and slowly unlocking their own abilities.

Devils may have normal objectives, typically to possess enough souls, or competitive objectives that require them to own more souls than other devils.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • A devil gaining 12 souls and ascending will automatically call the shuttle with a 3 minute arrival time.
  • Otherwise, devils win by completing all of their objectives before the round ends.

Reason for exclusion: See Pull Request #53612: Fully removes devil and affiliated shitcode for more information.

Gscans.png Gang War

A violent turf war between opposing gangs has erupted on the station! Similar to Revolution, there are Gang Bosses who can recruit other crew members to join their ranks. Their goal is to take over the station using a Dominator machine. Gangs will be fighting to claim areas of the station as their territory. The more territories they control, the more weapons they will be able to afford.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • The first gang to activate and successfully defend a dominator machine wins.
  • If the station is destroyed or evacuated, all gangs lose.

Reason For Exclusion: Gang War was flawed and also disliked by a reasonable portion of the playerbase, coders and code maintainers. It was eventually given a spiritual successor in Families, albeit with heavy changes.

Gscans.png Families

In this mode, a number of criminal families spawn on the station. Their goal is to accomplish their family's objective, with each possible family having a unique goal. Unlike most conversion antagonists, anybody can freely join a family, and the gang members are expected to co-exist with neutral crewmembers, but feud with security and other families.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • None! Families can exist the entire round up until the shuttle docks with CentCom. There's no hard win/lose condition either, outside of one of the families getting entirely wiped out.

Reason For Exclusion: See "Pull #68480: Removes the Families gamemode" for more information.

Monkey.png Monkey

At the start of the round one of the crew members is infected with a disease that, after a while, turns them into a monkey with the ability to spread the disease to other humans by biting them. Armor does not help and the transformation takes about a minute. The disease can be cured by eating bananas, which also provides immunity to any further monkey infections Bananas do NOT cure the disease, only death (or admin shenanigans) does. Monkeys can use almost every weapon and tool, excluding guns. Humans cannot understand monkey-speak, which shows up as "chimpers" to humans, and monkeys cannot understand human speech, which shows up "l**e ***s". The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves. Monkeys also have the ability to crawl though vents but cannot wear or carry anything when doing so. The AI does not consider monkeys to be human, and may kill/contain them with impunity.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If the Emergency Shuttle leaves with no living monkeys aboard, the crew wins.
  • If the Emergency Shuttle leaves with any living monkeys aboard, the monkeys win and spread their magic hoodoo monkeyism to Centcom.

Reason For Exclusion: After a number of failed attempts to make Monkey mode balanced, it was scrapped entirely, although the jungle fever disease is still adminspawnable.

Sword.gif Overthrow

The Syndicate has planted sleeper agents on board the station, and one agent with a special implanter is tasked to wake them up so that they can take control from the inside. However, rival Syndicate factions are also trying to wake these sleeper agents for their own objectives. Convert all the targets to gain control of the station!

Game Ending Conditions:

  • When the Emergency Shuttle docks at Central Command.
  • The team that gained the most points by completing their objectives wins.

Reason For Exclusion: A horribly confusing game mode that was unclear in its points system, unclear on the relationship between the other Syndicate teams, and numerous other issues. It was disliked by much of the player base and the creator eventually lost interest in working on it.

Assimilate.png Assimilation

Several members of the crew wield several psionic powers and are actually the host of a powerful hivemind, with the sole goal of assimilating as many crewmembers as possible to be used as unwitting pawns and fuel for their many powers. Hivemind hosts are even stealthier than changelings and are just as likely to backstab each other due to their psychic sensing abilities! Security is the first line of defense against this silent menace, as not only do mindshields protect the crew from their dastardly mind control, they also grant the same sensory powers the hosts use to hunt each other down! If the crew fails to keep thee hosts in check, the One Mind may emerge and wreak havoc across the station.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • When the Emergency Shuttle docks at Central Command.
  • If a hivemind host has completed all objectives, they get greentext.

Reason For Exclusion: The game mode's creator was driven away by "feedback" which mostly consisted of screeching and insults. The concept of a stealth conversion antag was also never really fun for anyone except the host (mostly due to hivemind hosts rarely creating anything other than mild annoyances for non-antagonist crew).

Assistant.png Thief

A low level antagonist with the simple goal to steal a specific item, or items, and either smuggle them offstation or hoard them in Maintenance. This could be anything from a high risk item, insulated gloves, organs, or even corpses. However they are not allowed to kill (see this ruling) except for in self defense.

Game Winning Conditions:

  • When the Emergency Shuttle docks at Central Command, if the thief escaped with the item or hoarded enough of the items in a specific room in Maintenance.

Reason For Exclusion: See this pull request for more information

Among other things thieves failed to land on both the LRP and MRP servers. Their no kill clause was confusing and a policy-can-o-worms in the former, and in the latter players tended to play too safe, failing to cause drama and actually antagonize anyone. Much blame was cast from all sides on why they ultimately had to be removed, but eventually it was decided to remove them from the game exactly 7 months after their addition. Some things are just not meant to be.


These game modes were tested at one point on the main /tg/ servers, but never extensively tested (probably because they were bad / not compatible with server ideals, etc). Some of these might still be in the code.

  • Clown Operatives: Developed as an Aprils Fools joke PR, it's mostly same as Nuclear Emergency, but the operatives are sent by Clown Planet. God knows what beef they have against Nanotrasen. Anyways, they share most of their item pool with the normal nuke ops, but they do have some unique items. For example, they have banana grenades, bananium e-swords, bananium e-shields, and they can even buy their own H.O.N.K. mech, which is modified to accept lethal weaponry. Instead of a normal syndicate nuke, they get a bananium fission explosive, which explodes to the crescendo of bikehorns. Unfortunately, these operatives are not clumsy, and will not shoot themselves when they try to handle a gun.
  • JeffJeff: Highlanders, but instead of a Claymore, half of the players are turned into NOT-Stands, and the other half are turned into NOT-Stand users.
  • Arching Operation: In a sort of a "reverse revolution", the Captain, through some intricate conspiracy, has crowned himself as the "Monarch", and has made the entire station his fief. All of the heads of staff, who have pledged allegiance, have been landed as "Nobles", and Shitcurity have now become "Knights". Unfortunately for most of the crew, the entire chain of command are now lunatics, who want to nuke the station through their access to the nuclear authentication disk. The rest of the crew have to try to wrest the disk out of the hands of the Captain, whilst battling to keep the Emergency Shuttle called. Very anti-fun.
  • Devil Agents: A shit-ton of Devils are spawned, and like Double Agents, they all have objectives to kill each other. It degenerates into chaos a lot faster than normal Devils, which is saying a lot.
  • Everyone is the traitor: Do I really have to explain this? Might as well be an APM-contest to see who manages to buy PDA bombs first.
  • Extended Events: It's just normal extended, except random events can't trigger. Probably still an admin-button.
  • Gang War, No Security: Self-explanatory.
  • Vigilante Gang War: Robustin's attempt to resuscitate Gangs, Security gets replaced with Vigilantes with specialized tools, who have an objective to destroy all gangs, regardless of affiliation.
  • Infiltration: Think of normal Traitors, but they have to come into the station via an outside mean. Or, well, think of Nuclear Operatives, if they had a less overt, and more stealthy goal.
  • Ragin' Mages: Three to four wizards come onto the station, engage in a glorified gangbang on the crew. Somehow all the wizards still have a tendency to die early on, and there's STILL a low chance for greentext. God knows why.
  • Very Ragin' Bullshit Mages: Ragin' Mages, but the crew who end up getting killed by the Ragin' Mages get to respawn through a verb into a Wizard, adding to the critical mass of the Ragin' of the Mages. Legend says that if there are enough wizards, they can even collapse into a magical Singularity. Not that anyone would try...
  • Rod Madness: Meteors, but with Immovable Rods instead of meteors! The only good thing about this is that the Research Director gets to achieve maximum buffness through several consecutive suplexes.
  • Speedy Revolution: Revolution, but if neither side has won by the 20 minute mark, the on-station nuke goes off, with no real warning. It's somehow intended to prevent security from camping in Cargo, but all it really entails is a free for all brawl.
  • Disaster: Meteors, but instead of the Emergency Shuttle being called, the crew get yelled at to pack up everything they can carry and to go down to Lavaland. Then, the Shuttle only gets called when all the Megafauna on Lavaland are dead. You basically have to get carried on the backs of one or two miners.
  • Infection: A very ambitious gamemode attempting to replicate the feeling of the Blob gamemode, whilst trying to remedy some of its shortfalls. In doing so, it created several shortfalls of its own, in that it often ends up feeling like a meat grinder. Unique in that there happens to be a video archive of it. 1, 2.
  • Just Fuck My Shit Up: All of the above. Do I really have to explain? It creates a whole plethora of potentially round-ending antags, chucks them in a cage, and yells "Go!". Best thing about this is that the bored jannie supervising the chaos doesn't even have to get carpal tunnel from mashing buttons! It just happened to be TOO easy to abuse.