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TGMC is a project based on the CM-SS13 codebase.


Difficulty: Hard
Rank: Hatchling (Starting), Young (10hrs), Mature (25hrs), Elder (70 hrs), Ancient (175 hrs)
Duties: Punch humans to death, toss them into harm's way
Guides: This page

The Warrior

The Warrior is a Tier 2 Xeno capable of punching, lunging at humans, and tossing humans around like a soccer ball. Good single-target burst and control, but lacks abilities against multiple targets.

How to CBT marines

Warrior's abilities must be keybinded to really use warrior.


Agility - E, Lunge - F, Punch - R, Fling - Z, Toss - C.

You cannot deal with a single marine if they have their friends aiming their gun at you. To help you and your xenomorphs to destroy marines, you must remove each individual marines away from their group. And this is what you're good at!

The primary responsibilities:

  • Displace marines.
  • Starve them of their medications.
  • Kill lonely ones.

Displacing marines

  • Toss a marine to you friendly xeno gang. Lunge -> Grapple Toss
  • Fling running marines away from safety. Agility -> Run in front -> Agility -> Fling
  • Toss a marine from behind a barricade. Lunge -> Grapple Toss
  • Toss a marine under KAS. Lunge -> Grapple Toss
  • Punch a marine for additional displacement and damage.

Hurting and fatiguing marines

  • Break their ribs (arms/legs). Deals enough damage for a fracture. Lunge -> Attack -> Punch -> (optional attack-> ) Run away
  • Fling them into walls for bonus damage. Lunge -> Attack -> Punch -> Fling -> Run away

Stalking single marines

Aka "Full power"

  • Toggle Agility to run in four legs
  • Untoggle Agility to prepare for lunge. Range is about the screen you see.
  • Lunge to grab marine.
  • Slash. Aim for the leg or head.
  • Punch. Make sure to do it quickly, or the marine will break out and damage will be lower.
  • Slash x3 and run around.
  • Fling him away or in the wall. Do NOT fling towards his friendlies, run around to aim. The marine will drop his weapon.
  • Slash until ded.

Doing it wrong

  • Running around in agility, receiving more damage and forgetting to turn it off.
  • Resting in agility.
  • Coming to a marine in a agility mode.
  • Flinging a marine toward comrades.

Maturity Statistics and Evolution Paths

The Warrior evolves into a Crusher or Gorger.

Maturity increases stats as follows.

  • Slash is the melee damage when the xenomorph is in harm intent and slashing marine. In the code, it's melee_damage.
  • Melee, bullet, laser, energy, bomb, bio, rad, fire, and acid are soft armor values, not hard armor, which means that they reduce damage by a percentage rather than a flat value.
Age Health Plasma Slash Melee Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Fire Acid
Young 290 80 20 30 40 40 30 60 36 36 40 36
Maturity1 scaled.pngMature
310 100 20 34 45 45 34 60 36 36 45 36
Maturity2 scaled.pngElder
330 115 23 38 50 50 38 60 40 40 50 40
Maturity3 scaled.pngAncient
350 120 23 42 55 55 42 60 50 50 55 50

Warrior Abilities

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown
Toggle Bump Attacks
This ability allows you to toggle bump attacks on and off. If for some reason you want to avoid them, toggle this off. The red arrow means it's on; the green arrow means it's off. N/A N/A
This ability is used to rest and get up, you will heal faster when resting on weeds. N/A N/A
TGMC Headbite.png
Psychic Drain
This ability is executed on dead marines. Every dead marines psyhic drained will give 60 psychic points and 1/8 of a larva. 100 N/A
Savage off.png
Drop to all fours to move faster, but lose the ability to use any other abilities until you toggle agility off. Also reduces all your armor by 30 flat. N/A N/A
The Warrior lunges a long range to grab a target, knocking them down and putting them in their grasp. The target can resist to try and break out of your grip, but you can drag them, tackle, slash, throw, or grapple toss. Note that you'll be slow. Range is 7 tiles (horizontally). 25 25 seconds
Grapple toss.png
Grapple Toss
Throw a creature you're grappling up to 5 tiles away. Hard 20 seconds

Shared cooldown

with Grapple Toss

Knock an adjacent target flying up to 3 tiles away, leaving them disarmed and knocked down for a short period. 18 20 seconds

Shared cooldown

with Fling

Strike a target up to 1 tile away, inflicting stamina damage, stagger and slowdown. Deals 1.5x damage, stagger and slowdown to grappled targets. Deals quadruple damage to structures and machinery. 12 10 seconds

Primordial Evolution

Once the hive has enough psychic points, your queen has the option to unlock powerful primordial evolutions for each strain. Primordial evolutions grant additional abilities for the relevant class.
For the XENOMORPH, this primordial ability is XENO NEW ABILITY.

Ability Description Plasma Cost Cooldown
Like punch but another button N/A N/A

Warrior tips & tricks

  • Punching a sentry will tip it over and render them useless unless marines put the sentry back atop.
  • Agile Mode will cause you to get on all fours and run faster, allowing for a quick getaway or confrontation.
  • Agility will also disable abilities and reduce your armor.
  • Punch one-shots APC and snaps wires.
  • You cannot use your Punch, Lunge, or Fling abilities while using Agile Mode
  • Fling retreating marines into harm's way, such as nearby xenos or into walls to slam them into the wall, to deal more damage and prevent escape.


TGMC PFC Jim.png
TerraGov Marines


Command Captain, Field Commander, Staff Officer, Pilot Officer, Transport Officer, Mech Pilot
Vehicle Crew Assault Crewman, Transport Crewman
Engineering and Supply Chief Ship Engineer, Requisitions Officer, Ship Technician
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Researcher
Marines Squad Leader, Squad Smartgunner, Squad Engineer, Squad Corpsman, Squad Marine
Civilians Corporate Liaison
Silicon Combat robots, Synthetic, AI


Tier 0 Larva, Minions
Tier 1 Drone, Runner, Defender, Sentinel
Tier 2 Hivelord, Carrier, Hunter, Wraith, Bull, Warrior, Puppeteer, Spitter, Pyrogen
Tier 3 Gorger, Defiler, Widow, Ravager, Warlock, Behemoth, Crusher, Praetorian, Boiler
Tier 4 Shrike, Queen, King, Hivemind
Others Zombie, Emergency Response Teams, Sons of Mars, Survivor